was this the best opening of bleach or what? it always gets me so emotional, and the production quality is incredible (for bleach)
Was this the best opening of bleach or what? it always gets me so emotional...
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they should bring it back this is missed anime by so many around the world
The first one was my favorite, maybe it's nostalgia but it reminds me of a time when I used to enjoy Bleach.
Op 13 is better
Old thread.
Read the manga and you'll quickly understand why that is a terrible idea.
13 has a better song and, 15 feels more emotional, visuals are very close to each other, 12 just pumps you up, 10 gives you a boner and 9 is overrated
2nd op was the best
Rolling Star(5) > Ranbu no Melody(13) > Asterisk(1) > After Dark(7) > D-tecnoLife(2) > Ichirin no Hana(3) > Velonica(9) > Anima Rossa(11) > Tonight Tonight Tonight(4) > cHangE(12) > Shojo S(10) > Alones(6) > Chu-Bura(8) > Blue(14) > Harukaze(15)
So I guess I disagree with the OP. I placed more importance on the song than the animation, though.
Read em' all and the novels and want to see them animated.
It's dumb not wanting to see TYBW arc animated.
This. Reminds me of those days of hope.
Third part of last novel chapter is tranlated onleddit.
The best ones are the first and second OPs, the series went to shit after that.
>muh ss arc
Honestly if anything the anime could fix the sternritter/YWACH arc
There has never been a better excuse for them to do filler shit than Bleach's last few years, let kubo give us the story he wanted to deliver before its cancellation.
I'm starting to wonder if it's Kubo himself that's the one stopping Bleach from getting animated again.
I mean he won't even make any comments or answer any questions about Bleach, no tweets no nothing.
No stop being a dank edgy teenager you fag
Not opening 3 and 13.
Anyone who doesn't say 1 is a faggot.
Opening 7 is my favorite
>ywn again watch a drunken bleach stream with anons
why even live
Any answer other than OP 1 is wrong
When asked what was the happiest moment for him during the serialization few years back, he said it was getting the anime, so I doubt.
Wasn't the hug he got from that one half naked cosplayer in Germany?
1st one because it showed how the series was different than anything else at the time.