
Sumire a best.

The cutest!

You gentlemen have excellent taste, Sumire a cute!

I like this series so far. Although Shikamaru was my favorite character in Naruto, Shikadai is a bit disappointing because he's pretty much a carbon copy of his father. I also dislike the chara design of Rock Lee but everything else makes this series watchable for now.

I don't care for waifuposting but this is obviously the better thread so I'll post here.


Ok, the other thread is dead already. Lets try to have actual discussion on this thread.

Jesus fucking Christ you people are hopeless

Kill yourself sumirefucks

Shikadai and Metal Lee have yet to have some spotlight though. They will probably have an episode or a mini-arc. I am looking forward to see their true personality quirks as well.

>wrote sage in name instead of options
You poor newfag, you

Nice sage. Sumire smiles at your trolling or incompetence.

Friendly reminder from a kind user in the other thread. Do not respond, just report and ignore.

What do you mean You People?

Best idea I've heard all day. What are you looking forward to in the upcoming arcs?

>he doesn't know the term "sage in all fields"

How about you hang yourself sumirenewfags

I bet all the sumirefags come from r/naruto and don't understand how this Chinese forum works

Shitposter-kun's alright. He comes there when you need him sometimes. If only he weren't a degenerate pedo.

>kind user
you mean yourself, right?

I don't watch the show be she looks very cute.

>user too pussy to write sage in all fields in the subject because it's against the rules
But I'll prepare the rope and keep note of that oldfag. Kek.

Fuck off narutards

Before the chuunin exams I'd like a nicely written gennin arc like Zabuza's.

Nice meme

If it was me, I'd have no reason to say otherwise

Go for it. Be an hero

More Sumire and BoruSumi

>salad fags still this mad

>can't even use the proper 下げる properly

Naruto x Hinata x Himawari doujins when

For the record, no one has waifued Chou Chou, right? Calling dibs

Here have fun!

Give it a shot. Not just because of her though it is a good reason to do so but because the show itself has a lot of potential.

Agreed, I need this

I guess we will have to create container threads in the future to detain all of shitposting-kun's faggotry.



Wow, as a Sumirebro, go back to your containment.


INKO is the class waifu

Everyone white knights for her. Even Sarada white knighted her!

Shitposter doens't need a containment. The tumblr posters from the previous threads do.

Okaaaaay. Remember to have actual discussion. Sumire is fine, but this is not the Sumire general. We talk about the entire Boruto series here.

>Sumire isn't his entire world
Get a look at this faggot.

I am pretty sure it's the same guy though.

Yeah, fuck off shitposter, back to your containment thread.

The same posters are in both threads at this point.

And the best girl in Boruto is the same as the best girl in Naruto, I was just pretending to be a Sumirefag.

I like the new ED a bunch

>I like the new ED a bunch
I thought the first one was a little better, mostly because it stuck in my head but not in the bad way.

Anyone knows the full track's release date?

I like the visuals a lot given the context of the arc they're adapating which is all about the notion of family in a genetic sense vs those who you choose to be your family

Like you only see Sarada eyes when Naruto pets her - the rest of the time she is distant and stoic and faceless. It's pretty poignant

"The last surviving Uchiha girl activated their Sharingan."

"Shit there goes the village."

You type like a landwhale. Back to tumblr.

Yeah, the visuals are a lot better. The first op was one I listened to, this is one I watch.

>You only see her eyes when Naruto headpats her
Naruto fulfilling both of his childhood sex fantasies confirmed.

You jest but the lyrics in Sayonara Moon Town are
"I want to protect you even if it destroys this world!"

So Uchiha buisiness as usual.

Yeah I am noticing landwhales are trying to shit on Sumire.

>attracts the lowest common demoninator fans, some of which are former NSCucks
>most of their topics are about having more of the things that make Naruto abhorred here on Sup Forums
>wants another Uchihawank
>Tries to put Boruto in the same stagnant cycle of Konoha and its generational ninja

>attracts new former skeptics of Naruto to Boruto, and makes people realize that it is more than just a Naruto cash-in
>keeps discussions about future plotpoints relating to the new stuff revealed.
>thinks it's better for Boruto to surpass Naruto in terms of scope and story.

Be careful, user. You-know-who doesn't like to be reminded of how much Sumire brings to the table.

Sasuke: "Tell Sakura I'm sorry"

Naruto: "...No, I'm sorry."

Shit it's like he knows they're fucking terrible for each other. Don't beat yourself up Naruto, you made the right choice going for that Hinata route, Sakura and Sasuke deserve each other too.

I like Sarada slightly more than Sumire but I don't think of those things you posted under her.

It's one user trying to start up waifu wars, though if he were smart he'd start shilling Chou Chou because Sumire plays absolutely no role in Gaiden

Sadly this is true. I mean, I like Sarada, she is a good girl (so far), but she totally became the plaything of those (?) fuckers.

>actual discussion
That's actually difficult because you guys have a thread up 24/7. Why is it so hard to give it a day or two rest? That'll keep the discussion livelier.

user has that ever fucking happened
Like with any moderately popular series on Sup Forums
Fucking ever

>at least have knowledge of enough series to dub Boruto as "Uzumakimonogatari"

>/vp/ and/or Sup Forums crossboarders who cried when Ash lost his nth league in Pokemon XYZ


No wonder they are fucking annoying

>the context of the arc they're adapating which is all about the notion of family in a genetic sense vs those who you choose to be your family

except Sakura really is Sarada's genetic family after all so it was all meaningless angst lol


Wouldn't her character arc be more interesting if she actually tried to deny her Uchiha blood? I mean, everyone in the narutoverse should know that most of their problems are rooted in Uchiha autism. Wouldn't her character be more interesting if she actively tried to deny all Uchiha related stuff including the sharingan and instead tried to develop her own techniques to prove her own worth?



>Sarada dick poster argues alot like that Amour shitposter from /vp/.

now it makes sense.

it's harder to start waifu wars with chouchou because she's not really competing for anything
well, sarada and sumire aren't either really, but you know what I mean

>it was meaningless angst
Nah. DId you miss Naruto giving a whole speech on "You can't choose your parents, you can choose your friends?"

Sakura and Sasuke being Sarada's genetic links isn't, like, a good thing for her. The reason she suspected she wasn't related to them is because she can't relate to them.

The ED even has her reach for Sasuke's left arm

Get it?

Sarada reaches for Sasuke's left arm because she doesn't even know her genetic father well enough to know he doesn't have a left arm
>Wouldn't her character arc be more interesting if she actually tried to deny her Uchiha blood?

You act like that won't backfire horribly and make her become what she hates. Uchiha and haramartia, man.

I have no doubt in my mind she will try to deny her blood, which will in true Uchiha form make her become the most Uchiha of the Uchiha. Village is getting nuked again

Sup Forums will be with Sumire good times and bad times.

well it's true. Saradafags want Boruto to echo everything from Naruto, thus stagnating it to what a Naruto series is expected to deliver. They don't want the series to expand on anything but a rehash of what has come before.

>Non waifu shit thread delete for this shit
Maximum disgust

>othe Boruto thread pruned
>this one's been decent
>incoming shitposting
Brace for impact boys, it was nice knowing you

>Implying you didn't pull the rug on that thread.
Nice try.

user I appreciate the effort but you can't force these things. Wait and see if Sumire appears in future arcs and becomes Hinata 2.0 to Sarada's Sakura 2.0 - though to be honest, I kinda doubt either girl will get that bad.

If OP wasn't such a faggot then that wouldn't have happened

Perhaps it's just foreshadowing for a Sumire vs Himawari battle.

>A carbon copy
The entire clan is a carbon copy of each other, no? At least that family. The only difference between him and his father is Shikamaru's dad likes em bossy.

ahh the classic /vp/ duplicaposting.

Is Kawaki here yet?

>You act like that won't backfire horribly and make her become what she hates. Uchiha and haramartia, man.
Yeah, probably, but if she did, she would automatically become a much better character in my eyes. Outside her daddy issues and "I also want to become hokage!" she is basically a non-character as for right now. Denying her blood to make her own path would actually get me to sympathize and root for her.

If she gets too retarded, I hope she doesn't become as important as Sasuke. Sasuke was the reason Shippuden went to shit.

yeah, but saying no to any expansion is bad. I have no horse in this race, but the prospect of more characters that aren't bound by being legacy characters is better than Generation Xerox: the series. Boruto should not succumb to the mediocrity that was Shaman King Flowers.

The vast majority of people who hate Boruto and the spotlight him, his family, sumire, and his new eye are getting are sss fans. A quick browse on nf will confirms, for the some reason these people can handly uchiha bullshit not being the center of the story. They are so desperae that somehow managed to hype themselves up for Shin and his army of retarded sharigan and Sarada 1 tomoe baka.

Oh well at least this gaiden nonesene will be over and done with in 2 months max so well never have to see anything from that horrid story again. Cant wait for the chuunin exams.

While you're absolutely right about that faggot's posting habits, I'm actually not him
Probably not, if the way they handle Sumire is any indication, I'd say they have a good grasp on how to handle the girls. If I remember right, Kishi admitted he's no good at writing females.

this. Most of the people who hate Boruto are SasuSaku fans still salty about:


>Kishimoto basically give the mangekyou Sharingan to thousands of ausitic non uchia kids who are the clones of an austic who worshiped Itachi.

Theres a reason why Sasuke Rinnegan was his only doujustu highlighted through out the Momoshiki arc. Sharingan is literally old and busted.

She's potential waifu material, but i wanna see her slim self first.

Sumire is a miracle on this universe.

i didn't give any indication that I was accusing you of anything. I just stated that it further cements that we're dealing with someone from /vp/ who have the same kind of reaction to Lillie in the new Ashnime

You can have a tragic character who isn't retarded.

The fact that Boruto is a character who defused an incredibly avoidable MISUNDERSTANDING despite Mitsuki and Sumire doing all they could to die unnecessarily makes me think a tragic character in this series would be super compelling

Chou Chou is too pure for this world. She may be a bit of an air head and have high standards but she's got a good heart.


Holy shit what happened to the last thread??? I left a post and came back after and hour and now it's gone and I'm getting grouped with some shitposters as one person

You all can fuck off with that

ChoCho is more like a mascot. She is everywhere for no real reason, but she is kinda funny. She grows on you.

