This thread is for Wudogs ONLY to discuss Brianna Wu's 2018 congressional campaign.
>Quick Overview Brianna Wu is running for congress and aims to support the rights of LGBT folks and to fight against online harassment which she was a victim of.
>SHE FOUGHT THE ALT-RIGHT AND WON Now let her fight for you.
Are you ready for a Bolder Democratic Party?
>to fight against online harassment which she was a victim of She was also the person harassing herself too but that is generally overlooked
Elijah Diaz
Hunter Martin
LETS GO /femmepenes/
Lincoln Robinson
I'm a #wumissile now
Xavier Price
Step 1: get laughed at because your only experience in life was chopping your dick off and making a shit video game
Leo Howard
brian just stop
David Walker
Is she going to be in a debate with more serious democrats? I hope so
William Thomas
Adam Jackson
His name is John Walker Flynt btw
Benjamin Powell
Isaiah White
Elijah James
brave retweet by our future senator
Adrian Sanchez
Flynt of Hustler btw
Henry Morris
Christian Myers
Jacob Carter
Nathaniel Hernandez
Juan Russell
How are people this ugly allowed to exist?
Grayson Barnes
>Brianna Wu is running for congress and aims to support the rights of LGBT folks and to fight against online harassment which she was a victim of.
What the fuck When does this timeline settle down
Jaxson Collins
Jesus christ I wouldn't vote for that cunt just based on her looks.
Adam Cox
>her Wu lad.
Angel Diaz
Angel Edwards
>she >her
Jordan Howard
>Based Wu kills virtual nazis to raise money for her campaign
>Based Wu will make Telecom anti-trust her mission if elected
>Based Wu plans to convert social security number to cryptographic keys
>Based Wu says Super Mario Bros. is about "white colonialism"
>Based Wu says "it's time for harassers to be held accountable"
Christopher Torres
Carson Turner
Juan Morris
For a racially pure people, conscious of its blood, can never be enslaved by the Jew. It will forever only be the master of bastards in this world.
Thus he systematically tries to lower the racial level by a permanent poisoning of the individual.
In the political sphere, however, he begins to replace the idea of democracy by that of the dictatorship of the proletariat.
In the organized mass of Marxism he has found the weapon which makes him now dispense with democracy and which allows him, instead, to enslave and to 'rule' the people dictatorially with the brutal fist.
He now works methodically towards the revolution in a twofold direction: economically and politically.
Jackson Hernandez
Thanks to his international influence, he ensnares with a net of enemies those peoples which put up a too violent resistance against the enemy from within, he drives them into war, and finally, if necessary, he plants the flag of revolution on the battlefield.
In the field of economics he undermines the States until the social organizations which have become unprofitable are taken from the State and submitted to his financial control.
Politically he denies to the State all means of self- preservation, he destroys the bases of any national self- dependence and defense, he destroys the confidence in the leaders, he derides history and the past, and he pulls down into the gutter everything which is truly great.
Hudson King
In the domain of culture he infects art, literature, the- ater, smites natural feeling, overthrows all conceptions of
beauty and sublimity, of nobility and quality, and in turn he pulls the people down into the confines of his own swinish nature.
Religion is ridiculed, customs and morality are presented as outlived, until the last supports of a nationality in the fight for human existence in this world have fallen.
(e) [sic] Now begins the great, final revolution. The Jew, by gaining the political power, casts off the few cloaks which he still wears. The democratic national Jew becomes the blood Jew and the people's tyrant. In the course of a few years he tries to eradicate the national supporters of intelligence, and, while he thus deprives the people of their natural spiritual leaders, he makes them ripe for the slave's destiny of permanent subjugation.
Aiden Gomez
The most terrible example of this kind is offered by Rus- sia where he killed or starved about thirty million people
That Bolshevism was a creation of Jewry has long been a favorite anti-Semitic assertion. In 1920 Hitler met Dietrich Eckart, a journalist of ability who for some years edited the Vdlkischer Bcobachtcr. Mein Kampf closes with his name, and some of it reflects his style. It may be that Eckart suggested writing the book. His statue, festooned with wreaths, is the ptice de resistance of the Brown House, Munich. Eckart was the author of a pamphlet, Der Bolschewismus von Moses bis Lenin (Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin). It was believed at the time that Lenin was a Jew.
The Russian Revolution had its roots in bad government. Jews suffered from this at least as much as did other groups, but in addition they had to contend with fanatical anti-Semitic organizations for which the Czar was not radical enough. That does not explain, however, why the Kerensky Revolution was undermined by Bolshevists, and the door is left open to specula- tion. Lenin was transported from Switzerland to Russia in 1917 in a sealed railway coach by order of General Ludendorff. The hope was that he would be able to wean the Russian army
Alexander Roberts
with a truly diabolic ferocity, under inhuman tortures, in order to secure to a crowd of Jewish scribblers and stock exchange robbers the rulership over a great people.
But the end is not only the end of the freedom of the peoples oppressed by the Jew, but also the end of these peoples' parasites themselves. With the death of the victim this peoples' vampire will also die sooner or later. < If we let all the causes of the German collapse pass before our eyes, there remains as the ultimate and decisive cause the non-recognition of the race problem and especially of the Jewish danger.
The defeats in the battlefield of August, 1918, would have been easily bearable. They were out of proportion to the victories of our people. Not the defeats have over- thrown us, but we were overthrown by that power which prepared these defeats by robbing our people systemati- cally, for many decades, of its political and moral instincts
Luis Cruz
from thoughts of continuing the War, and thus make possible a separate peace with Germany. It is usually held that the original idea came from Dr. Helphand, an adventurer with a flair of genius and a gift for intrigue. Lenin, aided by Trotski, gained control of Russia, and the separate peace which al- most cost Lenin his prestige was negotiated at Brest- Litovsk. That (if one excepts Trotski) Jews had an unduly important part in these developments is disproved by two facts: that only a small percentage of either the Communist Party leadership or its following was Jewish ; and by the reac- tion of leading Jewish Socialists not favorable to the Bolshevist minority. There is little evidence to support any current as- sumptions that international Jewish aid was given to Lenin. In America, England, and France, Jewish groups naturally favored Kerensky.
and forces which alone enable and entitle peoples to exist in this world.
The old Reich, by inattentively passing by the question of the preservation of the racial foundations of our nation- ality, disregarded also the sole right which alone gives life in this world. Peoples which bastardize themselves, or permit themselves to be bastardized, sin against the will of eternal Providence, and their ruin by the hand of a stronger nation is consequently not an injustice that is done to them, but only the restoration of right. If a people no longer wants to respect the qualities which Nature has given it and which root in its blood, then it has no longer the right to complain about the loss of its worldly existence.
Isaac Carter
its politics. boston liberals are retarded enough to elect a tranny.
Adrian Mitchell
Nolan Martinez
Sup >What is "sage"? >Entering "sage" (by itself) into the [Options] field while replying will cause the thread not to bump to the top of the page. Contrary to popular belief, a sage is not a downvote, and should not be used as one. "sage-bombing" or announcing that you've saged a thread may result in a ban.
Noah Williams
This, desu
Shits gonna be lit
Brody Clark
Evan Martinez
It's politicis you retard. Wu is running in Boston like said
Colton Martin
The title of this board is Sup Forums - Politically Incorrect, there are a plethora of places where you can promote transfaggot shit, so why don't you take it there?
Christian Gonzalez
Everything in this world can be improved. Any defeat can become the father of a later victory. Any lost war can become the cause of a later rise, every distress the fertiliza- tion of human energy, and from every suppression can come the forces of a new spiritual rebirth, as long as the blood remains preserved in purity.
Alone the loss of the purity of the blood destroys the inner happiness forever; it eternally lowers man, and never again can its consequences be removed from body and mind. Only upon examining and comparing, in the face of this sole question, all the other problems of life, one will be able to judge how ridiculously small the latter are as compared with the former. How all of them are only temporal, while the question of the preservation of the blood is one of human eternity.
All really important symptoms of decay of the pre-War time ultimately go back to racial causes.
Isaiah Martinez
No matter whether questions of general law or excres- cences of economic life, whether cultural symptoms of de- cline or political processes of degeneration, whether ques- tions of faulty education at school or evil influence on the grown-ups by the press, etc., are involved, always and everywhere it is fundamentally the non-recognition of racial considerations of one's own people or the non-recog- nition of a foreign, a racial, danger.
Therefore, all attempts at reforms, all works of social aid and political efforts, all economic rise, and every apparent increase of spiritual knowledge were nevertheless unimpor- tant in their consecutive symptoms. The nation and that organism which enables and preserves its life on this earth, that is, the State, did not become internally healthier, but they visibly languished more and more. All the sham pro- sperity of the old Reich could not conceal the inner weak- ness, and any attempt at an actual strengthening of the Reich failed again and again on account of passing by the most important question.
Nicholas Thomas
It would be wrong to believe that the adherents of the various political doctrines which doctored about the Ger- man national body, nay, that even the leaders, to a certain extent, were bad or malevolent men. Their activity was condemned to unproductiveness for the sole reason that, in the most favorable case at best, they saw and tried to fight the symptomatic forms of our general sickness, but passed blindly by the germ. He who systematically follows the political development of the old Reich is bound to arrive, upon quiet examination, at the realization that even at the time of unity, and thus of rise of the German nation, the inner decay was already on its way, and that, despite all apparent political successes and rising economic wealth, the general situation became worse from year to year. Even the elections for the Reichstag, with their outward swelling of the Marxist votes, announced the more and more rapidly approaching internal, and, with it, external, collapse. All the successes of the so-called bourgeois parties were of no value, not only because they were unable to check the increasing numbers of the Marxist flood even with so-called bourgeois electoral victories, but because above all even
they themselves harbored the ferment of deterioration. The bourgeois world itself, without its knowing it, was infected with the cadaveric poison of Marxist ideas, and its resistance originated frequently rather from the competi- tive envy of ambitious leaders than from a rejection in prin- ciple of the adversaries, determined to fight to the extreme* There was only one who, during these long years, fought with imperturbable regularity, and this was the Jew. His star of David then rose higher and higher in the same measure in which our people's will for self-preservation vanished.
Mason Anderson
Therefore, in August, 1914, it was not a people, deter- mined to attack, which rushed to the battlefield, but what took place was only the last flaring-up of the national instinct of self-preservation in face of the progressing paci- fist Marxist paralyzation of our national body. As even in those fateful days one did not recognize the internal enemy, all outward resistance was in vain, and Providence gave the reward, not to the victorious sword, but it followed the law of eternal revenge.
Out of this inner realization there were to be formed lor us the leading principles, as well as the tendency of the new movement which alone, in our conviction, was enabled to For assertions like these, General Ludendorff is primarily responsible. Irritated by failure and by some rather tactless attempts to taunt him for that failure, he took refuge in anti- Semitic utterances, and lent his great name to reckless calum- nies. Had either he or von Hindenburg remembeied the Jewish dead of their armies and stopped the tirades with one dear word of disapproval, the whole anti-Semitic campaign would have collapsed. It may be that this was too much to expect of men smarting under humiliation and defeat. In addition Ludendorff retreated into the shadows of a mystical German faith that lent fervor and significance to his attacks.
Aiden King
IF NOW at the end of this book I describe the first period of development of our movement and deal briefly with a series of questions caused by it, it is not done in order to give a treatise on the spiritual aims of the move- ment. The goal and the task of the new movement are so enormous that one can deal with them only in a volume of their own. Therefore, in a second volume I will deal in de- tail with the foundations (and their programs) of the move- ment and will try to draw a picture of what we conceive by the word 'State. 1 With 'we* I mean all those hundreds of thousands who fundamentally long for the same thing with- out their finding the words in detail to describe the outward appearance of what is before their inner eye. For with all great reforms the remarkable thing is that at first they have as their champion perhaps only a single individual, but as their supporters many millions. For centuries their goal is often the inner ardent wish of hundreds of thousands, till one man stands up as the proclaimer of such a general will and as the flag-bearer of an old longing he helps it to victory in the form of a new idea.
That millions harbor in their hearts the longing for a fundamental change in the existing circumstances is proved by the deep discontent from which they suffer. It is ex- pressed in thousandfold forms of symptoms, with some in despair and hopelessness, with others in aversion, in wrath and indignation, with the one in indifference and with the other in furious exuberance. Also those who are sick and tired of elections, as well as the many who tend towards the most fanatical extreme of the left, may be looked upon as witnesses to this inner discontent.
Camden Cooper
It was the aim of the young movement to appeal first of all to these elements. It ought not to form an organization of those who are content and satisfied, but to bring together those who are tortured by suffering, those who are without peace and unhappy and discontented, and above all it must not swim on the surface of the national body, but has to root in its foundations. f Taken from the purely political point of view, the fol- lowing picture presented itself in 1918: a people is torn into two parts. The one, by far the smaller, comprises the layers The elections of May, 1924, which followed the most hectic period in the history of the short-lived Republic the Ruhr invasion, inflation, the Hitler putsch, revaluations of the cur- rency, and the parleys that led to the signing of the Dawes Plan was marked by a trend to the Left and Right extremes. The conservative German National Party became the second strongest group in the Reichstag, the number of Communist deputies rose to 62 (there had been only 2 in 1920), and the DciUsch-voelkischc Frcihcitspartei (German Folkish Freedom Party), founded by Right radical dissidents from the conservm-
Luke Cruz
of national intelligence with exclusion of all those who are physically active. It is outwardly national, but by this word it is unable to imagine something different from a very lukewarm and weak representation of so-called State in- terests which in turn seem identical with dynastic interests. It tries to fight for its ideas and aims with spiritual weapons which are as fragmentary as they are superficial, but which in themselves fail completely in the face of the enemy's brutality. With one single terrible stroke this class, which just previously was still the ruling one, is thrown over, and now, in trembling cowardice, it bears every humiliation on the part of the ruthless victor.
It is faced, in the form of the second class, by the great mass of the working population. This class is integrated in more or less radical Marxist movements, determined to break any spiritual resistance by the power of force. It does not want to be national, but it consciously rejects any promotion of national interests as, in turn, it promotes all suppression on the part of foreign powers. Measured by figures it is the stronger party, but it comprises above all those elements of the nation without which a national re- surrection is unthinkable and impossible.
For as early as 1918 one had to see clearly about this.
Jeremiah White
tive group, elected 32 men. Under the circumstances, it looked as if dissatisfaction with the policies sponsored by the Re- publican governments was growing rapidly, and that the ' Re- volution ' was in danger. In many respects this election resem- bles that of 1930. Yet six months later December, 1924 another Reichstag election completely changed the picture. The Communists elected only 32 deputies, and the National Socialists 14. The number and percentage of citizens voting in- creased. Doubtless the principal causes of this reversal were two the manifest inability of the extremists to accomplish anything, and the beneficent effect to the capital that flowed into Germany under the Dawes Plan.
Any resurrection of the German people can take place only by way of regaining external power. But the prerequisites for this are not arms as our bourgeois 'statesmen' always babble, but the forces of will power. At one time the Ger- man people had more than enough arms. They were not able to secure its freedom, because the energies of the na- tional instinct of self-preservation, the will for self-preserva- tion, was lacking. The best arms are dead and useless ma- terial as long as the spirit is missing which is ready, willing, and determined to use them. Germany became defenseless, not because there was a shortage of arms, but because the will was missing to guard the arms for the preservation of the nation.
If today especially our politicians of the left try to point to the lack of arms as the necessary cause of their irresolute and yielding policy, which in reality is a policy of betrayal to foreign powers, then one must answer them only one thing: No, the contrary is right. You have surrendered the arms by your anti-national and criminal policy of giving
David Brown
Bitterness was so great that moderate defenders of the poli- cies adopted since 1918 resorted to the defense that an unarmed Germany had no choice save acquiescence in Allied decrees. Hence Hitler's rejoinder.
An attack on the German National Party, which had gained so dominant a position in 1924. If this party really succeeded in retaining large groups of Nationalist voters, Hitler's move- ment was doomed to failure. Therefore he taunted the con- servatives with their 'cowardice* in 1918 an epithet invented by Philipp Scheidemann, Socialist leader, after the War. The attack was politically shrewd. In this and subsequent passages, the especial situation of 1924-25 is hinted at. The German National leader up until October, 1924, was Oskar Hergt, an honest veteran civil servant, without the skill or callousnrsi needed to guide a party through such difficult times.
up national interests. Now you are trying to present the shortage of arms as the fundamental cause of your misera- ble wretchedness. This is, as everything in your activity, lie and fraud.
But this reproach applies just as much to the politicians of the right. For thanks to their miserable cowardice, the Jewish rabble who had come into power in 1918 was able to steal the arms from the nation. They, too, have there- fore no reason and no right to palm off the present lack of arms as the necessity for their clever caution (say 4 coward- ice'), but the defenselessness is just the consequence of their cowardice. -
Ryder Miller
But if one understands that the resurrection of the Ger- man nation is a question of regaining our political will of self-preservation, it is also clear that this is not fulfilled by winning elements which are national at least according to their will, but only by the nationalization of the deliberately anti-national masses.
A young movement that sets before itself the goal of the re-establishment of a German State with its own sovereignty will have to direct its fight completely at winning the broad masses. No matter how wretched in general our so-called 'national bourgeoisie 9 is, how insufficient its national loyalty appears, it is just as certain that from this side a serious resistance to a powerful national internal and external policy is not to be expected. Even if, for notoriously nar- row-minded and short-sighted reasons, the German bour- geoisie were to remain in passive resistance, as once it faced Bismarck in the hour of a coming liberation, nevertheless, with its acknowledged and proverbial cowardice, an active resistance need never be feared.
The situation is different with the masses of our fellow 462 MEIN KAMPF
citizens who are internationally minded. In their primitive originality they are not only directed more towards the idea of force, but their Jewish leaders are more brutal and more ruthless. They will beat down any German rise just as once before they broke the German army's backbone. But above all, in this parliamentarily ruled State, by force of the superiority of their number, they will not only prevent any national foreign policy, but they will further exclude any higher evaluation of the German strength and with it any chance of potential alliances.
Christopher Bailey
For the weak momentum which lies in our fifteen million Marxists, Democrats, Paci- fists, and representatives of the Center is not only known to us, but is recognized even more by the foreign powers which measure the value of a possible alliance with us according to the weight of this burden. One does not form an alliance with a State in which the active part of the population has at least a passive attitude towards any resolute foreign policy.
To this is added the fact that the leaders of these parties of national betrayal, merely out of their instinct of self- preservation, must and will be hostile to any rise. From the historical point of view it is simply inconceivable that the German people could once more take its former position without settling accounts with those who were the cause and the occasion of the unheard-of collapse which afflicted our State. For before the tribunal of posterity November, 1918, will not be evaluated as high treason, but as treason against the country.
Thus the regaining of German independence in foreign affairs is primarily connected with the regaining of the domestic willful unity of our people.
David Bailey
But looked at from the purely technical point of view the thought of a German rise as regards foreign politics seems absurd as long as the great masses are not ready to enter into the service of this idea of freedom. Taken from
the purely military viewpoint, with a little reflection it will become clear, above all to every officer, that one cannot war against foreign powers with the help of students' battalions, but that for this purpose one needs, apart from the brains of a people, also its fists. Thereby one has to keep in mind that a national defense, which is based only upon the circles of the so-called 'intelligentsia/ would only spoil the price- less goods of the nation. The young German intelligentsia, which found its death with the voluntary regiments in the fields of Flanders in the fall of 1914, was sorely missing later on. They were the best property the nation possessed, and this loss could never be replaced in the course of the War. But it is not only impossible to carry through the fight it- self if the charging battalions do not have the masses of the workers among their ranks, but it is also impossible to carry out the technical preparation where the unifying will of the national body is missing. Just our people, which, under the thousand eyes of the Treaty of Versailles, has to live dis- armed, will be able to make technical arrangements for On November n, 1914, German regiments comprised of student volunteers stormed the French positions at Langhe- marcq (near Ypres) in Belgium, singing the DeutscUand song. The losses were fearful. This deed is looked upon as the most heroic in the German war record.
Aaron Sanchez
The theory that the November Revolution was an act of high treason often led to highly emotional outbursts. Thus Dr. Wilhelm Frick declared in January, 1928: 'To the gallows with the criminals who have misgoverned us during the past ten years!' But oddly enough the Nazis also attacked the November Revolution on the ground that it was no genuine revolution. Speaking in Munich during 1929, Goering said: 'Our misfortune was that this "revolution" was no German revolution. Therefore we know the revolution is still coming, and that it must, bring the release of German energies.'
regaining its freedom and human independence only if the host of professional informers is decimated to those whose inborn lack of character permits them to betray everything to everybody in return for the well-known thirty pieces of silver. One can manage these people. Unmanageable, how- ever, seem the millions of those who oppose the national rise out of political resistance, unless the cause of their ac- tivity, their international Marxist view of life, is fought and torn out of their hearts and brains.
No matter, therefore, from which point of view one ex- amines the possibility of regaining the independence of our State and nation, whether from that of the preparation of foreign politics, that of technical armament, or from that of the struggle itself, there remains the preliminary winning over of the great masses of our people for the idea of our national independence as the presupposition for everything.
Jeremiah Rodriguez
But without regaining our external freedom, every idea of an inner reform itself remains, in the most favorable case, only the increase of our productivity as a colony. Every so-called economic uplift renders its surplus only to the commissions of international control, and every social improvement increases, in the most favorable case, only the capacity of working for them. Cultural achievements will no longer fall to the share of the German nation at all, they are too closely connected with the political independ- ence and dignity of a nationality. If, therefore, the German future's favorable solution is connected with the national winning of the great masses of our people, then this must also be the highest and the greatest task of a movement the activity of which is not to be exhausted in the satisfaction of the moment, but which has to examine every hour and every activity only as to their consequences for the future.**
Thus we realized as early as 1919 that the new movement has to carry out, first, as its highest aim, the nationaliza- tion of the masses.
Kevin Price
it is because of insecure faggots like you that we need Wu #metoo4wu
Camden Turner
>what is accelerationism
Wu is /ourguy/ retard. We need him to win so all can see the insanity of the left.
Lincoln Wood
I don't really care but if I were American right-winger I would support her. More freaks, better for you.
For years after our divorce, his words rang in my ears - he told me in private that my writing was horrible, that I was no good, that I was shit. He let his friends talk down to me and call me abusive names. When I left him, he gave my phone number to his friends so they could call me up and shout abuse at me. In public, he would be all smiles, but in private was a different story. You want to talk about scars? I have a burn mark on my back that I covered up with a tattoo. I didn't want to talk about my first marriage, didn't want to carry that pain with me, so I tried to erase it.
When I was with him, I had just started writing for publication. However, he eroded all of my self-confidence and I stopped writing. For years after our marriage ended, I didn't write because I didn't want to be involved in that world and accidentally cross paths with him.
Only recently have I decided that what he did back then doesn't have to hold me back now. I decided to write again - that I wouldn't live in fear of him or what he could say. I decided this because of my current husband, who has been nothing but supportive and loving of my dreams.
Brayden Ortiz
I guess I was wrong about Frank. He made a very public post about me in September: I just discovered it today because people are tweeting it. I am adding the link here so you can read it. Because I want you to read the outrageous things he is saying, and to know that what he is saying is BULLSHIT.
I am not going to stoop to his level of verbal abuse and lies. I am only going to defend myself with facts. He was 15 years my senior. He was older than me, taller than me, outweighed me. When I left - and yes, I was the one to leave - he came up to my parents' house, trying to get me back. When he wouldn't leave me alone, I moved across the country to get away from him. Then he showed up at my sister's apartment in New York City where I was staying while I got my feet under me - he talked his way past the manager by saying he was my husband, and being very persuasive that I would want to see him - and I opened the door to her apartment to find him waiting inside. Let me say, it was not a good surprise to think I was going to a safe space, only to find him waiting for me. So I cut all ties with my old friends, worried they would give him information about me. I changed my number because I was getting phone messages from his friends telling me I was a piece of shit - basically repeating everything he had told me for the year we were together. And then when I had done all that - left my whole life behind - the nightmare, I thought, was over.
My current husband and I are approaching our six-year anniversary. We have two beautiful children. It was my husband who convinced me to stop being afraid to write, to send my stuff out there. It was he who convinced me that nothing bad would happen to me. I tried to tell him that he didn't know my ex-husband and how vindictive and manipulative he was when we were together. I was afraid, but I decided to do it anyway, because I had my husband's loving support.
Lincoln Hill
Let me ask you - what sort of woman runs away across the country, changes her phone number and cuts ties with all of her friends because SHE is the abuser? What sort of man publicly posts such outrageous shit about his ex-wife in a public forum? Yeah, I thought so.
I don't want to live in fear anymore. So, Frank Wu, take your lies and shove them. You can't manipulate me. And you can't hurt me anymore, either.
Nathan Price
Elijah Fisher
>Based Wu says Super Mario Bros. is about "white colonialism" what did it mean by this?
Aaron Kelly
>her Anyway, this is just a meme leftover from gamergate He doesn't stand a chance against the incumbent