Why russia is a shithole?
Because of Russians
their girls are nice though
They are the biggest slave-nation, which brings their shitty ideas everywhere they can!
they are mostly mongoloid. Have u ever been to russia? There isn`t a lot of such beautiful. Just a stereotype.
Why USA is a shithole?
they are still somewere in the middle. Even ukrainian one (their biggest enemy?) is much more gorgeous
Looks like a prison? Nooo! It`s an ordinary russian city. And they are bringing this shit everywhere they can! To Europe (Warshau pact) to former soviets etc
Russia is the worst place to live (exept Africa)
They even stole their culture and history from Belorussia and Ukraine
Why would you hate the top 3?
Without them, you'd have nothing.
The people there allow themselves to be stolen from and treated like cattle. The political leadership is in bed with organized crime and there is no end of this in sight. While the individual Russian may be a good person, as a society they are sick and abused.
What exatly the did for world`s wealth?
Shut the fuck up kike
why is america a shithole
This is no ordinary city though it's a fucking Norilsk
Buthurt hohol pls
Lol. Russian propaganda about Ukraine. Looks funny, isn`t it?
The difficulty in understanding the Russian is that we do not take cognizance of the fact that he is not a European, but an Asiatic, and therefore thinks deviously. We can no more understand a Russian than a Chinaman or a Japanese, and from what I have seen of them, I have no particular desire to understand them, except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. In addition to his other Asiatic characteristics, the Russian has no regard for human life and is an all out son of bitch, barbarian, and chronic drunk.
Who are Ukrainians until the 20th century?
it's not an "ordinary russian city", idiot. Norilsk is a single-purpose mining town, foreigners aren't even permitted to visit without FSB approval
lol. That shitty vodka drinkers are tring to fight agains the truth. Such a hillarious thing.
who cares about ukrainian?
>they are mostly mongoloid
Retarded shit, been to Russia and the only "Mongoloids" are Central Asian ethnicities such as Chuvash, Kalmyk, Tuvans.
>buthurt Ukrainian hides his ass under nazi flag, kek
We basically live in post apocalyptic game
Russia is mostly asian country, isn`t it? Most of their lands are placed in Siberia or smth
agree with u. Those bearfuckers don`t even belive me.
Russia being in Asia doesn't make them Mongoloid.
Go to Vladivostok, which is literally few kilometers away from North Korea and still they aren't Mongoloid
Russia has some of the most beautiful and fucking ugly women in the planet. Truly a strange juxtaposition, that place is.
This thread is just a disgrace of nazism.
I have no problem at all with Russia. I do, however, hate cum guzzling memeflag faggots who try to make Russia a scary boogeyman for deceptive political purposes. Eat shit, OP
shilling hard against Ruskies today, shift change! SAGE
Memes and shilling aside, the truth is they don't invest in innovation.
Their space program still relies on 1960s rockets and space capsules.
Only according to you Shekelberg
Lol. Vladivostok is one of the biggest cities in eastern russia. Why it shouldn`t have a russian majority?
It's a frozen fucking wasteland. They're planning on invading the United States, they figure we don't use the land well enough so they must deserve it more. (They kind of do deserve it more than the jews)
Russians are degenerate nomands who hasn`t anything in common with Europe and their slav "brothers": Poland, Serbia etc
>Russians are degenerate nomands who hasn`t anything in common
ZOG-occupied, ISIS-loving Ukrop-trash hating on Russia again, how original.
u are still behaiving like an ordinary bearfucker
>They're planning on invading the United States,
No they're not, why do you even think this?
Can't make this up. KEK
looooollll. So, in your opinion, what cold war in fact is?
thats a pretty retarded argument. that coat of arms doesnt belong to ukraine specifically. its belongs tothe rurikid family. pretty much all nobles in the area claimed to be ruriks decandant including several tsars.
The Finnish khanate needs to be bigger.
I like Russia, just not a fan of Putin.
I prefer commies.
>ITT: russian shill bots
he's a communist though, a well disguised communist
pff, we wish he were.
>Russia like nigger but wrong colour
kalmyk are literally mongols
chivash are more like finns
tuvans are turks
>meme flag
Opinion disregarded. They're not really rich by any means (unless they live in the larger cities or are somehow connected to the current oligarchy), but they're decent people more often than not and would share their last loaf of bread with you. And their literature is amazing.
Is that why Putin called the end of the Societ Union anuddah shoah?
>In 2005 Putin publicly said, “First and foremost it is worth acknowledging that the demise of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century. As for the Russian people, it became a genuine tragedy. Tens of millions of our fellow citizens and countrymen found themselves beyond the fringes of Russian territory.”
>In January 2016 Putin publicly criticized Lenin. But he didn’t criticize Lenin for being a communist. He criticized Lenin for “providing regions with autonomy.” By doing this, Lenin “planted an atomic bomb under the building that is called Russia and which would later explode.” This explosion took place in 1991 and led to the breakup of the Soviet Union. Putin was not criticizing Lenin’s communist ideas. He was criticizing Lenin for causing the breakup of the Soviet Union.
>King then asked, “Do you believe in a higher power?”
>For those listening live, Putin was translated as follows: “I believe in the power of man.” In the official CNN transcript, the translation says, “I believe in human beings.” Of course, when a real Christian is asked to testify on behalf of his faith, such an answer would be tantamount to a denial of faith. It is, in fact, how a communist would answer the question. And I believe Putin had to give this answer for the sake of the Party cadres in Russia.
He's also buddy buddy with Fidel Castro, Nicolás Maduro, commie dictators, I guess it's all a coincidence :^)
better dead then red
I think you mean Citizens of a country from Russia
I want to move to Russia, what are some good cities? Is it hard to emigrate to Russia?
You got that backwards.
What colour is your National Socialist flag anyways?
Pffffff. If u wanna lie in that shithole, that u nevere ever been there. As true russian about this stuff and he will give u the definite answer: "DDOON`TTT DOO IITTT, FOOOLLL"
He is a capitalist who likes to think of himself as a tsar.
It's not easy running a country,even less one the size of Russia
lol. I`m not a nazi. Just a random flag, stupid bearfucker
I like russia very much
being poor is not a big problem that is fixable. The american character is not fixable. So good people living in a shithole > awful people living in luxury
stating the obvious here but it seems pol needs to be told this
America is uglier in all respects.
>tfw no Russo-Japanese anime city that spends 100% GDP on military.
If Putin said that about Lenin then Putin is retarded.
Lenin was barely alive in the begining of the USSR, nevermind being in anywhere near the end to cause it's collapse.
Because it’s close to the shithole known as Europe.
Now you have gator fucker flag?
This, you need to take on america before Russia, seeing as how we aren't disgusting
>t. Thinks Hitler hated Slavs
Can't meme
explain genocide of Ukrops and Russians and not even taking in millions of willing Ukrainians to fight USSR even though Hitler was more than willing to let fellow Aryans fight on his side and die.
I'm half Russian and half Georgian and I'll say this, sure the economy might be shit in pretty much all Slavic counties and some Eastern European countries however, there are nice people , nice anti-degenerate culture and lots of beautiful sights. The only problem with Russia imo is Putin and the general corrupt govt.
You sound like a mongoloid to be frank. Meme flaggers are the worst
All in all I need to leave you for some time.
Lets sum up all that shit:
1) Russians are wild nomands
2) Russia is an asian country
3) Russians are the worst people with a slave character
4) Nothing could save this shithole from becomming more and more pennieless
5) Russian aren`t slavs
6) RF - worst country to live
>wild nomads with a slave character
Russian soul really is an enigma
Gommunism and nepotism
Fuck off.
Same reason all of Central Asia is.
Euro and Asian genes produce shitty offspring when mixed.
>implying those people are ethnically Russian
I can spot a Ukrainian and a Jew right away, don't know who the others are
Because of pic related
forgot to get off your vpn there Ivan
Deluded idiots pretty much hits the nail right on the head! kek
That's a pretty rude thread desu
better dead than be a republican? hmm
How thick are you? He said USSR's breakup was a catastrophe because millions of Russians went to bed in one country (USSR) and woke up in another (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Baltics, Belarus, etc.).
>khokhol wet dreams
>absolute state of khokhol education
Do you even realize that most of the pic's arguments are total fabrication?
Read and weep, Mykola.
>B лЂтo 6360, индиктa 15, нaчeншю Mихaилy цapьcтвoвaти, нaчacя пpoзывaти Pycкaя зeмля.
>И изъбpaшacя тpиe бpaтa c poды cвoими, и пoяшa пo coбЂ вcю Pycь, и пpидoшa къ CлoвЂнoмъ пЂpвЂe и cpyбишa гopoдъ Лaдoгy, и cЂдe cтapЂйший в ЛaдoзЂ Pюpикъ, a дpyгий Cинeycъ нa БЂлЂoзepЂ, a тpeтЂй Tpyвopъ въ ИзбopьcцЂ. И oтъ тЂхъ Bapягъ пpoзвacя Pycкaя зeмля. Пo дъвoю жe лЂтy yмpe Cинeycъ и бpaтъ eгo Tpyвopъ, и пpия Pюpикъ влacть вcю oдинъ; и пpишeдъ къ Ильмepю и cpyби гopoдъ нaдъ Boлхoвoмъ, и пpoзвaшa и Hoвъгopoдъ, и cЂдe тy княжa и paздaя мyжeмъ cвoимъ вoлocти, и гopoды pyбaти, oвoмy Пoлътecкъ, oвoмy Pocтoвъ, дpyгoмy БЂлooзepo. И пo тЂмь гopoдoмъ cyть нaхoдницЂ Bapязи; пЂpвии нaceлницы в HoвЂгopoдЂ CлoвeнЂ, и в ПoлoтьcкЂ Кpивичи, Pocтo†Mepянe, нa БЂлЂoзepЂ Becь, MypoмЂ Mypoмa, и тЂми вcЂми oблaдaшe Pюpикъ.