Is Entrepreneurship the final redpill?

I've been thinking about this for a while anons. I'm in uni and run several small businesses and finally make enough to quit my job and support myself.
The freeing feeling of being 100% in control of your finances as opposed to some jewish boss deciding your salary is amazing.

Also the motivation to make your own money spills over into all sorts of other things, for example giving me considerably more energy to improve myself, physically, mentally, and of course financially.

Are there any other Sup Forumsacks beating the jew at his own game and running a business? If so, what do you do? I feel like I could be doing a lot more than I do now.

>social media management, ecommerce, and digital marketing

also if any of you lads want to know more about my businesses, I'm always game to help you out

working on starting my own company as well, i'll be the most antisemitic gamedev :)

good luck with that user, making steam games is a great revenue stream. I'm in uni for a software engineering degree and once I'm out, I will foray into SaaS, along with real estate since I'll have enough saved up by then

Taking responsibility is the final res pill...


yeah in general, this is just a great way to get there

I would like to do something food related. People always need to eat. I'm a pretty decent cook and I have good work ethic. It's where to start that I'm stuck on

Restaurants have a ridiculously high failure rate and are more for entrepreneurs than cooks.

if I were you, I'd sell ebooks with your recipes for easy money.

Frankly, running your own business is a nightmare. Congratulations on going into a field where ultra low overhead comes at the cost of being totally expendable when the next 19 year old is the hot shit. Just wait until you have a mortgage and your income drops 20% in a month randomly, forcing you to spend the next three years in "I'm about to be homeless" nervous breakdown mode, assuming your income goes back up. Build up a cash reserve equal to at least 12 months of all expenses (including personal) if you don't want to have a chance at avoiding a heart attack.

Don't get me wrong, small businesses are the heart, lungs, and liver of a good economy. Entrepreneurs are usually more responsible than wage slaves. But god that is a nightmare I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. My father is a small business owner. He felt like king of the world for about five years out of 40 and hasn't been able to relax for the other 35.

dont lift yourself up goy,
keep wagecucking goy.

>Just wait until you have a mortgage and your income drops 20% in a month randomly

right, because I certainly won't factor that into my income months in advance

why are people such shit at financial planning?

so have basically some small biz seo clients and a dropshipping site?

>social media management, ecommerce, and digital marketing
Nice meme major.

>Nice meme major.
im a software engineering major, these are just businesses I can run until I can afford to get into real estate and others

I have some spare time with which I would love to run some side business(es) next to my studies. What would you recommend?

Own a bar in the Gay Area. Sell overpriced poison to yuppies. market is oversaturated but still the best investment I ever made. Far from rich but I do the equivalent of 2 days of real work a week, mostly book keeping and ocassional management rampages.
Sell something addictive is my advice.

>I would like to do something food related.
>Restaurants have a ridiculously high failure rate
It doesn't need to be a restaurant though. Restaurants are indeed an extremely overcrowded sector. You could find other food related forms of business and also that don't require YOU to be the one doing the cooking and can be scaled to make you millions. You just have to discover where there is an unmet need or a product that others would like if they knew of it and supply it.

For example the other day I found out about pickled eggs. Apparently they are quite popular in many places all around the world but in my home country of Spain they are almost unknown, despite the fact that we have a huge culture surrounding pickles and other kinds of preserved food. I tried them myself and found them delicious and realized that if someone mass-produced them successfully and sold them to bars they'd become extremely popular.

This is just an idea, but it's a good example of finding a possible need that you can earn money solving.

>My father is a small business owner.
Mine was too. You can really learn tons of stuff from being raised into it.
>Being proud of selling poison.
>"Sell something addictive is my advice."
You are the lowest class of capitalist there is.

Running your own business is quite risky. Just be good at your job and climb the ranks at a good company.

t. Digital Marketing - Data Analyst

Most small businesses don't. That's why I recommended building up a large cash reserve now.

I assume you don't have any employees, given that you're still a full time college student that was just able to quit your part time job? They will be your largest expense forever and they quit if you can't pay them.

Are you undercutting your competition in pricing? Classic way to start a business, but good luck maintaining that model as you expand. Essentially, you aren't a business owner right now, you're just self-employed and reaping the benefits of lower overhead.

I notice you're already wearing several hats and planning to add several more. Just don't invade Russia and you'll be fine-ish. If you bother to learn from the experiences of your elders instead of assuming you're a hotshot genius seeing a golden path that no one else can like every other idiot 19 year old.

>making steam games is a great revenue stream

Lol No it's fucking not. There are trillions of games. You're competing with bored teenagers.
Indie game is pretty much the worst industry to be in.

Jew trap detected

Been running my own biz for 20 years, feels good, man. Haven’t worked for anyone since I turned 25, will never work for anyone else again.

that's like saying that starbucks is a bad business model because they compete with the kids running the lemonade stand down the street.

just because there are bored teens making crappy games and flinging them at the market doesn't mean that you can't succeed with a good game.

Been self employed for nearly 7 years now. Sometimes I'm amazed I've made it this far. I'm really just riding the wave and have no idea what I'm doing.

Maybe have a side business.

Something which can fail without catastrophe.

I make a couple grand per year tax free just washing cars.

Apparently, people hate to do interiors and pay quite a bit for it. I never get less than 35 per hour.

Look at the numbers. Many people have written about this. At this stage you'll be producing a commodity with no ability to exploit any sort of advantage like scale. This is a stupid way to make money. You hear about the few ones making it, not the thousands struggling to make $1000.

>realized that if someone mass-produced them successfully and sold them to bars they'd become extremely popular.
Grade A advice right there. Already a proven successful business model in other markets, easy to produce, easy to scale as you grow, low cost to start, buys from and sells to other businesses which reduces complexity and volatility, ready consumer market, little or no existing competition, assets easy to liquidate if the business fails.

Too bad I've heard that it takes two years and costs a hundred thousand Euros to get a business license in Spain :/. I guess that means it would take a lot longer for competitors to appear, though.

Does anyone know if starting a process server business without experience is viable?

Most process servers start with no experience, which makes it a low profit, high turnover industry. There isn't much money in it. The real money in process serving is contracts with big law firms, which is largely taken by the existing big fish who earn very marginal profits.

Originally was going to uni to pursue an entrepreneurship degree, changed to computer science at the advice of some mentors and want to use that degree to eventually start my own companies. No clue how to start anything atm (broke, not particularly motivated).

Good on you for actually for actually following through with your ideas.

from my point of view it's a high risk, high reward field

if you are an employee, you get your salary whether the business is doing bad or good

as an employer you have the opportunity of getting or losing alot of money

also running a business can be more stressful and require more hours than most jobs

Is it because it's hard to get work?

outsource to eastern europe. you'll make twice as much and your employees will still make more than the standard.

The example itself is not what is important, but rather the mental process of going and looking for unmet needs, things that you can solve and make a killing in the process, and how efficient are you at this; but I agree this specific idea has a huge potential considering the huge culture we have around snacking at bars (tapas, pintxos, etc). It requires a huge amount of money to start producing this at a grand scale, if one of the established corps began selling this product it'd earn hundreds of millions pretty quickly.

>Too bad I've heard that it takes two years and costs a hundred thousand Euros to get a business license in Spain :/.
This one of the most anti-business countries in the Western world. Red tape is horrible. The government controls everything, nothing moves without a license and everything is cartelized. Lack of freedom of enterprise is the main reason there is so much unemployment here and why we likely are in the verge of something quite akin to a revolution. Too many unemployed youths being fed commie bullshit through TV and their smartphones all day. To be honest I'd rather save up enough to move away from here before everything gets too ugly.

>entrepreneurship degree, changed to computer science
You dodged a bullet there mate.

Not a lot of work, the work doesn't pay much, lot of competition. Most process servers do it as a freelance job along with being a mobile notary, which is a similar and related field. If you have a car and a GPS, you've got all the tools you need. From what I've heard, freelancers usually make less than minimum wage. On the upside, flexible hours.

>beating the jew

It is all good for you to have your own business user. Truly, congrats.

However I'd advise you not to say that you have beaten the Jew once you keep on running after profit, that is, you still are chasing the material. It never stops. You can always have a little more.

Europeans traditionally discarded the pursuit of profit as something demeaning to oneself. Ever since at least the Romans (the Greeks were too complicated).

So, the real red pill is to overcome all that, but user, by all means, keeping gaining the money and keep having your business!

But also: Go for agriculture. Get your peck of land. Grow some vegetables and food; Grow some animals and food.
Manage to have rents. Rents are the noble man true great pill as they are a source of income which barely needs any work.

I am poor as fuck but thanks to my parents I can earn an average salary without doing shit, because of rents (although I have to collect them so that anything goes wrong I can manage to pay for a fix in the situation, therefore I'm a poorfag).
But in my case, if tomorrow I get an half decent job I will already earn twice as much, as having two average salaries.

That's my two cents. By all means go for the profits and your business, but don't let it get into your head.

T. failed entrepeneur.

how do you get started promoting your business online? I dont even knowl

Also, this.

you lucky bastard i wish i could be up there with you guys i'm glad you made it in life user

>Rents are the noble man true great pill as they are a source of income which barely needs any work.

Rent is literally leaching off the work of others. Rent-seeking behavior is literally a dirty word among economists. It's only tolerable for niche markets, where it would cost more to purchase an asset than to rent it for the predicted amount of time. That's pretty much the reason nobility did it relentlessly and the economy of Europe was practically stagnant for a thousand years.

1) I am not seeing my Spanishbros eating pickled eggs at bars as tapas...

2) Why don't you start your business illegally and then go for the license, we do it here all the time. At least people with connections who tell the "fiscales" not to "fiscalizar" them.

3) Spain's unemployment is mostly so that "Comunidades Autonomas" can keep getting gibs. Your political system drives the unemployment more than the economy, although you've done really stupid things with your economy like building buildings every fucking where.

Yeah, you're right.

I don't care about "economic dynamism"; I care about my secure "profit". And the safety of the ability to sell the asset I'm profiting at without fear it will devaluate.

Your comment did not take the veracity of your green text, it seems.

>Sell overpriced poison to yuppies
w-what kinda poison
I have a lot of yuppies in my area

How much do they get paid per serve and what part of the US is this?

Thanks for answering, user.

Are you taking a shit on a method that has worked for this guy? Fuck (((youself))) to death with a red hot menorah.

I'm in Oregon, but I've heard it similar everywhere. I think it's around $35 per serve.
Funny, that's the despicable mindset of rapacious capitalists I hear so much about in 19th Century texts.

Meant to say 13th Century, but also true of 19th in hindsight.

>Manage to have rents. Rents are the noble man true great pill as they are a source of income which barely needs any work.
Working on that as we speak. A friend of mine will likely inherit his family's real estate business after uni, and I am working with him on a deal to split the capital he and I have(that is, I have about 99.99% of it, he will just have rights to the building and assets of the company upon graduation).
It's in his grandmother's name and we have both been acting as pseudo-property managers since high school. I also worked a retail job but it was beneficial for all parties as he and I are young, fairly fit guys and she is an elderly woman, so working with Tenants was a job she'd rather leave to us.

So that will likely be the move following university, and from there I can also continue running my other businesses until that is cash-flow positive.

Also, for my social media clients, I offer them one month of free work(maybe ten hours in total) in exchange for every paying client they refer me. This model seems to work exceptionally well

>rent-seeking behavior
Pick one.

Also, I've heard too many stories of partners screwing each other over to rely on that plan. Also, way to leave out that half of your business' success depended on the largess of relatives.

Well he's certainly right that SMM is not a business that will last forever, but it will last for some time. I should be able to rely on it and my clients until at least the end of university and possibly after, but after that everything I do will fall to automation, as it already is.

That said, if I'm the one DEVELOPING the automation, we good.

I also do mobile notary and it's not panning out the way I want it to.

Working on my first e commerce business as we speak. I wish I had done this ten years ago instead of wage cucking

Oh I forgot to mention, I'm working on a website similar to Skillshare or Udemy that offers courses on how to set up low-investment businesses, aimed directly at young entrepreneurs like myself. There are so many people my age trying to start businesses, this would be easy money.

Could do it where the user purchases a class for $500, or pays $300 a month and has access to any one class, would work either way.

Can I get in touch with you? I just really need the guidance of a mentor. I'm a few years older than you in fact, I hope you wouldn't mind. Do you have an alternative email was can exchange usernames at?

Absolutely, post your telegram. I would post mine but my username is literally my full name

Could you email me at
[email protected]?

My telegram is my name also. Looking forward to hearing from you!

I’m more interested in finance/investing. Entrepreneurship is too risky and unstructured for me.

I'm guessing, but I doubt you've been running your businesses long enough to really make any sweeping declarations. Like, you quit your job tutoring first year students? Or you quit your job making 60k with full benefits.
Because running a business can be lucrative and successful, however, you, at 19, haven't beaten the Jew at his own game. I'm wondering if you've even become acquainted with small business tax law yet.
Point is, good luck but you're not exactly the first guy to have a start up go well after a few months. When you have people working for you, investors are checking you out and writing you checks, then maybe you can claim victory. It's too early to call it a win.

You're right, I'm certainly not there YET. However, this year I am on track to do 65k, assuming I don't lose(or gain) a single client, which will of course change. as time goes on.

Sent you an email!

>[email protected]?
not op but emailed nonetheless.

do you know anything about dropshipping? would like to try that to make some money. And nice that you are doing well in your projects dude

>unreliable suppliers
>unreliable customers
>unreliable employees
>have to find loopholes so that your income doesn't get taxed to hell
It's a hard grind and you learn to trust nobody almost immediately. Humans by nature are cunts.

Most small business owners I know get stuck at this point and are left wishing that they had stuck with a normie wage job to keep their life easy.

I absolutely do. Get your site set up before chinese new year for some substantial gains

Hm... Wasn't the XIX century the golden age of capitalism (specially in america) with great fortunes, great growth and great technological advancement as well as improved quality of life (although the XX century killed at the last one).

Okay, I don't know about XIII century capitalism. By then Capitalism here was seen as a Jewish thing:
Capitalism = playing with money.

Good for you. You seem to be way over my league. Good luck user.

I'm very interested in passive income.
Trying to get a book published, then maybe look into drop shipping.

Dude, what the fuck is passive income?


It's when you don't do anything and still have an income stream.
>Ex, publish a book
>Get royalties

Yeah but every entrepreneur needs wageslaves to prop up their enrepreneurial endeavors, so who will be the wageslaves? What if they want to be entrepreneurs themselves too? Entreneurship needs wageslaves, proletarians. Not everyone in society can be an entrepreneur. So who deserves to be an entrepreneur and who deserves to be a proletarian wageslave? Simply those who corner the market first? The answer exists out there, depending on who you are you may not like the answer.

> social media management, ecommerce, and digital marketing

>Is Entrepreneurship the final redpill?
Yes, but keep it on the down-low. If everyone stops wage cucking, we won't be able to run our businesses

Such as owning rental property and recieving rent from tenants, owning gas and oil fields and recieving money from it, or owning stocks that pay out a significant amount of dividends.

Invest in apartment complexes in America. That's what I'm gonna do. I want to own the apartment complex I used to live in when I was a kid. Nice property.

Thanks, had never heard about it.

I pained myself for years trying to start businesses. It's fucking difficult. Like really really difficult.

My advice is wagecuck like a good goy for a few years, build up cash and pay off any immediate debts you have then invest in risky shit like crypto, penny stocks, startups etc with the money you've made. High risk, high reward whilst being much easier than a business.

Much less stress, much less work, almost the same possibility of failure.

Good luck.

very next post best post

thank you for fighting this cancer

Hate to break it to you but as a small business owner you can expect to be jewed to fuck.