
The fuck is going on in Myanmar?


The Buddhists are more redpilled than Europeans.
Buddhists are physically removing kebab.
They've gone full Deus Vult and I'm jealous.

Mud people trying to act like niggers, but buddhists are not having it and started genociding their arse.

Based monks

Muslims with highly deputed citizenship acted like typical Muslims

Got their rape on in a town and the people got sick of it so killed the people responsible

Muslims responded by attacking parts of the town

Based towns people responded by killing a load of them and banishing them to the jungle

They kept acting like Muslims in their villages attacking locals etc

The Muslims progressively got worse and began importing illegal military level equipment and formed a organised militia

The Muslim milita begins attacking government targets and military check points killing people effectively declaring war

Myanmar government gives weapons to its citizens to defend themselves

Citizens decide to form their own milita and start fighting

Military joins them and they burn the villages and kick the fuckers out.

Based Myanmar.

Will drop this: www gearoidocolmain org/rohingya-psyops-us-covert-war-myanmar/

**add the dots

And as we speak, in the west new age leftist fags are sharing fake buddha quotes like "let that shit go" while they actively encourage muslims to enter the west and rape our little girls.

the irony.

the chings are razist agains the googs

You know mudslims are bad when the rock larpers hate them too

Why is my culture such a group of xenophillic cowards and cucks? Just why?

magmar is also my fave pokemon guis

Buddism is now the new Crusader religion.
>I will meditate and then remove kebab.

Muslims can't fuck with Asians! They will fuck you right back 100x harder!!!!

patriotic myanmars are fighting for their land and culture,
unlike pol pussies who hide in their basements on the computer all day who won't fight for anything.

They're removing a cancerous tumor.


>Musrims can't fuck with Asians! They wirr fuck you right back 100x harder!!!!

careful before some nigerian prince comes along and chops your dollar!

Myanmar was prediminantly buddhist since (at least) the middle ages. Muslims then conquered india. About 300 to 500 years ago the muslims from the bengal area souhht refuge in the burmese buddhist kingdom and resided in an area called Rakhine.

Forward to modern times and the whole junta phase Rakhine is an isolated, predominantly muslim area where children are educated in madrasahs instead of schools.

Buddhists hate them. They flock to sourheast asia. Southeast asians hate them. Pretty much everyone hates them. Even bangladesh initially refused to take in regugees but with internal pressure they eventually did. They now mostly live in an area called cox bazaar in bangladesh.

Thats about it.

If the government gave is assault rifles and gave us free reign to defend ourselves we would.

Unfortunately my government arrest me for bringing up systematic rape of girls in the care system and arrest me for leaving the house with a fork.

>the fuck is going on in Myanmar
Something wonderful, user. Something wonderful.

Are the Muslims and the Buddhist still ethnically distinct groups? Did they use to intermarry?

Is there any unbiased interview or documentary regarding on myanmar??
I'd love to hear the whole story.

Almost entirely distinct in rakhine. Some became merchants in the cities, and very few intermarried.


Sup Forums

>TFW Buddhists are more willing to be realistic about Muslims then your own culture is

>mfw amerimutt talks of their culture

>mfw austrianmutt talks about a demographics meme

... interesting...

cool pic.

I had to compliment you on the pic.