Who here woke?

Who here woke?

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Is it common to put everything on the floor in Switzerland?

Wakey wakey little wokey. Stop doing the sleepy slumber nap. The nice letters will tell you what to think. Don't be unwokey. Sieg Heil.

nah too poor to be woke

>>those faggot shoes


What are you? A ten year old from Harlem, NYC?

Yes, most of them are excellent things to store your shoes on.


>all those homo shoes

Definitely woke and out of the closet.

I woke up with your daughter sucking my dick.

>12 Rules for life
>The Gulag Archipelago
>Pagan bullshit

Very good. Need Spengler and Jung!!

>Books explaining everything that is wrong with totalitarianism/collectivism
>Mein Kampf

What's the best version of Mein Kampf available? I'm looking for unabridged German text, not any translated bullshit with commentary.

Don't bother with Mein Kampf. It's repetitive and reads like a rant.

>Jordan Peterson

I do the same thing

lol yeah, the top shabbos goy of the XX century

Paganism, Gulag Archipelago, Jordan Peterson, and Mein Kampf. Literally everything in there is fucking contradictory except the paganism vis a vis Mein Kampf. Do you have any ideological consistency at all? You clearly imply these books are necessary to being "woke" implying again that you believe all of them. You are a fucking top tier normie with mild fucking downs.

Mein kampf explains what is wrong with communism.

>all that conflicting ideology

Not you.

Forgetting some key reads, my dude.

You look like a fickle moron with all those books together. Honestly just KYS OP.

>varg's retarded wife
>lots of gay shoes
Wake up fag.


Lmao get on my level kuffar, in'shakkahalalah

Why are you using nigger slang while claiming to be aware?

Allah dammit, forgot the image, pbuh