/DPG/ Destroy Peterson General - Dangerous Kike Edition

Peterson is jewish Zionist puppet and has been completely exposed and discredited. Watch these videos to understand:


Peterson has explicitly stated that he focuses on convincing White men that White people must not work together to stop White genocide. He preaches that Whites must not "be tribal" again because if we do it will lead to another holocaust. He preaches that Hitler was "more evil than you know" and even shills the jews turned into lampshades meme.

His job is to act as a pressure release valve for White men who are waking up to the reality of our enslavement by international jewry. He is openly Zionist, and when asked about "the jewish question" he declared that jews are over represented because they "have high IQ" and that if you have a problem with their (((success))) then you are an antisemetic bigot who needs to "clean his room".

He is also radicalizing a generation of non-White immigrants in our countries to believe that if "Whites act tribal" it is going to lead to their extermination, and the result is tons of non-Whites shilling Peterstein's ideology and materials with the belief that if they fail to "save the lost kek boys" they will be exterminated.

This man is dangerous. The jewish controlled MSM is currently shilling Peterstein non-stop, and doing their usual controlled opposition charade propping him up as "the edgy non-left figure".

A genuine JIDF/CIAnigger shilling campaign for Peterstein has been revealed on Sup Forums. Peterstein is a psyop directed primarily and young White men, to abort the redpilling process and divert them into kosher civic nationalism/individualism/neoconservatism.

Other urls found in this thread:



Jordan is a Canadian Anglo (Tory). He is part of the new "Kosher Approved" wave of internet celebs who have been engineered to become leaders and influencers of American Populism. You see, American populism is hostile towards the British Empire. This creates conflict for the British. The British elite do not like American Populism. In order for the British elite (which includes Jews) to maintain their Empire, the British must attempt to take control of American Populism. To control, and direct American Populism back under the influence of (((British power))).

Enter in the rise of Jordan Peterson, The Alt-Right, Richard Spencer, Tommy Robinson and Jared Taylor. All of whom, are kosher approved 'White activist".

In short, it is White Identity w/ Jews included being promoted on the surface. Underneath the surface are the same Jewish controlled Rothschild forces that have devastated Europe for the past few centuries ending in 120 million dead. Jordan Peterson may appear to be pro-Western at first glance, however the forces behind him are the most anti-Western ever recorded in world history.

There are many Anglo-Americans today who have fallen for the British Empire lie. They falsely believe the British Empire was "the height of White Civilization" and wish to remain loyal to it (loyalist). Nothing could be further from the truth. The British Empire was the most anti-White organization of the past 361 years that murdered and destroyed a dozen White nations with foreign African, Indian, Pakistani troops collected across the world. The Jews funded the British Empire liberally and used it to gain great power for themselves.

Jordan Peterson is little more than a byproduct of that anti-White British Empire; attempting to hold on to it's Talmudic roots and financiers demands.

It is of no surprise many of these internet celebs originate out of Canada. Canada is where the British Tory Loyalist fled after losing the American Revolutionary War.

Peterson is the first line red pill to make it easy for the masses to swallow the hard ones. This is a shill thread.

Oy vey go clean your room goy but don’t forget to donate to my patreon first

Obvious shill is obvious.

They are here.

This fucking retard AGAIN

You fucking retarded leaf piece of shit, you make this thread every fucking 30 minutes

Do you have a fucking job you Canadian monkey?

You've made this shitty thread every few minutes every single day for the past 3 weeks

Get a fucking life. Anyway, I'm glad he's deradicalizing subhumans from Sup Forums more to the centre lol. Sup Forums ideology is subhuman and Peterson is cleansing the filthy ideology which infests this forum. There is literally nothing you can do about it.

The Jews wouldn't be pushing him if it did not serve their agenda and fit into their time-tables.

If whites radicalize too much it will backfire like it did for them the late 60's early 70's. A revolution that isn't monitored, steered, and controlled can be dangerous for (((them))).

Jordan Peterson is invested in keeping this profitable system propped up and running as it currently is.

Boo-hoo i'm a victim of the jews!! My group was and always is oppressed by their group!! Waaaa!!

Go join BLM fag boy, pushing the same ideas

Obvious kikes!

I can bet 5$ that OP is from Canada.

It's the samefag shitposting

Of all the serious corruption and evil in politics, you make a constant thread of the dangers of Peterson?

The guy hates blind ideology. It makes people think of people as abstractions, makes people collectivistic to an unhealthy extreme.

Even if you disagree with him, anybody can see his utility. Also, anybody could see making constant attacks on Peterson is an attempt at destroying coalitions, dividing unity.

OP I may not be super bright, but don't insult what intelligence I do have. This thread stinks you faggot


oh look, more character assassination from the Nazi flag

Im going to fuck you up bitch gimme address

This is a /leftypol/ shill thread

>fails at life
>gets told he's his own enemy
>"no, it's the JOOZ that keep me down!"

choke on an exhaust pipe, loser

shilling against someone who is guiding leftists to centrism/right wing ideology.


Crazy shilling in this thread.

I do agree he is trying to avert younger people from becoming far right, even though his entire thing is trying to refute the insane left.

Anyone who disagrees with me is a hooked nose kike.

Kill yourself you retarded leaf. I'm glad Peterson is making you chimp out every few minutes. He must be doing something right.

Day of the rake is approaching.

The jews are subverting our nation and it's morals. It's no secret they run the porn industry and we have a Zionist occupied government.

Same script, boring zzzz

>/DPG/ Destroy Peterson General
Could you be a little more subtle. You're coming as unhinged and a little biased against peterson.
In many treads a lot of people has explained you that even if peterson do not Sig Heil befor each on of his talks, he's still a redpiller.
so stop this idiotic shilling and do something useful with you life.


nobody takes resposability for their actions any more, sad cuz it's always someone elses fault!

the devil made me do it ...
the jew made me do it ...
the why ppl made me do it ...
the (fill in the blank) made me do it ...

OMG satan though art an offense unto me ... BE GONE!

I'll raise you 50 that OP is a Liberal and is scared shitless that JPs message is going to demolish their shitty race-baiting Marxist platform.

well said!


Are you a retard or a shill?

A /leftypol/ shill calling other people shills, oh the hilarity

The Jew York Times refuse to list his book on their bestsellers. Kikes are very afraid of Peterson and his message of sorting yourself out first.

t. needs an eDaddy to tell him to wash his dick and brush his teeth

The only reason you know this is because they want you to think that he's legit.

Sargon is the first red pill to white nationalism. Stop bullying liberalists!!!!! You are a shill!!!!!!
>.t retard


>lol stop blaming da jooz guys
>didn't look at tye picture he posted
Leafs everybody.

The digits on that bad boy.

anyone who falls for this obvious shilling should be jettisoned from the planet. I don't even like this guy but this is the most obvious manipulation ive ever seen here.

Peterson directly attacks white identity and nationalism, attacks anti-semites as being mentally ill.

It's pretty clear who's currently signing this man's checks, while also collecting your speaking admission fees and patreon bucks.

He's not the first, and definitely won't be the last.

Obvious kike!

Anybody itt get his book? I'm a bit confused about his arguments in ch 2. It seems to get pretty sidetracked and I don't get how he ties it back to treating yourself properly.

too tryhard memeflag. Try again shlomo

Finally some push back against le jew memers. At some point i stopped going to Sup Forums because of them

What strikes me the most about those individualists is how non-individualistic they are. They support all the rich people currently in power and are against people being in power. It's all about keeping people eternally in the left/right wing wheel. Lets be honest, conservatives haven't done jack shit for nationalism in 100 years, they done absolutely nothing at all to secure existence of white people, they sold white people for profit.

jews need to be exterminated

do people ever get tired of smelling your sister's pussy every time you open your mouth, cletus?


>The Jews funded the British Empire liberally and used it to gain great power for themselves.
It's true. Once the Jews were resettled back into England by Cromwell it literally took them 50 years to establish the Bank of England and the central banking system that would hand them control of western civilization.

About phucking time !!!


go to bed larper

Take your meds, bucko.

Wow he wont say bad shit about jews to ruin his career, in the most leftist country non the less. Oh lets ignore the fact that hes already seen as a nazi in canada by the idiot sheeple, he should call out the kikes or else hes a shill! Totally makes sense, doesnt matter he calls out the marxists, their anti white messege and 99% of what else the turbo autist far right idiot think, hes totally a shill. You guys are fucking children

All these shills in here defending their e-daddy cult leader like they've got Stockholm Syndrome lol!
Stock·holm syn·drome
noun: Stockholm syndrome

feelings of trust or affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor.

If you got your life together more maybe you wouldnt be so bitter that you lash out against people who are actually making a positive difference in peoples lives, unlike you

Peterson does not need to be destroyed. He merely needs to be criticized so that he can act as a gateway rather than as the gatekeeper he wishes to be.

>he declared that jews are over represented because they "have high IQ" and that if you have a problem with their (((success))) then you are an antisemetic bigot who needs to "clean his room".
yeah that's pretty much right. Stop blaming muh jewish tribalism for their success, they have a culture that works for them, if they can keep it.

>A genuine JIDF/CIAnigger shilling campaign for Peterstein has been revealed on Sup Forums
maybe people just like listening to him?

He's making a positive difference in the lives of the Jews by misdirection young, impressionable goyim such as yourself. If you weren't raised by a single mom you would not need to have a fake daddy.

>Destroy Peterson General
Wow you sure are scared of Dr Peterson aren't you you little low IQ faggot?

>trying to get Sup Forums to be your personal army
Lol wow you dumb faggots really are pulling out all stops on this one

Hello r*ddit. Go back there and watch your jewish edaddy larp as the savior of western society

Look Moarpheus I understand you're really trying hard here these past couple of days (your posting style is easily identified) but people here just aren't buying your D&C shills. They're too obvious.

>Jewish feminists create army of insecure young men with no father figure.
>JP suddenly appears to replace the daddy they never had.
>Don't fix your society goyim, clean your room!

Thank you OP ill go check out what peterson is saying lately and share his videos with all my friends

If you can't clean your room you can't fix society.
Sort yourself out.

I dont care about defending peterson I only care about making fun of you. You retards are all so bad at this that even newfags call you out the moment you post your shit.

Lol. A dirty room is the symptom. Jews are the disease.

Mow your lawn bucko!

Is that you, morpheus

>even newfags call you out the moment you post your shit
Huh no way i didn't know that. Why don't you tell me more about how newfags don't like us

Too obvious. You gave the game away before it even really got going.

Oh look, another thread by this schizophrenic. Dont you realize youre having the opposite of your intended effect by showing only super mentally ill people like you have a problem with his message?

Call your shrink and tell them youre having a breakdown, then double your dosage. Saged

Ethnically cleanse your room bucko!

Jordan peterson is a shill, all you faggots sucking his dick better go clean your rooms and read his 12 rules to ne a good goy. He is married to a jewess and demands money for his false flag freedome of speech combat.

White people have been doing fantastic, we sent the jew boats back because fuck off we're full. Jews are terrible cunts and thier idiology must be exposed to the morons who don't understand it's implications.

>When a simple intellectual speaker gets you this scared.

funny how all these anti-Peterson threads all have meme flags, you jews even trying anymore????

"Peterson is secretly alt right!"
"Peterson knows about the JQ and just doesn't want his career ruined!"

No, he's not. It's a stupid sentiment to have that's rooted in ideology, because both the far left and far right believe that "Transphobe/Peterstein is secretly radical X"!

Peterson has emphasized from the beginning that the most important virtue is to tell the truth regardless of whether you're under threat or not. Peterson has nothing to lose. He's already made all the money he's going to need, people already got his message, and he's already been faced with the threat of being send to the social justice kangaroo court and imprisoned and expressed that he would like for them to make him a martyr. It's annoying to see people think that he's "Secrely aware of the JQ" because that's just a poor attempt at reconciling your like/dislike of him with your own ideology.

Peterson has made it clear where he stands. He's a centrist, an individualist, and a pacifist. He doesn't care about the JQ, he doesn't care about race, because he doesn't SEE race. Sure, you can say "Well, for a man of his supposed intelligence, how can he NOT see the demographic problem?", first, that's a blanket assumption to make. There's a chance that he legitimately does not know. The other, more likely option of course is that he DOES see the demographic issue, but has decided that he simply does not care. He does not see race. He sees individual people and their beliefs. He thinks salvation will come when each western man learns to be a man again, when conservatives learn to be so, and when liberals learn to be so instead of marxists. I'm not saying that he's a "open borders/mass migration/wants white genocide cuck", but he's made it clear that he's not an identitarian and wants to distance himself as far from white supremacy/nationalism/preservation/whateveryouwanttocall it as he can. A man who prides himself on telling the truth isn't going to keep his fundamental beliefs secret.

JP is a jew

I bet JP wrote that for you, didn't he?

how many schekles you making an hour bro?

He's either a shill or a total fucking boomer retard. I only hope that all the buckos learn how bad leftism is and don't take him too seriously as a cult leader. It's really dumb to point out this powerful leftist force and not have the wisdom to realize that it can only be defeated by an opposing force on the right, such as us. I can't believe that so many white people think reason and individualism resonates with the masses. It never has and never fucking will. Sargon, Peterson, libertarians all need to just drive a bus off a bridge.

Where's the leaf flag, faggot?

No argument, naturally. I've laid it out for you. Peterson is a centrist whether you think that is a bad thing or not. He is not "alt-right".

>implying something is wrong with being a centrist

no of course hes not "alt-right" nigger alt-right is a MSM boogey man term

So "centrist" is the new euphemism for "shabbos goy". Got it, thanks!

>decries socialist governments as evil
>denounces academia as overrun by humanist leftist cult
>calls Trudeau a pathetic sociopath who must be removed from office
>recommends self-improvement so white men can have agency in changing society

you: "omg we gotta stop this guy"

Who's the shill again?

If you want to call it that, go ahead. The point I'm making is that he's not secretly a WN despite some people's claims to the contrary.

Hear hear. It’s clear as day who is signing his checks. He’s a college professor and he’s all over the media. If you don’t realize who owns universities and the media you are a brainlet


No, he's carrying water for the Jews. He's an anti-white by stealth, it's obvious. Now go clean your aircraft hanger bucko!


Trudeau is a fag but Peterson is worse. He’s a sheep in wolves’ clothing, basically just another lauren southern controlled oppo e-celeb.

These people siezed onto the cresting populism wave and rode it to riches - but they don’t have White’s best interest in mind, they are selfish and care only about themselves, or worse - their internet personas exist solely to further Zionist ends.

Peterson belongs to the latter group

Yes I very much would appreciate a nuclear blast in Toronto. Throw in a few more for Vancouver, Montreal, and Ottawa at that. We have nothing to lose but our marxists and foreigners.

There we go. As a (far) right winger you believe that everyone to your left is a leftist. Everything that doesn't go in your direct favor is a part of the Jewish conspiracy to destroy the white man, because everyone is a liar, everyone is a secret agent, everyone who has power or influence only has it because he was placed there or some higher power assigned it to him. That's a staple of Marxist thinking, by the way. Again: Peterson doesn't care about race. He has no particular ire for white people despite the cherrypicking and strawmanning that you types love to do. "But he doesn't complain about Jews doing it!", because there's no loud Jewish Supremacist movement attacking Peterson. He called Antisemitism a mental illness specifically because it's a pathology, almost the same victim complex that Marxism espouses, but only the Jew is the evil oppressor instead of the "White Cis Male". He will say the exact same things about tribalism if confronted by, say, Tariq Nasheed or some other black supremacist.

You'd start to see things in a whole new light if you didn't look at everything through the lens of your pathological (read: mentally ill) ideology, which, by the way, is exactly what Marxists do. God, you people fucking wonder why people call the far left and far right the same all the time, because Commies and Nazis are fundamentally the same fucking thing, only subsitute White/Kulak for Jew. Substitute class for race. Substitute Capitalism for "White Genocide". Here's all the infographs and quotes we dug up to prove it. You're the fucking same.

>would we model ourselves on the crustacean?

>Trudeau is a fag but Peterson is worse

Not even reading your shillpost.

Peterson is a shill, have you not heard him talk about Israel or are you just baiting?

this thread is retarded, if anything, we should redpill him about tribalism & collectivism

>decries socialist governments as evil
>denounces academia as overrun by humanist leftist cult
>calls Trudeau a pathetic sociopath who must be removed from office
>recommends self-improvement so white men can have agency in changing society

you: "omg we gotta stop this guy"

Who's the shill again?