Pol, explain this to me

Pol, explain this to me.

I am 198cm tall, blonde, 6-7/10 probably, so about avarage. I have done a Mensa test and got a legit 135+.
I have an 8inch dick and study law so i´ve got alot going for me.

Started using Tinder 3days ago and i have gotten two matches with two not so attractive girls.

I have had it before and got atleast a couple of matches within 24h.

Has something happend to women in general the last year or have i just gotten uglier and should kill myself?

Anyone with the same experience?

Really putting that 140 IQ to work, not gonna read your blog.

Idk maybe tinder isn't as popular with sluts anymore.

You're not a nigger.

No, absolutely nothing happened to them. You already know the answer, fuck off retard

Unless you're a muscular chad tinder is a lost cause

You have a shit profile

I had a lot of 50+ roasties salivating for my cock.

I said I was a lawyer who wanted to devote more time to my horses and yachts.

kek. PUH ME 2 DA EDGE. ALL MUH FRENS R DED. - A (((rapper)))

i just got back a few weeks ago after 2 year break

ive fucked 2 chicks and have 2 upcoming first dates and a second date this week since i got back

im1.75 and i dont lift btw

you need to learn how ot sell yourself better

I forget people larp as admirable people on here


Here I got a tinder a month ago and had it for 2 weeks. I got 12 matches over the course of week. I only went out on a date with one and she ghosted after that night. I only dated one because really I only have time to go for one or a month.

If they aren't attractive, why did you swipe right? Are you doing it because you want to date or for an ego boost? How much time can you devote to dating? If it's like me, then a couple matches would be plenty to go off of.

(P.S. I'm a quarter swede and have swedish relatives, every time one of you posts, I wonder if I'm talking to my distant cousin.)

The cycle for social media always trends from elitist sluts who use it to avoid their less attractive friends, to chads getting invited, to the normiexplosion, to the beta/gamma/omega creeper influx, to obscurity and eventual death. It's essentially the inverse of the death of gamer/nerd trends.


I think the whole #MeToo campaign has caused women to be more scared of strangers.

>I am 198cm tall
too tall for some

could be good or bad, depending on the girl

>6-7/10 probably
that's what most people think they are. the majority of them are wrong. your tinder score is a better indicator of your general attractiveness. you are ugly, and in denial.

>I have an 8inch dick
irrelevant until you actually take your pants off, or can show off a good pants bulge

>I study law
irrelevant if you're not atttractive, or already making bank

>legit 135+
doesn't seem likely given that g is generally correlated with language skills.
it also doesn't seem likely given that you posted this thread on Sup Forums of all places
this isn't /soc/ or /r9k/, you infinitely inept retard

All the thots have been scooped up already, sorry Sven

It goes in waves. I was a habitual delete-and-return user for awhile (used it as a way to get free "Boosts"). I'm 5'10'', white, dark brown hair, attorney, "almost too big" in the words of my girlfriend, and come from a wealthy family. I'd say 7-8/10 in the looks department - athletic build - but I have a boyish face and I shave so I think I shoot myself in the foot a little since half of the tinder girls "love facial hair." Whatever.

Anyway, sometimes when I'd open an account I'd match with a dozen people within a couple hours, ranging from trainwrecks to 7/10, and the occasional bombshell.

Other times I'd delete it and come back a few weeks later and match with one or two trainwrecks and get nothing out of others.

Granted I most recently used it back in November prior to meeting my girlfriend (who I ended up meeting through friends), and that was one of the better match rates, but what you're describing happened to me for a spell.

It's random as fuck.

I was like this in my early 20's. Don't waste your time dating. Focus on career, work out, make money.
If you just want to crush pussy on tinder, make a fake blockfolio with $1.3M value, and screenshot it to Tinder.
You'll be fine if you work on refining yourself.

Take what you can get lol

Everyone on tinder is pretty much jaded because they have been on there for years either making mistakes with people or having tons of shitty convos.

i keep hearing all these stories about chads finding virgins on tinder and inducting them into the cock carousel. at this rate there will be no wife material women left. just once virgins now tinder sluts jumping from chad to chad. and she usually wants to stay with the first man she had sex with, but chads already bored and moving on to ruin the next woman. leaving her empty and alone with a hole that can only be filled with more chad cock

Well fuck me, here i tried to make some people feel alittle better by saying even if some of the stats may be good then it does in no way make me any better with girls.

You have a forgetable profile. That's it.

I don't think you need to worry about that, considering that you seem like a defeatist little bitch - you're hardly husband-material for any self-respecting trad woman

>Has something happend to women in general the last year or have i just gotten uglier and should kill myself?
>killing yourself because of a cunt

If anything an inverse relationship has been demonstrated between IQ and reproductive success.

There's no point in Tinder if you don't live in a big city.

When I was in Tokyo, I'd flip on a Boost and get 20 matches in those 30 minutes alone. It's too easy.

Yeah, some days I get 5+ matches and then it goes a whole week without anything. I think they're baiting you to buy their services.

It's a broken app. They want you to pay money for likes.

>i did a mensa test and got a legit +135
>why wont girls fuck me?
Pure autism.

This is true. I was a "Tinder Gold" or whatever they call it. Matches came fast.

Tinder has almost all women into absolute roasties.

Jesus fking christ the amount of chads these bitches are fucking on a weekly basis.

this. look no further than the africans or the slavs

Tinder got stereotyped as the slut hookup app, and now that the backlash is getting stronger due to years of slaggery and #metoo, women are either abandoning it or using it to try to snag a man for a "serious relationship", whatever that means.

Ding ding ding, we have a winner.

Unless you're 8+/10 you won't get shit for matches on tinder that place is a meat market. Go on a dating site like OkCupid you'll have better luck

i'm not worried for myself, i'm worried about chads thundercocking civilization to death. oxytocin bonding degrades after too many short term partners it becomes harder, especially for a woman, to stay in love long term.

Ironically, OkCupid has become a better source for hookups.

you're confusing "reproductive success" with net reproduction rate for highly intelligent people as a group.
"success" implies intent. they generally don't have the intention to reproduce as much.

given the correlations between g, height, attractiveness, wealth, healthcare access, and physical fitness - they could be much more fertile if they actually wanted to.

Lol I reset my tinder today and already have 7 matches. What you do is swipe through everyone in 5 miles, then turn your distance down to 1 mile. Tinder will only show you people who liked you. It makes it significantly easier and cuts out alot of bullshit. Good luck niggers

Get on bumble

Have you studied game? Much better results than dating apps. Much better access to higher quality women too. But it requires more work and tossing your ego aside. Which by your post, you have a pretty big ego. Most guys do so no worries.

>I am 198cm tall, blonde, 6-7/10 probably, so about avarage. I have done a Mensa test and got a legit 135+.
>I have an 8inch dick and study law so i´ve got alot going for me.
>Why can't I get laid
Because you are a beta scrub retard.


Just brag about the law school and get some gold digger slut

Iel it's all cyclical at this point. I'll laugh really hard if something like eHarmony becomes the next hookup site because OkCupid became too much to handle.

OkCupid is filled with fatties.

50+ roasties will salivate for any cock though.

>Has something happend to women in general the last year or have i just gotten uglier and should kill myself?

1) There's more men on tinder then there are women on tinder.
2) Men are thirstier than women for sex. A 8/10 man could settle with a 6/10 woman for a quick and easy fuck if he's lazy and in need. You'll never ever ever see the reverse happen.
3) A lot of non chad desperate men swipe every profile which means women get an inflated sense of worth.

Basically the market is turned heavily in the woman's favour. A 6/10 girl on Tinder can land 8/10 men so as a 6/10 man it's hard to compete.

Trap is literally the worst music trend ever.

Better to lie and say you're already a lawyer. Second I did that was the second I started getting the hookups that were few and far between when I was just a "law student"

what does that even mean?

I also used to be mad about other men and women getting laid

then I stopped being an incel
not butthurt about that anymore

You NEED to have good pics, ideally of you in a social situation or high status environment.

Basically, you need to virtue signal that you're a Chad. Gym pics, beach pics with handsome bros, you in a suit at work, most importantly, pics with pretty girls.

It's ALL psychological.

That shit is poison. Get the fuck off of it and delete the app. You think you're going to find a good woman through a sex app? That's like proposing to women you've seen in a porn video. Get the fuck away from that shit ASAP. It will ruin women for you.

>also: pic

You need to sell yourself better. You are not that attractive so I suggest using pictures that show you are confident, that you have traveled a lot and are fun to be around. If you have a cat or a dog, use a picture with them as your profile. That is what women are attracted to besides chad type aesthetics and money.

i don't think you even understand my argument about oxytocin bonding. i don't think you understand the threat to civilization modern hookup culture poses. i think there's a lot of thigns you don't understand

Get off twitter it's degenerate.

It's the United States. The United States is filled with fatties. When it comes to women, they either got pudgy or went all the way to morbid obesity.

I swear it's not a fat grenade anymore. It's closer to mortar fire.



>using inches

Maybe You think to much of Yourself?
You talk to much?
research this:returnofkings
Study everything on that website in the dark and learn to be comfortable around the opposite sex.

From my personal experience, State Exactly what You want but always come across as a humble provider, be firm but be humble, Be fate, Be Magical.

CIA Shill detected

>giving a shit about women

>this, it's not that hard

even thots can smell your bullshit a mile away
tinder is still slut central, they're just more on the business side of it now. i just talked to one other day who was down to let me fuck her if i voted for her on her camgirl site, which would have cost me $25.

>6-7/10 probably

You're a 3

All of that other crap doesn't matter, looks are everything and you're ugly

You're Swedish. Unless you're an Ahmed, you ain't getting any pussy.

The hot girls moved off Tinder brother.

t. 198cm medfag with 8 inch dick and 160+ IQ

>high IQ
Pick one

Some of them hide it pretty well too

Went to go out on a date with a girl and ended up spending a few minutes from afar trying to figure out if the fat blob was her, It really pissed me off when she greeted me with "sorry I'm kind of a catfish"

This. There are more fatties on conventional dating sites but there are still plenty of regular chicks, and they're usually less Stacy than tinder hoes.

do you really mean to imply you know anything at all about neuropsychology if you only bring up oxytocin out of all the relevant neurotransmitters? again, come on now. disregarding the actual affected areas and the actual relevant neurotransmitters AND THE ENDLESS RELEVANT RECEPTOR SUBTYPES makes it apparent that "I've only read Essential Biopsychology by Jim Barnes" in Psych 101

>I think they're baiting you to buy their services.
Really makes you think...
>It's a broken app. They want you to pay money for likes.
How is that broken? That is, how is it broken for THEM? Plenty of thirsty guys pay them for those likes. Sad.


>add decent pictures
>write something smart, intresting and maybe sexual but not too much
>swipe everything that moves
>unmatch if you dont like the girl
>stop complaing like a bitch
and magic will happen ;)

i'm manlet, i've got a small belly, i aint even that pretty, but i'm fine and i've fucked 4 girls in the last 2 months and masturbated a girl.

Its all about the atitude

This has happened to me a couple times. I tell them I'll not interested in deceitful women and walk away.

not that guy but i managed to glitch tinder and was able to have unlimited likes for a few days.

>using the tinder jew
It's designed to put men in a situation where women have more/increased choice. I wouldn't be surprised if they've recently begun to alter their algorithms to perpetuate this effect even more.

Man I love the Chinks and their bluntness sometimes.


In a different country like nz you would do well. Ur too white for sweden. Try bumble.

Try putting the purple eggplant logo in ur profile if u can.

My point is: You don't have to bring up oxytoci. You can just see the degeneracy of modern dating culture anyways.

Yeah Tinder is now for working class latinas. All the white girls and college girls moved to bumble. Seriously tinder is all flat-chested brown girls where I am. Much bustier, much prettier, much whiter, and much less obvious PCOS and obesity on bumble in my area.

Don't user any online dating apps.

They're skewed in favour of women 10:1.

Meaning women are swarmed with messages and respond only to the top few. Most of these women are also garbage.

Go out there and interact with women IRL.

oytocin bonding is real
just because i didnt mention all the other million things that drive a human brain doesn't men oxytocin is irrelevent. it's quite relevent for long term pair bonding in humans.

I Put a fit Chad on tinder as an experiment. I got some matches but not even the amount that I expected.
Some thot that I used to fuck, told me that she used Tinder exclusively for ego boosting, never went on a single date, she also told me that the thing is pretty common.
Honestly the 100% working app for sex is grindr, but you have to be a fag as you know.

Instead of wasting time with this trash I suggest you guys to hook up with foreign tourists.

Being a sissy bitch parading his beautiful hair will get him nowhere.

He came here for advice, it is kind of funny that he came to pol lol... but We should actually help him.

If I was You I would advise him to sing throw the jew down the well to entrance the woman first.

i will keep bringing up oxytocin bonding because it's a real thing of real actual importance that most people don't understand is even a thing. i dont see why you're so mad about it

You likely go for the absolute bottom tier while OP has higher standards

Spotted the faggot who never got laid on tinder.

he came to Sup Forums for help, there's nothing we can do for him.


Are you overrating yourself? Are you weedy and emasculated, have a receding hairline and an unflattering haircut to go with it, have a cuck beard, are a Lefty libtard? Are smug, think yourself smart, and 'fucking love science!!', All these things seem common with Scandinavian men and make me keep my pussy to myself.

you need to be charming, confident. And good looking. Charming does it for me, plus my 9+ looks. And they always have to listen to my hatred towards immigrants, but with a smile on my face.

198cm is too tall, the cut-off for people seeing you as a tall creepy weirdo is like 192

"oxytocin bonding" site:ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

>just because i didnt mention all the other million things that drive a human brain...
suggests that you are not aware of how anything serotonergic is infinitely more important in this regard

>I dont see why you're so mad about it
ignorant people are annoying
caps is for cruise control