Spanish objects have gender. Which of these apply to my furniture?
holy shit. How do democrats cope with the spanish language?
Why the fuck aren't there huge non-binary marches demanding that the Spnish Language fix itself to stop promoting false gender constructs in their language ?
I fucking HATE leftsits, btw
Same goes for french, that's why we will never need your nonsense gender neutral garbage.
English is the simplest of all languages, why? Ask Orwell.
almost every non english language has gendered words
English being almost devoid of gender makes it the superior language. Adding more gender goes in the wrong direction.
Quite the opposite, English is the language of the idiots. Simplified language so that peoples thoughts are also simplified.
Every European language has gender...
English is a fucking magnificent language you absolute pleb
You truly are the autistic faggot who must be hanged on the day of the rope. Spanish does not have gender, nor does any other European word, they merely have masculine and feminine versions of them both. Like how kitchen in Spanish is feminine but it can't be masculine. Think of it as a way to segregate without having to segregate.
>gender fags defending their feminized retard babbling
lol kys cucks.
>knowing one language
disgrafuly they are right now, they are claiming the gender of diferenct objects is straight consequence of a patriarcal society and want to change all the words so they become more progressive
The chair = La silla (feminine pronoun)
It's a feminine dick.
I you knew at least one language besides English you'd get what he's saying.
English is simple af
That gave me a good laugh
You guys don't even speak real French
>having to learn a second language in order to communicate with the civilized world
Non-civilized languages (anything but english) will soon be obsolete. With the introduction of automatic translators, we will no longer need to "learn" a second language.
Your greek language (and yes you are greek, not "macedonian" or whatever) will soon be outdated. How many people actually speak it? How many people on earth really care?
I'd say less than 1/10 of 1%.
Same is true for every slavic language as well.
I'm pretty sure english is actually one of the few languages without gendered nouns.
>nor does any other European word
Wrong. In slavic languages every noun has a gender, and there is no form of that noun is the opposite gender.
English is a plebeian language for the peasants. Is was created by aristocracy to keep the population under control.
Of course we do. We just don’t have a snobby accent.
>being this assmad that you're a stupid mutt that can't learn another language
if anything it's time to start learning mexican
it'll be way more useful for you than english m8
el carajo
This is the most mutt post I've ever seen