>we simply make fliers featuring the buddhist swastika (pic related) and put them up where jewfags are likely to see (bus stops, train stations, colleges, ect).
Sounds simple but just think of how much the uneducated normies will rage.
Bump for epic idea. Needs to be less wordy on the poster and only Buddhist swastika. With a Buddhist thing like namaste.
Camden Gutierrez
>We put up swastikas everywhere >Normies and Jews see them >They send them to the media >Media reports on it >People rage at media/normies/jews for "disrespecting muh buddhists" >Epic lulz ensue
Although this'll probably get skipped over due to the whole thing w/Trump JR so I'm gonna be a cheeky shit and put this on reddit too! :D
Levi Harris
This is epic Bump
Jordan Martin
Charles Hill
So you're saying, use the Buddhist symbol for luck and peace to subvert SJWs?
Be sure to include Buddhist scripture and quotes to really mess them up.
Hudson Kelly
let's say this idea works >swastika becomes symbol of peace how does this even benefit us?
Ethan Perez
We can wear swastikas openly again without fear of retaliation
Andrew Roberts
It's funny.
Bentley Sullivan
Sounds like a plan a Jew would make. No thanks.
Jason Garcia
Jaxson Gray
Check out this Nazi house in my city.
Henry Sanchez
Bump this nigger
Aaron Campbell
Jaxon Hall
nice of you to join the ranks
Juan Nelson
I'm in
Ethan Lee
The libs, jews, and retarded hoard no longer get to whine about the swastika.
Benjamin Williams
I flipped the image now it's a real Nazi house.
Jaxson Cooper
poopjets could do it no problem
Bentley King
Good idea, Goy. Put on swastikas, then giggle when you explain to people that it isn't really a swastika, you're just retarded. Stupid Jew tricks.
Hunter Powell
Why would we explain? Watch them loose their shit and laugh at their ignorance.
Sebastian Jackson
you gotta go bald, if you get arrested you can say you try and promote your religion. If you're already a skinhead well congratulations that shiny head will be useful.
Cooper Flores
>it's the fireplace
Sebastian Torres
"It's Okay To Be Buddhist"
Nathaniel Ross
>tfw I want to set up a yoga studio with a 20ft swastika hanging on the wall, with pictures of mahatma ghandi, BKS Iyengar juxtaposed with framed pictures of himmler, Hess, goebbels and Himmler
Julian Bailey
Oldest swastika was found in Ukraine, dates10000 BC: vimeo.com/103041207 Much older than 600 BC of Buddhism. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mezine >found near Mezine was the earliest known example of a swastika-like form, as part of a decorative object dated to 10,000 BCE
Luis Carter
Hitler* not himmler twice lel
William Jones
>so I'm gonna be a cheeky shit and put this on reddit too! :D Stay there while you are at it...
Hunter Peterson
It’s without a doubt an Aryan symbol that travelled to the east. They remained for more intellectually aware than the West though as we slowly sunk into a depraved state of nihilism and atheism.
Brayden Edwards
Somewhat worried this could give Jews ammo to whine about "rising antisemitism"
Jaxon Sanchez
I like this idea. The symbol needs to be purified from its dark past
David Baker
>swastika becomes symbol of peace That will literally never happen, (((they))) are far too terrified of it and they won't stop kvetching until they're all taken down. It will be funny as hell to watch though.
Christopher Cook
>fun not allowed this is srs Have you forgotten where you are?
Who cares?
Anthony Nguyen
That's the point. It'll be fucking hilarious to watch.
Elijah Campbell
Anyone who has any notion of the long term consequences of piece-moves in this meme war of ours.
Ian Johnson
>"Who cares" We are closer than ever to having Nazism become mainstream, why throw it out for "le epic troling"
Adrian Jones
Tyler Foster
Plebs are not reasonable. You can push your ideas to a limited extent while the others care only about someone's image. You don't try to argue with them, you don't get butthurt. They do. The rest will see this and try to make some things clear. People are more open when things are fun.
Jose Kelly
Austin Fisher
Nazis weren't white supremacists.
Sebastian Kelly
This is dumb as fuck
Any swastika will always be a nazi symbol
Dylan Diaz
I took that image from google dot com.
Ayden Gutierrez
It's not about that at all, it's about giving them as little ammunition as possible for their trumped up virtue-politics shitheadery.
Our game is to pull the rug out from under them, and get them to punch themselves in the face at every possible occasion, gather photographic and video evidence of this happening, and meme it everywhere.
And it's working.
Our greatest weapon is and always will be what we are - a vast memetic body of water that, in occasional stillness, reflects the ugly visage of our enemy right back at them. We will tear these fools down and reduce them to a curled up sobbing mess, a blithering catastrophe of nerves and inconsistent ramblings by doing nothing more than smugly and silently holding up a mirror to them - our twisted and knowing grin growing ever sharper.
This is the will of KEK.
Nicholas Phillips
but the ''nazi swastika'' is the same symbol but rotated, its supposed to symbolize unbreakable spirit, unity and the light of life.
I understand the whole 'lol le epic kekistanis have to redpill the normies'' shit, but this does nothing except through the rest of us under the bus.
If the poster was about explaining what national socialism is in an honest way i would understand and be all for this but can you not promote your civic nationalist bullshit without fucking over natsocs?
Adrian Bell
Swastika is a Hindu symbol and every Hindu house in India has it as a welcome sign.It is an auspicious symbol.If anyone has a problem with it,then can go fck themselves.
Hudson Russell
>implying they couldn't just put up offensive things themselves and cry about ''''rising antisemitism'''' regardless just like they've done countless times before Don't get so bogged down in optics concerns, they whine about rising antisemitism every day anyways. If it isn't illegal normies won't give a shit(or better yet, they may start to get annoyed at their constant kvetching over nothing).
This guy has the right idea
Matthew Morris
Wonderful plan OP. Have a qt 3.14
Camden Martin
Im going to become ironically Buddhist just so i can wear a swastika. Saw some korean lady wearing a swastika necklace the other day.
Grayson Nguyen
Jayden Martinez
I warn you; do not give them anything solid to grasp. Water is our nature, water is out method, water is our form. Grasp at it, and it slides through your fingers.
Crystallise an ill considered idea too soon, and its brittle structure falls apart and does nothing useful. This is the same mistake the Kekistan meme made, hence its extinction.
Anthony Hill
They are all over the place in Asia. Look at a city map and see little Swastikas all over it.
Gavin Thomas
I don't think he wanted to include the Nazi swastika (or any of that writing) in the actual final poster. I assume he just grabbed the first google image he could find, but his description says the flier would just have the buddhist swastika on it
>like pic related
Ethan Morales
I understand the concern, but it is a legitimate separate symbol. As long as the poster was ONLY the Buddhist swastika symbol and nothing else.... then they really can't say it's "antisemitic" without literally attacking Buddhism (which could evolve into something legendary with a little luck) >kikes trying to ban a buddhist symbol >buddhist swastika becoming popular and acceptable in the mainstream
I'm open to criticism here but I'm actually starting to think this could be a half decent shitpost-er idea
Daniel Wright
And how do you do that? With well elaborate points? Or maybe the_donald tier virtue signaling from your side? Wouldn't that be solidifying of water as you just depicted? Or is it chaos that's flexible, fluid and persistent?
Charles Carter
Cooper Allen
Grayson Perry
Nicholas Brooks
It'd be interesting to see the reaction, but 'triggering the libtards epic style' doesn't really accomplish anything. Essentially this seems like a civnat , obdigsfagging operation which has no genuine goal, that in its very conception attacks NS.
Kayden Wright
Mason Wright
Bumpity bump
Cameron Reyes
>not doing it for the lulz. Come on, with luck something legendary may happen.
James Johnson
Nazi swastika's are right-turning and Budhist ones are left-turning. Only use left turning ones. Right-turning ones are shills.
Adrian Rogers
Matthew Howard
Left-facing swastika is Buddhist, right-facing is Hinduist and Jainist. Pic related is a Jainist temple
Samuel Morgan
thanks, seems I was wrong. That pic does look a tad creepy. that color...
James Martin
Why not? Pic related Get it and make a PDF document from it. Then stick it.
Those who try to alter it are absolute shills >Stick with this >give this buddhist motives >Don't contact lefties like at IOBTW >Make sure no one knows who has placed it
Only question to remain: when?
William Gonzalez
Yes, this is fine, because it will obviously highlight their stupidity and nothing else - they will gain no ammo, only end up punching themselves in the face (again).
OP's main plan is fine, because it is a one-way mirror - it's check. One could even augment it to drive home their stupidity by putting famous Buddhist quotes under it that sound vaguely right-wing.
Grayson Bailey
I've doing a bit of digging and apparently in China there's a Red Swastika Society, basically helping people out (think Salvation Army)
>One could even augment it to drive home their stupidity by putting famous Buddhist quotes under it that sound vaguely right-wing. Great idea, I'm going to look around
Parker Rogers
Charles Perez
Can't believe retarded people make this shit up.
Obviously Hitler has Nihillistic ideology Aryan race(superhuman) and death of God(Jewish religion and then the rest would follow).
Are you really that retarded?
Parker Morales
Eli Mitchell
Nah that's some Jewish influenced memery
Aiden Davis
It throws as many people under the bus as IOTBW. IT'S A GOOD IDEA. Meme it guys. No nazi imagery just buddhism and watch the left eat itself. It's using our most powerful weapon. Making the enemy live by their rules
Adrian Collins
What, you can't be that ignorant on how the 3rd Reich started. If you think of Germany what religion comes to mind? Other than Nietzsche nothing.
That is because that was their philosophy and if you even read one page of Nietzsche you'll understand more about the 3rd Reich.
There were no villains, just conquerors trying to create a new era.
Ryan Anderson
Possible quotes, don't know how qenuine they are. Nothing that great desu, there's a reason progressives love this >Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional >I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done >No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path
Also apparently Evola wrote a bit on Buddhism but I have not read his works
Jackson Johnson
Local nazis defaced jewish prayer accounting office
Samuel Miller
It won't work. Random scribbles have been called a swastika before; there's a HEY RABBI edit featuring them but I don't have it saved.
Xavier Bennett
>Germanic uses of the swastika started in 1920 Lmoa brainlet
Parker Baker
Is this a good start? Be brutal
Justin Price
bump for daddy
Eli Hill
Another quote
Carson Jenkins
so opium is good?
Leo Wilson
Mason Martinez
who's we?
Can that wall hurry tf up already!!!
Nathan Baker
ohohoh, i like this one.
Bentley Mitchell
>not hitting tel-aviv and the high-density areas.
Genius, typical burger plan.
Thomas Martin
Time to show your hobbyist interest of foreign air force insignia!
Aaron White
Saltwater Sea.
Murican Education everyone
Julian Collins
Logan King
but can you gas the jews?
Bentley Taylor
while his plan is stupid, saltwater lakes exist. even saltier lakes than the sea exist. called Brine lakes. Maybe you can go there after being so wrong?
Elijah Wood
Cooper Ortiz
I also came across a quote by Laozi, the founder of Taoism >When a nation is filled with strife, then do patriots flourish Put that anywhere near a swastika and leftists will lose their shit
Kevin Watson
the dead sea is salty already, digging a canal to let in sea water would be an improvement.
Chase Kelly
They'd probably do some bs like only chinks and poos can use it
Joseph Wood
Is it a poo or an actual nazi?
Kayden Bennett
SC Bose too
Aaron Flores
That would be discrimination against both whites and blacks since it's a religious symbol.
Owen Brooks
Indus Valley had swastikas before Aryans came in. Not to mention the Native Americans. It was probably conceived by every society at some point.