What is the opposite of soy? We must find it and seize the means of reproduction to end the eternal political faggotry

What is the opposite of soy? We must find it and seize the means of reproduction to end the eternal political faggotry.

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There's nothing wrong with soy

>What is the opposite of soy?


>opposite of soy
Male cum?

>The key to defeating soy is something that contains the very essence of chad

How do we acquire such a thing?


pretty sure its onions


>What is the opposite of soy?
Working out.


Red meat

more of a doppelganger to


It's milk.

This. Onions are awesome.





Cabbage is good

see pic related

>correlation versus causation
>proving you're mentally ill and don't have a proper college or high school education

Soy is just a hipster trend you colossal moron. Hipsters will eat anything, wear anything and do anything to look "cool" in their eyes. Not to mention soy is used in almost all of our foods and food products. You literally can't eat any food in the entire world that hasn't been genetically modified, tampered with selective breeding or food that doesn't have traces of soy in it. Furthermore, food doesn't change who you are. It never has and it never will. I don't even like the soy meme, I've made 30 bait threads on this shitty board and you niggers keep replying.

>Hipsters will eat anything
Never seen a hipster eat anything remotely masculine desu.

That's because food isn't masculine you fucking idiot. Vitamins, minerals and nutrients aren't "masculine," food is food. If you knew anything about dieting and gains (Actual gains, not this meme shit) you'd see a lot of the diverse foods that fit, healthy, muscular people eat and get so butthurt you'd call them "soy boys." People who have more muscle than you, people who are healthier than you.

You seem pretty upset, actually you remind me of a guy I knew who was molested by his father- Turned out he loved it, carved it on his arm, and spent about 5 years in an institution. Once he got out he ended up on alot of pills and spends most of his time shitposting on this board. Did your daddy fuck you? Did you love it?


You are what you eat soyfag.
Onions and red meat (especially meat you have hunted or raised yourself) is the way to go.

You must suck Chad off. It's not gay, it's a brojob- and you need the protein

Are you still a fag if your faggotry is a result of being molested by your dad? I just wanna make sure we classify OP correctly

honestly I don't even care, because the word 'soyboy' just sounds exactly like what a soyboy looks like

Mucuna Pruriens,

google it!

>food doesn't change who you are

Imagine being this retarded.

Also ... lifting weights

Bull sperm


Its been awile since you posted (in your own thread at that) and it has me wondering if you are still here? I wanna talk about your dad OP

>Point out facts
>Low effort trolling

Stay gullible, retards. It's so easy to bait you niggers that I'm almost getting tired of dominating this worthless board like my personal little plaything. You're all my slaves, forced to mash and smash your keyboards, wearing out your weak, brittle little hands and fingers. Please, by all means be a bunch of good little losers and continue replying, nothing you say or do matters, you're stuck here being my slaves for as long as you live.


>i was only pretending to be retarded durr it was bait hurr
You're an idiot.

Semen turns into an estrogen like substance when consumed. Why do you think turbofags are such turbofags?

I thought that /BIZ was insane place, but this autism here is miles above ...

Raw Onions

>Literally doesn't realize that we have lured him here and have him trapped, trying desperately to troll us.

I drink soy, I like soy, I don't want to drink another animal's tit milk that's been mixed with puss


THIS. A glass of onion juice a day increases your testosterone.


No, because you'd rather suck cock wouldn't you, you faggot.

Yes ;)

>A glass of onion juice a day increases your testosterone.
A large glass, freshly squeezed!

Pretty simple. Rub on shoulders vigorously after showering. Enjoy your 2 hour fuck sessions and 30 new pounds of lean muscle.

Should I not eat if food is not masculin?


>They give me hundreds of (You)s every day while I input very minimal effort
>Meanwhile I mostly browse reddit and I'm one of the most popular users there
>The virgin 4channer
>The chad redditor

Keep replying, you're incapable of not giving me replies, your DNA won't allow you to ignore me sweety :)

>tfw your gf gives you a shoulder rub and starts growing a beard

*teleports behind you*

Hard physical labour

This pic russles my jimmies
>if you don’t agree with feminism you must be gay or bi
And why do fags always say that more dudes should just be gay? I thought fags say it’s not a choice...
>the retarded artist of these images

>proving my point

Never change :)

I think you're getting a lot more out of that image than was intended. As a /polgbt/ faggot, I see that as "Now that feminism is dead we can snuggle in peace right pol-kun :3?"

>proving my point

Never change :)

Because homosexuality is the last true redpill. You will ascend to levels you have not ascended before, you will reach true enlightenment

Let go of the succubus, a man can give you everything and more than what a woman can. Trust the pill. It'll be your last one

There are ways around it my Blockhead cousin. Quarantining your towels and spraying down the shower floor are a must though. I don't need my wife absorbing that shit through the soles of her feet.


>What is the opposite of soy?


Dude I'm almost there.

Faggotry is the only way, brother.


Probably mushrooms. Apparently white button mushrooms have a compound which prevent estrogen conversion.

The opposite of soy would be something that actually has a potent estrogen in it like animal products.

Broccoli, it absorbs estrogen

Eating your own jizz

so many things about this image are obnoxious. why would you ruin a steak by cooking it in a shitty skillet like that? why is there one single broccoli floret present? why is he shirtless? why the FUCK is he holding the fork like that? why isn't he slicing pieces off with a knife what the fuck is his problem? who uses a skillet as a plate is this dude homeless? this image perfectly represents the kind of people who make threads about soy. over the top retardation and full of shit in general. this looks like a still from a japanese commercial pre production. is he about to say YATTA?

Only if you're estrogen sensitive or have a shitton of estrogen produced by aromatase because you've got too much testosterone. By itself it doesn't kill estrogen. It (I3C, DIM) increases overall estrogen if you're a DYEL with too much fat on your bones.


high fiber diets flush estrogen from your body period which is why a heavy animal based diet turned men into queers.

Soyboy detected

Cruciferous vegetables

>useful idiot who shills for animal industries for free while he gets more and more overweight and chances for early death rise higher year by year

difference between me and you is that by the time I'm 50 I won't be on 10 different kinds of medication if you're even alive still that is.

>vegan detected

LOL imagine being this dumb

all animal products raise T with the exception of factory farmed milk. telling you for your own information. dont bother replying unless its a cited study.

This triggers the soyboy


ok spermlet

Kill yourself faggot trash. You chose to be gay because you were too ugly and awkward to talk to women, so you grouped up with similar faggot trash and covered your dicks in shit.

The opposite of soy is Khazar Milk