>Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week
TOP KEK AMERICAN PIG SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Norwegians are ITCHING for a war with USA. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of American soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY American pig shit they see. When Norway's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it
Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week
Other urls found in this thread:
>my most sincere doubt
what's this faggot on about?
Norwegians are inbreds with weak genelogy
The Fridtjof Nansen-class frigates are so fucking sexy.
>no homo.
Norway should be turned into a ski slope filled with tar and burned petrol. Be grateful for american knowledge or u would be a second world country today faggot. Your sister Ingrid would be pimped out on the black market like a furniture.
What is with you fuckers and posting this trash every week?
There is no need to be upset, chubby.
Too much prosperity has ruined you guys. Your still a country of little mountain dwarves that really want to rape and pillage and have a little cabin in the woods.
Could you pleas annex Sweden and make them into men?
nice pasta, apparently stale pasta still gets people.
>why are you exposing our fleet?
>why are you challenging the americans
>why are you exposing us to the scotts, the real threat
>scotts are not getting their fish back
scotts are the new russians, they want their fish back, but we're not giving them a single mackrell
Bongs will buy OUR fish
Get lost MI6
Im fit u shithead. You should choose ur words more wisely little prick cuck
Please do! Mommy Listhaug, please kick out all our niggers!
You are getting the fish from us and we're fine, that's all we care about. No there will be no fishing jobs for you, because that's all our fish now Njål
I say, DO IT. I've had blue balls waiting for an invasion that never happened. Stocking up on ammo all those years seems like a waste. Make it worth my while. Get a few allies while you're at it. Maybe get Russia to help. It will be my true Red Dawn
Just last week there was a question on Jeopardy regarding Norway's greatest naval victory of WWII where they sank their own ships. I laughed pretty hard at based Trebek.
false falgging scottish fisherman
They want to get OUR fish back, but we won't let them
>Im fit u shithead.
my sides are in orbit!
>stupid idiots joined the (((EU)))
>and we took all their fish in the process
>now they want it back
>but we say no
>1 post by this user
>our airforce
>zero aircraft carriers
More people in our military than your whole country. Kill yourself sven
Why are there not more scotts here though, what are they planning?
Norwegians are so angry cuz they are portayed as cucks its friggen hilarious. Most irrelevant country in the hemisphere. Just be glad for that petrol faggots
This guy is a potbelly loser
that's a cool navy
no hate in this thread please
t. america
To see how many newfriends we've gotten each week. Somebody has to talk to them.
Wait ,so are those just the models that the navy uses and has lots of, or is just that the whole navy force,because that is really small to be the whole navy force.
You are not getting your fish back scottland, you have to fight it over it
How about you return our territories and liberate our people for starters at Hjaltland and Orkeyjar then we can talk. Stop the whaling ban too. We can talk about kirkjevåg later
LOL fuck off Sven, go back to eat lutefisk and getting drunk on Akevitt or whatever the fuck you do...
You'll never compete with the most warlike, the most bloodthirsty mutts the world has ever seen...
your highly advance fishing vessels are no match to my stealth dingy! better watch out before sven and his inbred cousins start making IED'S out of crab
Kull 07/07 rapporterer. Tjenestegjorde paa Nansen.
it's what they all say
you always build your ships too tall, this makes them vulnerable.
it's always stupid to make shit too big too.. I dunno about you, but you for certainty can't even match your father, and never your grand father. Grandson.
Hey, as a Swede who left before you declared your independence from Sweden can you not?
Faen gjor du i faderlandet ?