They don't even care any more. They did not even try to make it look like an accident. the plane exploded mid air at 7.800' during ascent. explosives were triggered by Altitude. Debris scattered over one mile radius. Only two bodies found intact.
This after attempting to assassinate Republican members of Congress.
Attempted assassination of Donald Trump Jr. Only, they got his wife. She is in the hospital.
Other urls found in this thread:
fake news
totally fake and gay
Vanessa Trump was merely receiving some hard earned cocaine for her many bumps on a mongolian basket weaving forum.
When are mine gonna come, I check my mailbox each day and haven't received any cocaine yet.
Fake euphemism Shareblue Shill. 10 Sat has been added to (((your))) account.
Can’t we at least prove the CEO stuff. The source of the steel dossier is his ass and that was not on the plane
(((Your))) post has been forwarded to the S.S.
Big if true.
Never Trump Boiler Room is out in full force this morning. How does it feel to suck dick for Soy Milk Money?
well, for one thing, the only real way to shoot an airliner down with MANPADS is at ascent or descent... makes sense...
but of course, aircraft do have problems and crash occasionally, so I dunno... sure is convenient though... they must be upset that the Russians repaired the Syrian's S200V systems
A plane went down in north norway here yesterday too. 2 died. We don't know who it was yet, but I know the jews were behind this
Well trump is a Jew so you know..
The plane was only 2 years old . Just broke in. (((Your))) poor maintenance bullshit doesn't wash. Explosives were on board. Not Manpad.
A guy is currently on trial in russia, accused of spying on the murmansk fleet caught by the FSB.
He claims to have been tricked, it was also the jews.
he's not but he have obviously infiltrated them more than any of us could ever do, unless you sell all your bitcoins and get in there
Trump supports a certain sect of Jews that fight against the Globalist. The enemy of my enemy is my Friend. The "Hey Nazis, Trump is bad kids mmmmmkay cuz he supports Jews kids, mmmkay, is Shareblue propaganda Bullshit. Please try again.
fucking leaf
he was just getting some (((papers))) for a guy.
Then he gets (((arrested))), then a plane gets taken down. (((Coincidence))) I think not. I blame the (((jews))) and (((whales))) for this
al britoni the day of rope is near for you beware sand nigger
>(((Your))) poor maintenance bullshit doesn't wash.
lmao chill out broski, not everybody you talk to on Sup Forums is a super-secret Jewish agent. I didn't say "poor maintenance bullshit" you fucking sperg, I just said that planes DO crash occasionally... DON'T THEY? it doesn't always have to be a FIM-92 Stinger courtesy of the CIA. but it could be.
fuckin A. there's enough scumbags on Sup Forums, make sure you're actually hitting them
>Explosives were on board.
um, nice source?
What kind of drugs are you on?
memes aside, this could very much be a russian maskirovka psyop. We don't know yet, but it looks like he was fooled into this as he was active on both russian and norse soil.
>Literal shitstain coloured human calling other people sandniggers
You haven't fulfilled your daily street shitting quota. Go and shit on those remaining streets. Chop chop.
Like it or not, Sup Forumstards, [This] user and [Millions] like Him will be our Allies in The final Conflict. They will decimate The Yellow Hordes.
t. paki
Probably just state-mandated ones.
10- 4. Apppologies if Blue on Blue. Fog of War.
excuse me manner
t. pakkis
2 material witnesses against Hillary Clinton just exploded, and it was perfect
pure coincidence goyim
You realize there are id's right?
And no I'm half Scottish half sheepshag
seem like Clintons are having an early spring cleaning going on,,
Gaslighting is the oldest shareblue meme in the book. Old and Stale. Please be creative. I don't think (((They))) will pay (((you))) 10 sat for these two shitty posts.
yes, I said excuse me
you are called paki by the bongs and pakkis by us, which is more loaded. So nice try pakkis
Nice Trips Mountain Jew. I am ashamed (((you)))
and [I] are related.
And you will never understand this joke
>I'm just messing with you
Vyacheslav Pershukov, a Rosatom man, was on the flight. Clinton's Uranium One, remember Lavoy Finicum.
I guess translation is packed ice lol, we call pakis pakkis which means packed ice on the sea
OK, I get it now Lief Erickson.
Any proof to back up your claims?
Like a link to evidence?
Take your meds.
stupid pakkis got my boat trapped
>stupid pakkis got my boat trapped
You truly are pathetic.
You can not provide any evidence to your claims.
You have no argument.
You truly are a nigger posting nigger tier shit.
Again, Gaslighting will get (((you))) no Sats, Shareblue Shill. Please be creative.
You (((Shiils))) sure are a bunch of low IQ dope smoking mongs. how are (((you))) ever going to make sats for posting? How will (((you))) ever buy (((your))) soy milk?
Its got to the stage where if something like a plane crash happens I assume its a cover-up or discrete hit rather than an actual failure of the engineering.
Dude. Conspiracy niggers always believe that there is something behind everything bad. If the light in the fridge breaks they blame the jews. Power line repair? Yup, that is a government spying program at work. If he drops a water glass you know damn well he screams and yells about how the Illuminati are at work destroying his life.
You can not reason with niggers like this.
Incoming enemy indirect fire!
300 meters estimated bearing 325'
I'm drinking so I am just shitposting right now, but guys... I found this.. it appears that one of these american niggers have gone to north norway
>we be the true samis
I am pissing my pants
Also you have no idea how fucking racist these reindeer fuckers are.
This is the most funny shit I've ever seen
So they don't have important people in history but I guess
>we wuz herding those reindeers
Well, if you are being honest you are more related to Toby who slings dope down on the corner then you are anyone in Europe. Given how your mama likes to burn the coal. Pro Tip: She paid the toll. It was you.
Oi. If you think this is a shill thread, then STOP FUCKING BUMPING IT!
But action proves his theory tho, YOU have no argument
Nope. Planes suffer mechanical failure from time to time. Having said that, such mechanical failure never included a two year old plane exploding on ascent with four times the energy of the BTU's contained in the full tanks.
Who the fuck are you the tread police? Fuck you. I will bump what ever fucking threat I want when ever I fucking want to. Go nigger up someplace else.
((You)) MIGHT get one sat for that one.
Can you provide one piece of evidence? Just one? Show me anything the energy of the explosion. So me stats that cover accidents/age of air frame/maintaince schedules.
A few years ago they lit realeased a movie there called translated "burned nigger"
and this stupid american dindu goes there
>sami power
elolilili loo lolileia, eloliloliloli lololileia
Yes.. who could have imagined, a swedish """sami""". Coincidence right? they can't even let the fucking reindeer fuckers be alone
that's a real sami
Lavoy is a dumbass
I am not currently with the NTSB, or the Russian equivalent, nor do I have the time to conduct these calculations for you. The fact that two witnesses against The Democrats were terminated is enough evidence for any intellectual.
Hey (((you))). Out there in the cold, always doing what (((you're))) told.
Drunk Ice Nigger trying to slide and divert. Nice. THIS. IS. CREATIVE.
Tonight, (((you))) shall drink Soy in Hell.
SO, you have zero evidence and you basically state that I need to get it for myself. Got it. No facts to present. Just shit you make up.
No, that is NOT enough for anyone except the paranoid. It is interesting and deserving of a further look but this is not evidence of an assassination.
You have provided NOHTING as proof pertaining to the energy released during the explosion.
An intellectual looks at fact. You presented none. You have been all over the map with stuff you obviously made up.
I think you are a disinformation agent.
Fuck off you kike piece of shit. Go home a set your family on fire after you suck the baby dicks.
nice try jew, I'm just posting in this thread because I'm getting too drunk to start a thread or go to others.
Imagine though, they have sharted them selves again. It's like if they started to send niggers and rapefugees into indian reservoirs basically, I have by accident struck gold here. They are too stupid you see, jews are very stupid
>after you suck the baby dicks.
Please show real flag. English is not even (((your))) third language Achmed.
it sucks we just can't murder them all off... wrong fucking time line.
you don't understand, those reindeer fuckers are racist as fuck. They have or had at least, asylum centers up there. Give them a go ahead, and they will slaughter them all. Like reindeer quite lit. They are 10 times more racist than pol ever be. In their parliament... ffs you should just hear them.
Yeah we don't agree with everything and they have after all only been here about 3k years, so in our eyes they are newcomers trying to abuse and affiliate them selves with american skrælings and the world is eating it up. That however is not important, get these small powder kegs going and they will do good work lol. They won't care about shit, they won't listen to anyone, they won't listen to reason.
If you are not them, GTFO
It exploded when touching the ground. It's recorded on a security camera near by.
Sounds like them reindeer fuckers don't need to clean their room.
the SS is back? what about Uncle Adolf? this is the best shit if true
they are like proto finns, they are really bad with knives. We never fight with knives, part not when drunk. But they always do and it's pic related. This knife in part, has actually been through a mans tie, which is not unormal there. I am not kidding
It's a sami knife. it was a pekka though, he did it to him self when he was drunk. Those guys always with the knives when drunk. He didn't even want to go to the doctor, they had to force him he went
>is just a flesh wound, is normal
>he be dead now
>of old age
Did the CFO of U1 and Steele's source really die just like that?
Please tell me this is fake news, this is terrible if true
yes ok then I have some sami relatives, but fuck you. It's not in my blood at least it's my great grand mothers side.
When she died we grilled a seal with them. We don't usually eat seal here, they are not blood. But the knive comes from them though
>sage slide threads
nice try greenpeace
kek I have sick pack left guess we're moving along lol
Steele has no proper sources so that's incorrect. The rosatom CFO yes
they are working for the whales, they always try to take your fish and make anti-whalism a real thing
I think it's time I go to bed lol
>recorded on a security camera nearby.
Fake And Gay. That is footage of the Israeli F 16 shot down by a Russian operated Pantsir.
There is no crater from the Russian passenger liner. It came down in very small pieces over a 1.2 Kilometer radius. (((you))) will not be drinking soy tonight. No sats for (((you))).
Secret Service, dipshit.
"Just" like that. Poof. Just like all people with evidence against the least important Democrat meets an untimely Death.. It's war. It's time Trump and Mattis take the gloves off.
It's as True as Death, my friend.
Fuck off shill cunt. Your losing, your day will come where you'll be hanging off scaffolding
I refuse to provide [source] for lazy ass reporters.
Lazy shill. Be creative.
On Target, eh?.
>exploding on ascent with four times the energy of the BTU's contained in the full tanks.
>Buk-21 launched by Ukrainian Sukhoi fighter jet.
>Ministry of Defense has 2012 Google map to prove it.
These jokes just write themselves.
>The fact that two witnesses against The Democrats were terminated is enough evidence for any intellectual.
I thought the Trump Dossier was a document against Trump.
>not jews
>muh memo t.drumphie
I respect their tenacity in dealing with their enemies the only way that matters unlike drumptie, what a lame sitting duck cuck he is
Heh, I get it
You mean the Secret Service that protects US VIPs? a Protection Squad? or, if we spoke German, a Shutzstaffel?
you have to be kidding me
Isn't is odd that one of the passengers was CFO of the Uranium Company that worked with Hillary on Uranium One.