>Earth is flat
>Evolution is not real
>Global warming is not real
>God exists
>Aliens have visited Earth
Why is it only Americans that believe those things?
>Earth is flat
>Evolution is not real
>Global warming is not real
>God exists
>Aliens have visited Earth
Why is it only Americans that believe those things?
Other urls found in this thread:
Polish death camps
woah I'm really butthurt about this it insults me!
>god exists
Dead Jews.
>>God exists
>>Aliens have visited Earth
It's real, though, fellow ayoo.
God exists
Jesus is our Lord
What? I believe that too
I’m probably the only American here who believes in global warming
Blah blah blah. If youre gonna assume anything assume the position bitch boy
Americans are more individualistic and less likely to blindly believe what the mainstream of their society and their government tell them.
The country was basically founded by autistic Dissenters after all
Look for you Global Warming faggots, if we are causing it and the majority of the people are the seed of the Devil.
It is in a way the Devil creating it. All for the endtimes. I wish i was wrong about all of this but the Truth is that you are all being manipulated for the final play of mankind.
>pole claims only murrica believe in god
opinion discarded
>Americans are more individualistic and less likely to blindly believe what the mainstream of their society and their government tell them.
>be german/russian/everyones rape baby
>calls others mutt
Don’t throw too many stones in that glass house of yours
kek holy shit
because we're free to believe anything we want
quiet, mutt
No tears from us, sideways Peru.
God exists.
I believe in that.
Rest is weird.
But you seem to be atheist trash.
>thinks we haven’t embraced the mutt meme
Hope the Eurogoys adapt as quickly as we did when (((they))) finish demographically replacing them in the coming years.
DAYUUUM The mutts are running wild today!
Tell your government to stop flooding my YouTube with your shitty ads.
Poland is inferior to the United States because it is incapable of producing worthwhile people
Spotted the ahmed.
OP asked us to come and play, what did you expect?
>Earth is flat
invented by the FBI to discredit people who questioned 9/11
>evolution is fake
only a small portion of retarded baby boomers believe this
>global warming
a meme, pollution is a far greater problem
fbi discrediting 9/11 truthers again
also Polish death camps nigger
Aliens are demons you fagg
Some of the mutt memes are funny
It is plausible that something like God exists.
Das Rite
Hail Israel
Our best ally
>implying global warming is real
I wish it was real, Siberia would melt. Alas, it's fake news created so that the NWO could impose tight control over worldwide industries by sanctioning everything that "contributes to global warming". Of course, NWO would be judge, jury and executioner and questioning if a certain factory somewhere really is bad for environment and needs to be shut down would make you racist. Just another method for NWO to try and control the world
God is real
Evolution is real
Aliens do exist
Global warming is a distraction argument to avoid the real issue, pollution of the planet
>Aliens have visited Earth
That one is prob true.
speaking of flat earth, it turns out there is a board and a discord they all hang out in, got screenshots of the discord. It's nothing but spergs and babyboomers.
German death camps
Holy shit, poles are acting like stupid
Shitting on their best option to be allies
So powerful!
Ever since the shady JFK assassination and the Nikson conspiracies to be proven true nobody knows what to believe.
In a way, it's less naive to believe these things because it shows that Americans don't immediately believe the status quo. Too bad people are fucking retarded and latch onto the dumbest conspiracy theories
>>Earth is flat
Nobody really believes this
>>Evolution is not real
Only idiots believe this, even the religous here who have common sense recognize that at least some aspects of that theory are true
>>Global warming is not real
Its really a debate on the cause, not if climate change is real or not
>>God exists
We werent conquered by a commie state like you losers
>>Aliens have visited Earth
They have and are here
>less likely to blindly believe what the mainstream of their society and their government tell them.
Lol, no.
You suck at being polish. Ave Christus Rex
American posters filter please?
You also forgot that all amerimutt posters are payed shills by the global elitist trying to derail Sup Forums rruuurghhhaahabalalbalooooo amerimutts fucking dieeeeee please
>Global warming is a distraction argument to avoid the real issue, pollution of the planet
Aren't they the same thing? Please explain