In the future; year 2050
>be me
>take bio-engineered 7ft 200IQ son for a trip
>walk into museum of vagina
>see exhibit: "the last recorded words of the last woman right before she was executed"
> "but muh vaginaaAAaa!! Beta virgin lose...(sound of axe taking head off)"
>me and son laugh, get ice cream, life is good
The end.
Artificial womb
What do tradcucks and muslims have in common?
They both worship a dark box.
i like women, i love my wife and shes funny. i dont get these memes
>shes funny
Well memed.
>bio-engineered son
>"lol I didn't pass on my genetic code check mate losers"
>I didn't pass on my genetic code
>he is ruled by a 2 million year old part of his brain
I know cuckchan is 90% CIA/jews/paid shills and 10% children and niggers but surely you have heard of transhumanism?
Hahah. Upvoted. Well meme'd OP. But seriously, I don't want any bio-women in the ethnostate. That's what sexbots, androids, and artificial wombs are for.
What good does upvote do me? Send me Gold asshole!
the absolute state of can-worshippers
>advocating for the extinction of the human race
>calls other people CIA/jews/paid shills/children/niggers
In a high-tech society where machines beat brute force and physical labor is made the most redundant by automation while communication expands globally, what kind of traits do you think that favors?
Does that favor sensitive, social personalities, or masculine combat hierarchy?
Technology is a feminizing force. It is the Kali of the Kali-Yuga.
So I'm p sure these threads are just larp for >muh future
But why do guys want artificial wombs so much? It’s not like we have a population problem. And I really doubt you are a single dude that wants to raise a child. If so than go suck dicks somewhere else you fuging pedophile.
>>take bio-engineered 7ft 200IQ son for a trip
Not gonna lie that sounds fun.
>read Locke
I had classes on him, was probably a cuck because I remember the Chad philosophers.
>advocating for the extinction of the human race
Bio humans are inefficient. Merging with machines is the path to immortality.
But stay cucked because your 2 million year old -literal cockroach- brain wants you to maintain genes (which is just bio code)
>notice how I made no remarks with regards to your flag. Thats right. OP is a gentleman.
Basically larping teens that hate all women because idk...mommy issues?....disconnect from reality and come here for assurance that they are in the right?...
>implying transhumanism isn't the next logical step to becoming the gods we were destined to be
>Implying we can spread to the cosmos in our weak mortal fleshy forms
Don't worry, we'll leave you behind with Tyrone and Achmed. Given your flag, I'm sure you would prefer that anyway.
>Technology is a feminizing force.
Technology will be rational.
Rationality is a male trait. Hence it will be masculine.
Now will there be violence orgies? No.
Is this feminine? No. There will be slaughterbots made for the express purpose of entertainment.
Not to forget the endless vast of space to explore.
Quality toothpaste post.
Shit dude, why do you hate your mother so much?
also KYS.
Sometimes I wonder who's behind these posts.
> next logical step to becoming the gods we were destined to be
why do you type like a retard?
oh wait your brain is smaller lmao
>Not gonna lie that sounds fun.
Stick around in this thread. Around the 50 post mark the "holes" start showing up. Dont forget: never take them serious and always refer to them in terms of "holes". They go insane.
I'm as "woman-wise" as the next goy, but whoever came up with OP's picture has serious, serious issues.
Keep yourself together, cumrag!
>he is ruled by a 2 million year old part of his brain
Even a post-Singularity AI would still be subject to natural selection. It's basic mathematics.
Height is mostly pointless when you no longer need to attract females to reproduce.
>roast beef flaps
I genuinely thought this was just a meme. I stand corrected. That can't be hereditary by any means. What kind of mileage is that?
>Height is mostly pointless when you no longer need to attract females
This is true. It makes more sense to make the bodies small to withstand the G-forces of takeoff during space travels/bullet train travels.
This. Finally a smart guy in the thread. The american seemed like a total loser redneck "MUH NO MORE VIOLENCE MEANS THE END OF THE WORLD!"
/twg/ Traditional Women General
This thread is for appreciation of traditional women:
/twg/ Traditional Women General
This thread is for appreciation of traditional women:
I'm gay
love it. No more bio cunts.
Hahah. Women truly are the Jews of genders.
Imagine needing a thread just to bolster your reputation.
Ever heard of a Muslim appreciation thread? A Breivik appreciation thread? A man appreciation thread?
/twg/ Traditional Women General
This thread is for appreciation of traditional women:
More like transjewmanism
made this really fast for you!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA
>Year 2050
>Be obese balding acquafresh mgtow
>Artificial wombs do not exist because due to falling birthrates you had to import half of Morocco and scientific research has been banned by order of Mullah Abdul Jaffar al Amsterdami
>Your are jerking it to your semen encrusted pony plushy, the only consolation remaining to you after porn was banned and the only company you have after your family died off of old age and your sister married a Turk and moved to Istanbul
>Sharia police burst into your apartment because they caught a whiff of weed coming from your neighbor's Mustafa apartment
>Get sentenced for beheading
>At least roasties got btfo
Faked news
t. white knight
From thumbnail I though she have a fish in her vagina.
Very real news. Falling birthrates=more shitskins coming=less and less scientific progress=no artificial wombs
t. Doesn't get the point I'm making
>left can't meme
/twg/ Traditional Women General
This thread is for appreciation of traditional women:
tired of being a cuck?
Are you gonna answere my simple question or just post photoshopped shock value. Any non idiot would know that’s not how vaginas work