Just give them some booze and they'll forget it

Just give them some booze and they'll forget it

Other urls found in this thread:


that went well last time..

The argument that needs to be made surrounding this verdict is the following:

The feminist movement has long made the point that women are small and vulnerable, and therefore have reasonably heightened fear when encountering strange men alone at night in public. We're supposed to sympathize with this "daily struggle" because of the possibility of men raping - not all men are rapists, but 95% of rapists are men, etc, etc.

In the case of rural farmers, they're basically in the same boat. When strangers come in, down a long laneway, it's just the homestead vs whoever it might be. Police have a really long response time out there, 20+ min often - it's not an urban environment surrounded by passersby and monitored response times. Farmers are vulnerable.

So the farmer is rightfully already on edge and when a rowdy drunk group runs over your wife and tries to steal a vehicle while carrying a rifle, they don't seem to be "just looking for help with a flat."

Tree niggers

She's hispanic/mixed with amerindian.

this, it's how we contain the indians here. give them a reservation with a casino on it, plenty of firewater, and a monthly allowance for being a chronic drunk/gambler

White people logic;

1. Genocide of Native Americans - Why are they mad? We gave some of their own land to live in, wiped out their entire race, and way of life, and built casinos for them.

2. Slavery of Blacks - Why are they mad? That shit happen hundred years ago, We freed them didn't we? Why are black people always complaining about that stuff?

3. Treating Mexicans like immigrants in their own land when they themselves were illegal immigrants - Even though I came on the mayflower and killed off all the Indians in the name of manifest destiny, now lets steal land from the Mexicans then hundreds of years later we can call them illegal immigrants even though they originally owned that land first.

4. Invading Iraq and fucking over the middle east - We had to go over and kill men women and children, they are terrorist and have had weapons of mass destruction, my white cowboy president said there was.

5. Imperialism in Asia - What? why do these chinks shut their ports and kick us out? Just because we are addicted to opium silk and spices. Lets go invade their country and force them into doing what we want.

6. white people think everyone in the world loves them - Yea even though we fucked over most of every nation on this planet in history over and over. Everyone still loves us because we got tom cruise and katie holmes.

Look here white boy. What exactly would be wrong with people wanting to live more "primitive" lives if it ain't hurting your ass to begin with?

Even today we still have people living their lives by so called "outdated" ways of living yet they are perfectly happy with that and not harming your ass one bit. This is why you whites are called devils. You do nothing but fuck with other peoples, nations and each other. You try to police the world when the world doesn't necessarily ask for you to begin with.

We know you're an 80-IQ descendant of slaves.

China fucked over the entirety of Eurasia.

>muh land
get fucked with the truth

mentally ill

Thank fuck. I've been waiting for the race war.

We call them Listerine asians here because a lot of places are dry so they buy listerine instead and drink it. Natives are far more susceptible to alcoholism, they just don't know when to quit

Doubt it.
Going to the friendship center this afternoon for some bannock and stew. Will talk to the elder's and get their opinions on this week of news.

Most people would be shocked to find that most of these self righteous instigators that put themselves out in the public like this are nothing more than rejects from the reserve. Honestly, no one tolerates this kind of behavior around what they would call our safe spaces, government reserves.

All the elder's believe fully that we stand as a symbol to the whites own hate and that if you white men do not change the course of history, you will be living on reserves in your own lands soon enough. Your population dumbed down and slowly put to death. Some think that when the times come, whites will face the most horrible of all genocides.

We won't know until then, what we do know for certain is that our own lands are being invaded by invaders brought to our lands by (((those))) kind of people out of spite for the white man, WASP, celtic, norse, who ever you identify as.

Just know, white man, when the time comes, us real RED men will stand with you to the very end against all Islamic barbarism and Jewish trickery.

I don't know why natives are so fucking lazy and unambitious. Nothing gets my gears grinding more than when I drive through Pala Reservation on the way out to the desert just to see damn near every house equipped with rusted out RVs, buggies, quads and bikes, everything. They literally don't know what to do with all their free gibmedats and they blow it on nice toys which they don't take care of, ever.

Natives slaughtered each other in mass. The Calvary chased off and killed the aggressive tribes and protected the friendlier ones. Natives fought alongside the Calvary in this effort. To settle the land........

I know she's trying to act brave, but does she seem afraid? Like the white guilt is wearing off enough for white people not to give a shit about some rednigger getting shot.


Is she retarded? She looks retarded.

Well it's not really all that amazing when you realize why we wiped them out so easily, or why they never achieved a civilization as advanced, just like with other natives in other parts of the world they killed themselves off at too high a rate so they stagnated in order to just survive. If they had stopped the tribal wars and were able to cluster into large groups they might have had a better chance, but they waited till we got here and by then it was far too late

It seems like an audition....?

Again with the arrogance. White nations STEAL resources from other countries and then claim moral superiority over these races as if it is there fault. Nobody can stand up to an army with primitive technology.

What you are doing is rationalizing your white evil nature. What I am doing is pointing out whites are evil. What you are also doing is confirming this the more you continue to post.

If you whites create terminators that go rogue and start killing your asses are you going to make excuses? You faggots better not If we go by those posts earlier.

>jewish trickery

white man, you need to stop doing pic related and deal with the menace.

More like she just declared she wants white men to colonize all of her holes.

keep on believing the Noble Savage myth

The natives in alaska are a bujch of drubk child abusers who cover up child rape to protect their elders. Theyll also give ypu 200 dollars for a 30 dollar bottle of alcohol because they are drunks.

That's mexican.

Fine you know what? We did and we'll continue to do so, so show us what youve got black boi, come on quit typing and be a man for once. Quit breathing so heavy, you disgusting example of your race. But guess what?
You won't do anything, you'll rant, cry a but more, post some shit-tier "memes" and call it a day, enjoy the beauty of friend chicken and section 8 housing. haha stupid black trash.

Looks like an Injun raid a comming!

Someone call the Duke John Wayne or Clint Eastwood

Oh, they are afraid. The second they encounter a speck of resistance they run away and hide.
We could see this with mustards we have caught during migrant crisis, around a thousand people.
First they yelled at the female social workers that they will cut their throats and rape them, and they also wrecked their rooms.
So we took away their furniture and gave them two government sponsored lessons in usage of blunt striking weapons.
They tried to protest it, started hunger strike and our Minister of Internal Affaris wished them good luck and told them to hang in there.
You have never seen such timid group of smelly manlets in your life after that.

They might pose and throw their unwashed asses around, but all of them know the history of Europe.

Would be higher if she fixed her hair.
Would def. bang.

Actually yeah whatever race creates AI you know it will be used to wipe black people out so sucks to be you I guess. Well back to enjoying my white privilege about to fuck a dirty Negress and then spit on her face while I make her call be a a "good masta" Enjoy being a beta black boi, while we fuc yo womyn. That's how you say it right?

here they come whining about their shitty land again, guess they want more alcohol.

Are you native? Timestamp and your hand? I would love to ask you some questions.


You steal from people. Not from soil. The irony is that most shitskins never exploited ressources and still dont. We do, and when we cant, we buy them. Including people. Niggers were not captured they were bought. From other stronger niggers. Remember you post on a internt, a white invention, with technologies invented by whites, built by asians and whites, from ressources exploited, transformed and used by asians and whites. Where would we be if not for asians and whites ? Mudhuts like in africa ? Human sacrifices for the sun god like in south america, still with mudhuts for 99,99% of people ? In fucking tents like indians, warming ourselves with bull shit fire ? Etc.
On the other hand, shiskins steal from whites and asians. Their tech, their wealth, their tools and weapons, you get things you do not deserve. Subhumans.

Why would we care that you're mad nigger. Be mad. Be bitter.

Our ancestors were better than yours at fighting, boohoo. Or was it everyone on earth was living in peace & harmony until evil whitey came along?

listened for over a minute before had to shutdown, too cringey. Whats the scoop on the guy shot in the head? Can't listen anymore to this chug

>my people wuz
nice touch.

tfw you forget you're a fetal alcohol downie and try to take on the system

What it comes down to is human history is a story of endless war & conquest & slavery. White people were the best at it, we conquered because we invented things, we created the modern world, and abolished all slavery and said everyone was created equal, although we could've enslaved/erased all other races, but we didn't cuz we are also the most empathetic race, and your bitter about it. Be bitter faggot.

Maybe she should give Steven Segal a call...

And another thing, you should be damn glad the brothers of your African ancestor sold you to the white man, and whitey made you pick your cotton, cuz if they hadn't you'd be a starving kid with no clothes, no drinking water & Ebola right now. Bitch.

wtf is she complaining about I still dont know

>drunk abo and friends trespass, break into a vehicle, damage another, and try to steal a truck
>get shot
>your retarded brethren start sperging on FB about how it's never right to shoot a trespasser

What a cunt.

oh good, we'll allow it anyway, we're cucks

i'd love to pump her asshole full of cum

okay people
this OP is spamming this over and over again,
exactly the same thing.
>OP 1 post by this ID
get out and sage

Is she okay?


So true.

why not? it worked out so well for them the last time.

Human logic:

1. Genocide animals through their colonization & building of houses & civilization

2. Enslave several animals like cows & chickens & use them as food.

3. Genetically select dogs throughout generations to look cute & use them as pets

4. Go hunting for fun & kill animals for sport

topkek, nigger - if it weren't for wypipo you wouldn't even know what "resources" are you fucking cargo cultists. You only get one "resource": mud.

Humans think animals love them, because they gave them food & shelter, yea even though we fucked over pretty much every other animal in existence, everyone still loves us cuz we give them snacks & medicine.


That’s exactly what I see in the video. A whole bunch of nothing.

There are no "indigenous" people in the North American continent. The so-called natives are just mongoloids from Siberia.

Vikings reached the north-eastern Canadian coast many years before the mongoloids did lol, that continent was always ours.

They just live off the canadian tax payer. Send her some whiskey she'll be fine

Pfft, who gives a shit whether they were or not? They fucking lost, we don't need to rationalize it. The rules of the day were might makes right white people rekt their shit and they're going to choke on our cocks until the end of time.

We "steal" resources because you don't know how to use them.

Whiskey? What is it her birthday? Can of lyesol and a bottle of Listerine will be sufficient

New Blankets for everybody Yerrr


They couldn't figure out how to do anything without help. They will actually devolve if left to their own and whine that the white man has left them.


Can someone give me a rundown on what happened. What was the red skin doing that got him shot?


>we survived!
fucking lel
>White man asks to purchase land
>Be so retarded you think to yourself "one can't own land"
>Go on with deal anyway to try your Redman Jew skills
>Sell "that which cannot be owned" for whiskey, tobacco, guns, and blankets and shit.
>white houses being built
>Entire towns coming into existence
>"What the fuck are you guys doing"
>"Building houses on the land you sold us"
>Get extremely jealous
>Thousands of years of the concept of property ownership come crashing into your fucking idiot Indian brain
>Insist the white man get off of "your land" because you were tricked
>Get BTFO politely
>Get BTFO not so politely when you won't let it go
>Get BTFO so hard the white man gives you pity land where you can basically do whatever you fucking please
>Your entire civilization is reduced to getting drunk, having kids, doing drugs, abducting white kids, beating your wife, and murdering white folks
>All funded by the US Welfare system because the casino owning redjews don't share any of their money and are whiter than you
Injuns are fucking retarded

colton boushie

I live in sask and it was this

>dindu and chug drive through farmers property
>farmer is sick of being intimidated by the natives who are all drunk criminals
>Boushie is breaking into his car and house
>farmer shoots in
>farmer innocent
>Da white man is oppressing us

native retards couldn't even keep their own land amongst each other. They don't deserve it.

the absolute state of nativecucks

bring it on.

wew lad

I dunno I'm on the fence on this,
On one hand a bunch of abo's freak out and demolish Canada via guerrilla warfare.
On the other hand a bunch of abo's freak out and demolish Canada via Guerrilla warfare with Day of the Leaf as their battle-cry

Lol I have been reading up on this case. I find it hilarious all these anti-white people going on and on about how jury makeup is a big problem. An all white jury is a big problem for justice for non-whites apparently. So instead of understanding race matters and we should live in a more homogeneous society. The logical conclusions for them is to reduce white numbers to insignificance in their own lands.

The video is in response to the Gerald Stanley vs Colten Boushie case in Canada.

Him and this thug friends were out robbing farms. They showed up on Stanley's farm and attempted to steal his truck and quad. Stanley got his gun and fired warning shots into the air to scare them off. He accidentally shot Colton and was later found to be not guilty of murder.

Natives are freaking out because clearly they are oppressed and Stanley should be charged for murder. And the only reason he's apparently not charged for murder is because he's white and it was a native that was killed.

Had a hardy laugh as I thought the same thing.

>natives just declared war on white people.
What's going to happen, are all 75 of them gonna get drunk and fall over on us or something?

Natives will never educate themselves.

They honestly believe that, because the case involved a white and a native man, then the jury should be 50/50 white and native.

Holy shit! Takeshi look like a thot even before the tattoos.

The guy that got shot was part of a gang of people trying to steal a truck on a farm. He was accidentally shot by the farmer during the struggle (who had been with his son mending fences). How is this oppression? Why is it about race and not bad things happening to criminals who brought it upon themselves? Stop stealing cars. You think the farmer would've let him steal his truck and jeopardize his son if he was white? :'D

How is its Canada's fault if you demand self government than misgovern yourself? She even says its self imposed.

What oppression do you suffer from? Affirmative action? Free education? Stop capitalizing on dead ancestors. We all have ancestors who suffered. History sucks. And the oppressors are dead too so who are you punishing but innocents.

I've had sex with so many natives. I probably have dozens of halfbreeds. Hell, she could be one of mine.
She can act like there's some huge beef between whites and reds but in real life we're fine with each other, when people don't do stupid shit like trying to rob folks.


Have some wompump and some fire water timber nigger.

You will always be a shitskin user. The only way out of your terrible existence is suicide.

>What exactly would be wrong with people wanting to live more "primitive" lives if it ain't hurting your ass to begin with?
>"primitive" lives = Stealing things from white people

kys, sir.

> Lives in Canada
> Is a minority
> Is probably the most privileged beings to ever exist on the face of this earth
> Claims "oppression," ........... In Canada....... Canada.......

Whew, what timeline are we in again?

top jej

Even worse than that. She is hysterically crying and saying that she and her community are under attack. Why? Because a group of teenagers got drunk and drove onto a famers property at night and attempted to steal one of his ATV's. One of them ended up getting shot. Fucking oppression right there.

>Had tons of halfbreeds
>literally made cucks out of the Native males who are now probably raising his half-caste offspring for him
>why do they hate us bros?

wtf I love angry Indiginous Canucks now

>tfw you'll never know the feeling of sweet Pocahontas pussy
>tfw you're not part of a tribe
>tfw you can't claim you're native to this beautiful land

Cant be illegal if there werent laws :^)

This is your brain on AIDs.

She's feeling the Bern.

>implying HU-WITE people stole niggers from africa
we bought them from african slave traders, fair and square. as a matter of fact, the african slave trade is larger than it ever was

all things considered, injuns have it pretty good

>booty had me like


I don't think we have to worry about 127 angry Indians.