To anyone considering emigrating to Croatia

To anyone considering emigrating to Croatia.

>>>>>> Don't

I have my citizenship and will do as I please

croatia has gifted me citizenship.


fuck off we're full

Does it also apply for other catholic Europeans?

Can I come to croatia?
No known Immigrant background
Non-religous but I support the local church so it won't close
Always ready to fight/work
Would Croatia accept me?

German catholics are pretty much loved here (unless you're degenerate) since Volkdeutsche are a big part of this country's history.
The problem is you pretty much can't survive without knowing the language and it's horrible to learn.
Just like german, we have 3 genders, but 7 cases instead of four and the grammar isn't even fucking known by most of the country(especially leftist journalists).

Also no jobs here.

That's a hard lauguage but I'd learn it

Daj buraz čujem da traže skladištare u plodinama.
Uspoređivati zapadni standard života sa našim crkavicama zahtjeva stvarno posebnu razinu retardiranosti.

See u soon, friend

Kolko glup moraš bit da ne skužiš da lik trola?

And yet you have no problems moving to other places?

you dropped your pineapple, mate

jbg, idi za kvalificiranog radnika ak nemas nista zavrseno, fali ih jako, rastu im place (ak imas zeludac za to - kranist)

Da me ne jebe visina odma bih se prijavio za natječaj. Radio sam svakakve poslove od bauštele preko gastronomije do tv produkcije ali sve je to jedan veliki kurac od ofce.

ma ja sam se ispiso sa faksa nakon 3 semestra. too tiresome

a ja nakon prvog, hehe

moving to germany next year probably
you can switch with me if you want

why the fuck would anyone sane emigrate to this fucking corrupted shithole?

slavs are subhumans



greeks are the best humans

which city?

Ma jebeš faks. Ako si voljan fizički delati i znaš šta radiš uvijek se nešto nađe. Meni je bila dnevnica na baušteli 500kn i to prije desetak godina tak da...
Sada vučem neke pare od turizma i krpam se preko zime.
Imam za stan sa režijama, hranu i za regu auta i motora. Povremeno si priuštim butelju chivasa sa bijelinđom i to je to lol.

sve to zvuci super buraz al kad ti se kicma potrga u 30im molit ces boga da si ucio u skoli.

isto baustelom se samo bavi low life olos

a jel jebes sta?