Dear athiests of Sup Forums; where do your morals come from?

Dear athiests of Sup Forums; where do your morals come from?

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hallucinations from huffing my farts

my environment

I legit dont give a fuck... Gtfo

Morality is shaped by the culture you live in plus some things you learn along the way.

Atheists don't HAVE any morals.

My morals come from not wanting to be a degenerate nigger so I do the opposite.

your mom

From Hitler.

common sense and emotional response
I align strongly with Christian values and philosophy, but I have a problem with the idea that these texts are literally describing whatever brought about our creation.

>Shitty image quality
>Links to shitbook


gr8 podcast by Sam Harris on Race and IQ

Morality is innate in human beings. It's even innate in other animals. You think rats have been proven to feel empathy and a desire to help other rats because they read the rat bible? No, it's a product of evolution which allows animals to socialize with one another and form constructive relationships.

don't like to be harmed therefore it's not rational to harm others

i don't think it takes religion to understand this

more moral than you mohammed

Batman movies. Where else?



morality is a survival mechanism. if humans had morality, our species would die out

There is no coherent argument for natural rights without acknowledging a creator.

if humans had no morality*

Philosophy. Parents. Tradition.

rights are a social construct

individual rights are a modern day invention. No where in the bible can you find "individual rights". the bible speaks of people in collective terms.

desired outcomes yo

they come from a deep understanding of what suffering is, and my inherent desire to reduce suffering in the lives of those i care about

uh, being a decent person is pretty easy whether or not you believe if an imaginary man in the sky and heavenly afterlife you cuck

Why should you reduce suffering? Even if I agree that there is suffering in the world, which you have not proven, why is that a bad thing? There is no basis upon which to state that ending suffering is good, or that promoting it is bad.

Just admit that you hold a BELIEF in your moral code, that it's just a superstition you have. What's the matter, athiot?

individual rights(liberalism)(john locke) were the reason societies became secular.

As soon as they were invented during the enlightenment, societies became more secular. you can only preserve a theocracy through collectivism

How do you know what decent is? You can't. You have a RELIGIOUS BELIEF because what's "decent" and what isn't is just a fiction with no basis in fact.


you moron, are you serious? what is decent? maybe you need help if you can't distinguish that without your sacred texts and sky lord


>Being a decent person
>This is the same as having morals, behaving consistently with your morality, being able to assign moral value to the actions of others, ...


no shit sherlock, OP asked where do my morals come from - how is this hard to understand?

the point is, you don't need faith to figure out what is or isn't moral

idk the way I was raised I guess

Certainly not from a jew

Come from what the U.S generally determines is "good," you know? Don't shoot your neighborhood, don't beat your wife, don't steal, don't fuck your dog, things like that.. Things that should be pretty obvious in society.

Asking where do your morals come from presumes morality is necessary. If people desire to live in a functional and stable society, then it logically follows having a foundation built on principles that will ensure the existence of such society.

No god/gods needed

Define morals and decent person without using any religious influence.
To have morals and judge others is anti atheist.


Are you some kind of a fucking retard? Have you never left your room in your entire life?

Your ass, fag.

The same where your morals come from: your own reasoning and convictions. As for outward sources: there's more books than the bible and more religions than Christianity. Shocking, isn't it?

Also this


The internal sun that shines within every aryan man and transcends any alien Jewish dark lord.

>Morality is shaped by the culture you live in
Shape Shifter. That's how Jews got that nickname. When did you realize atheists are Jews Sup Forums?

It is moral if it benefits the society. For example burning certain people alive is moral.

Why the homophobia?

Evolution. Groups survived when everyone got along and worked together.

Super Jew said the foundation of judeo ... judio ..... judueudie .. christian value

Only jews can be tribal. Not whites though. That is the most despicable form because muh 6 gorillion.



Morality is evolutionary.

It is a culture created by adequately similar memes, which sustain communication and corporation to realize the needs and interests of the members of the society.

A morality is built in the culture, and it is therefore developing as culture evolves.

One of the Trends of morality throughout time is:
- Humanization:
- The source of morality becomes increasingly internalized from animal gods, plurality of gods, monotheism and maybe current devolpment to logic and later consciousness.

So in this view atheism might just be a passing phenomena, because it is intuitively appealing in our stage of the evolution of morality.

What other purpose in life seem worthwhile than reducing suffering?

In your bible there is something along the lines of "do not treat others in the ways you don't want to be treated."
From there, morality doesn't require anything but a brain.

When I realized that all the people pushing atheism were jews

Atheists don’t need morals. They work with ethics. I thought you were smart enough to know this.

i have an algorithm that i consult for moral questions. it's optimized for north america and parts of europe.

Morality is objective and therefore independent of religion or culture. Anyone who says otherwise is a moral relativist and will hang on the day of the rope.

Nope. Morality is subjective. Ethics are objective as they are provided by an external source (God, bible, laws). Morals are what you believe is right or wrong.

this and Marx

My parents, their was at least two decades of being taught right on wrong.

If the believe in god is where people get their morals than explain Islam.

The problem with most atheists is not their lack of belief in a deity but their faith being put in a political ideology.

Certainly not a dusty old tome.

I don’t need to read the Bible to know killing someone is wrong.


1. Utility, aka what will function in practical application.
2. Sustainability of society.
3. I want control over every aspect of my life, and the recognition that everyone should be entitled to the same, as long as they are in accordance with the first two values.

Ethics is just moral principles .
Why is it wrong? you have no bases to tell what's right or wrong without the bible.

Dumb leaf.
Based leaf.

‘Coherent arguments’ that include a creator are entirely coherent... yah nice try

Because I can’t be assured my safety in any case.

God is totally peaceful and no one has died because he’s been in the world. Let’s throw that out of the window right away.

I happen to have my own opinions and ideas. They do happen to be that going around killing people is not good for myself or others.

I also thought of this great new technology maybe I should use it to gain notoriety, help people, make money, w/e

Is everything I do because of god? Well if you’re religious then of course yes. I’d like to think that my own volition has power to make positive or negative changes outside the presence of a god who can be attributed to anything I would ever do.

Also if you want to go down that path god is responsible for Hitler. God is good... okay buddy...

I feel pain, I don’t like it. If I cause pain I know that other people won’t like it.

Is this really that complex?

Ever worked out in your life?

Felt pain then?

jewish television

Is this really a question?

Yeah when I was 8 I fell off my bike and scrapped my knee. Hurt kinda bad

from thinking and choosing

To expand on this, being utilitarian thus recognizes leftism/liberalism/communism/socialism is ultimately only the perceived salvation of a failure, of the poor, of the distraught. Society does not function when the losers, those who cannot compete, are able to have a voice. This leads into the concept of sustainability. The most highly sustainable economies are those who are self-sufficient, independent of other parties. They determine themselves whether they rise or fall. The most sustainable economies and societies are free of degeneracy, as degeneracy most certainly lowers the bar of which an individual must strive to surpass. High standards must always be kept and never given an inch, lest we allow the weak minded to thrive.

disprove a creator faggot.
protip- you can't

Pain inflicted upon the self is of no consequence, when the goal of that pain is to learn from mistakes. Forcing others to endure pain is unethical.

The point of the thread isnt to disprove a creator it is to show morality can exist outside the construct of a creator

i derive my morals from pol

That's just you, someone else loves causing pain and torturing, you have no right to say he's wrong without the bible as a moral guide.

>Dear athiests of Sup Forums; where do your morals come from?
Atheists are an aggregate of dissimilar people, so for each ten atheists there are likely to be 10 different answers

These people are called psychopaths and no they don’t feel empathy like normal people do.

They obviously are missing a piece of the human condition.

Being religious I’m sure does not help these people align themselves morally.

Why aren't they normal people because they want to kill? don't base your argument on morals or ethics.

I have every right to say that. Why don’t I?

Is being religious or Atheist for that matter constructive of free speech?

they brewed inside me, innately, from different sources. my morals have change and are continuing to change.

Morality is societal. Even Aron g societies of the same religion have morals that differ. My morals are simple and most human motivation is not divine, it is as Schopenhauer described Ana act of self preservation. People who harm others are punished by the group. You don’t need a sky man to tell you what is acceptable, rather what is acceptable is defined by the society. Religion is just means of control and a justification of the morals of a society. But morals don’t need justification, only those who have then and don’t. Those without morals will inevitably be punished by society regardless of the source of that society’s morals. You can harp about muh Ten Commandments all day, but those are just common rules of most societies.

oh wow, there you go. someone else wrote it for me. literally how can you disagree with this?

Forgive my atrocious typing

objectivisim is one. not being retarded is another. hmmmm... i guess you simply are retarded

I fucking swear if I die and there really is a paradise or a god the first thing I'm going to do is obliterate that vainglorious fucking shithole and bring everyone down here to this plane for the rest of eternity to fix what they broke. My grapes are gonna be the sourest they've ever been.

I guess that a majority of people don’t want to cause massive harm and suffering to others. So to deviate from this norm is to by definition be abnormal

my feels

I was an atheist for 15 years before I found religion. When I was an atheist I use to go by the a line I learned from Confucius

"Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself"


Western morals is always a Christian one, atheists have it too, but they're too ignorant to recognize it.

I once set out a human trap, it caught three mice, two of the mice killed and ate the third.
You a human being with experience of humans, say morality is inherent in humans? Are you insane.

It’s common fucking sense. Treat others the way you’d want to be treated


Where do YOU get your morality from?
How do you decide what is right or wrongness what can be objectively decided upon and what cannot.