I wish I was German every day

I wish I was Deutsch every single day of my life.

I want to have a heavenly blessed, traditional German princess bride that I may have a family with. We'll name our kids Francis, Jean, Juliana, Madeleine, Pierre, Genevieve, and Adam.

I wish I was living in the countryside of Deutschland, in a small village, with castles and splendid architecture every mile.

I love your culture, food, women, and accent. You're the most attractive people in the world. German women are literally all models and warmhearted and friendly too.

I want to smoke, use bidets, drink wine, eat delicious pastries, and freely be nude.

>wow i thought you'd all be wearing lederhosen

>german princess

more like a russian rapebaby

just wear lederhosen and drink beer and you are german

Maybe you didn't get the memo, but we have a shitskin majority in 2 generations

>Madeleine, Pierre, Genevieve

why would you name your kids all French names?

Be happy you're American, fellow burger.

We are the 56%.

>mad that no german in the homeland considers you true germans
>you let merkel fuck you in the ass, daily, for 4 years now
>and did nothing
>while your women are raped
>you work wage-slave lives to feed and medicate islamics

Yeah. Keep spamming the mutt shill meme. Your blood is thinner than water.

you always love what you dont have.
those people living in Southern German countryside wants nothing more than American Drive-Thru culture

We work and wage-slave to support Israel, NATO, UN, AND niggers.

>wants to be german

absolutely 56%

>We'll name our kids Francis, Jean, Juliana, Madeleine, Pierre, Genevieve, and Adam
> want to smoke, use bidets, drink wine, eat delicious pastries,
Stupid francophile buttfaced troll, you! :(

>and freely be nude
Wait a sec...

You're black, aren't you?

I don't understand this kind of bait. why french names? to piss off hans?

>allways the same "lol ur getting raped" shit is really getting boring

just Shows that you got an inferiority complex towards Europeans
Go into your McCave and learn better bantz
you are boring us


>German women are literally all models and warmhearted and friendly too.

New babies are at 40%

I think you've been watching too many Disney movies

Even better. More people with soul and rhythm, unlike you autistic robots.

>Germany, putting our bodies on the line for ever more innovation

goddammit just lift and bang US sloots
t. bavarian who currently cant lift due to surgery

germany doesn't exist anymore, it's a dumping ground for third world subhumans and kike usury

You need a high IQ to figure out such creative ways to masturbate. You loose half of your population every year because they forget how to breath.

you do realise, that the german people are a huge percentage of slavic right?

Because the slavs coming in and rapin all the women after ww2. and taking berlin

>Francis, Jean, Juliana, Madeleine, Pierre, Genevieve, and Adam

obvious bait. but at least it's original

True, but for other reasons, older ones

>Francis, Jean, Juliana, Madeleine, Pierre, Genevieve, and Adam.

Uh I think you mixed some things up.


Germany died 70 years ago my man. It's too late to visit Europe.

Amerimutts sure are obsessed with interracial cuckolding

If you think so you´re retarded, germans are nothing more than pussy soyboys nowadays

>german food



>German women

You know nothing. Almost as bad as British cunts.

>a Swede

>tfw no German domme frau to yell at me in German while she beats me
Why, God?

I want to be a bridge troll in a Polish , slovenian or Italian village and harass people to pay me in order to cross the bridge.

what would you take as a payment? Keep in mind you can't piss of peasants too much, because they'll gather a crowd to kill you.

yeah because muslims are the bomb in da house

Are they really that bad? What about girls from Berlin?

Food, coins, alcohol
I don't take credit cards or paper

Berlin is half arabs and half Antifa cunts

>dumping ground for undesirables
>jewish usury
So you're saying nothing new. Germany hasn't changed much since the 1800s

I figured that the Berlin girls would be redpilled regarding Turks and Arabs because of those new years celebration sexual assaults.

The good ones flee. Those who stay or willingly go there look like pic related

That was in Cologne. Besides, for that to happen they'd have to be a little wiser. Germans are very intelligent but also very foolish. That's why they always fall for tricks and cons. You know, like the EU.

Everything east of the Elbe used to be inhabited by Slavic tribes

Oops replied to the wrong person


what do you not like about it? seriously interested

So not being a slav makes you a cuckold green libtard?
WE slav masterrace now.

keked so hard at the names. What is that, french canada on steroids?