Arabs are the God's perfect creation

Arabs took the best from every race :

- The intelligence of wh*tes
- The aggressivity of niggers
- The trickery of jews
- They are not too wh*te not too black
- They are numerous and have smooth and silky black hair likes chinks.
-The courage and sense of sacrifice of nippons.

Let us not close our eyes to the facts, arabs are such a dominant race, have you ever seen a beta arab male ? just impossible.
Life isn't equal,i do truly believe this sentence now, i think God has favorised Arabs people ...

I dare you to search what an 'arab nu-male' looks like on google image, scary shit ...


Nobody to deny these simple facts? Has everybody approved ... Great !

>actually replying


Bait and saged


Everyone just whining, yet nobody to prove me wrong !
Arabs have the best genes.

most of the arabs i've seen are ugly and have a soulless blank stare.

>Jesus Luz

That guy is Brazilian tho

Whiter than you you mongolian cunt.

why the fuck are you putting up pics of gay porn ???!!


>Muttroccan negroid mutt

Fucking gross.
Italian, Spanish and Greeks are gods. They also have intact cocks, unlike your fantasy shitskin master .. thing ...

They're all getting exterminated by Americans and Jews.
Great job retards.

It's either:
>Arabs are God's perfect creation
>Arabs are the Gods' perfect creation

RIP France.

I am an arab and I say fuck this shit. God created all humans as the best way possible, and the only difference between us to him is our faith and good deeds, not appearances.

btw I am not a Malaysian I am currently studying here

Greeks are just turks

he is Brazilian, you Dumb fuck

Imagine the satisfaction of having this thread archive with zero replies. Couldn’t do that though, could you? Genuinely children.

if they are so great, why did this handsome gentleman crush them at Tours?

I can imagine the satisfaction of you killing yourself

a 45 to the head will fix his perfect body fuck islam and muslims.

no they not. Stop Cherry picking. You can see arabs all day in Europe.
Arab men are only good until they turn 30 (maximun). Arab men are only cute when they have some boipucci fuckboi attitued. When they don't have that anymore they are just useless fat slobs who sit all day in the sisha bar and become gambling addicts.

Just get a qt traditional arab gf bro. It's easy

It’s a better thread than that disgraceful Brit/pol/ abomination.

Flag checks out


>when your iq fails to reach three digits - the post

Arab with white girls have the most beautiful children.

>Muffled autistic screeching

I can't i'm wh*te unfortunately.
Arab girls belong to arab men only.

>falls to reach three digits
My iq recently just fell to 999

But arab men are stealing your women. It's time you fought back my fellow white man



So intelligent your golden age was literally all Persians.
So tricky you're dominated by every other race, be it turks, anglos, Persians.
You're also curly haired bitches the fuck you on?
And so much self sacrifice and courage you all live in massive welfare states at home and abroad, running away from war for your land and wanting to divide. Rejecting pan arabism shows just how stupid you were when you had the greatest opportunity, timing and logistics available.
Even the Arab spring was just because you did what arabs did for centuries before: copy persians.

And will continue to fall every time you post.


Persians are not arabs (though I wouldn't call them white either)

>He doesn't just lump them all in the MENA category
Apply yourself, user


if you'd call an Iranian Arab he'd punch you