Is this some SJW bullshit as usual from Netflix?
Altered Carbon
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any sci-fi not explicitly marketed as "rightwing" is SJW crap, no exceptions.
Havent seen it but I heard it was actually triggering a lot of SJWs. It may be legit
>Protagonist is a white Chad who fucks all the bitches and cracks skulls
>Portrays the consequences of a society where globalism and degeneracy are taken to their logical conclusions
It's red pilled af you concern-trolling shill. Sage.
Pretty much this.
Finding non-bluepill media is increasingly difficult.
Do you need Sup Forums to pre-approve shows for you to watch?
It's (((Netflix))), what do you think?
there is no outrage about is so there is ZERO chance that it is anything other than SJW crap. zero.
he's a chink in a white body
y-yes? clicks are money. money is power. finding out yourself is helping the enemy.
> Only watches shows sjws reeee over
The fucking autism in this one
nah i don't watch shows at all
shill detected.
Triggering how?
I watched and didn't notice anything too obvious. Pretty basic scifi future with eternal 1% elite as its major point.
Looks pretty white to me
You're retarded to be honest.
>i don't watch shows but i have opinions on whether they are SJW or not
>meme flag
hello social media team
first day on the internet? you can watch netflix without a subscription. I guess a brainlet like you needs to be spoonfed everything by an anonymous chinese cartoon image board, though
>you literally have to eat every piece of turd in the world before you are allowed to say shit tastes bad
the plotline is that he's a japanese guy that gets killed then revived in a white body hundreds of years later
the actor is half jewish btw
::slags your stack::
and there we have have the shill asserting xirself, in broad daylight
>not knowing the lore
>not understanding that there's a happa consciousness inside that white body
I just remember anons talking about headlines where people thought certain elements of the show were offensive, bigoted etc.
I don't think so. There's definitely an obvious Metropolis rich/poor theme going on, but there's no trannies, few fags, and whites are not singled out for any kind of abuse. The distribution of heroes and scum doesn't really seem to follow any SJW pattern.
he's a happa, now a jap.
There are SJW elements to it... Lots of different races showing up in significant roles. One high ranking police officer is just your friendly neighborhood Muslim... Totally believable. The "mentor" or "wise old man" archtype is filled by a black woman, who is also the main characters deceased lover.
Aside from this, it seems Sup Forums approved in the themes, screenplay, and plot. Alpha white male Chad fucking all the bitches and cracking skulls. It really is nice to see a strong white male as the protagonist; I had almost forgotten what that was like. The show kind of has an anime feel to it... Like it could have been ripped from a manga or comic book. I like it.
*not a jap
i couldn't get past the 2nd ep bc characters are too over-the-top
Aren't happas considered /pols master race?
There is a society of people so rich they can murder people even children for fun.
They value immortality the most.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are trying to say it sucks because its a cool as shit series and house colored people in it.
As far as scify goes its 8.5/10 entertainment
Its literally bladerunner fan fiction. Bretty gud.
SJW can't even touch it because it is post-human and post-culture and is shown to be a debauch cyberlandscape where most people suffer.
Hell the main heroine is a sassy latina who constantly gets BTFO by her traditional catholic mother who scorns the modern world and tries to bring her daughter back into the ways of the old world.
This. Feels good having a strong white guy at the helm of a sci find show again, even if he's happa on the the inside
lmao what
Where r/ you from?
LOL it's pretty much SJW bullshit, if immortality were a thing it'd be for whites only a the nigs would be extinct the week after. only thing left would be the jew kikes that steal immortaility, but they get to die hundreds of kike deaths for hte rest of enternity so fuck them thier power is gone.
yeah but his white father abused his asian mother until the young happa boy was forced to kill his father by slagging his stack, all to say his happa sister who he then abandons for funny backstory stuffs
all-in-all it is actually an interesting series, but it is FULL of sjw-bullshit. I hope it's seen as bad things in our future, of course, but hey at least neo-nazis still exist in the future and are more accepted in society.
>LOL it's pretty much SJW bullshit
with the main protagonist being a white male and all the rich ruling elite being white? Yeah no, you're a fucking jew
>no argument, just calls him a jew
not even jew level deception, must be a nigger
>Like it could have been ripped from a manga or comic book
Onii-chan Onee-chan yandere relationship
The «good» thing about the show was the asian dude fucking the black girl, instead of the black dude fucking the white girls like we usually see. But then they fucked it up by having an interracial couple ( black dude white woman)
Show is awesome. I watched it on the roomies account. Fuck paying Shekelflix.
>Protagonist is a white Chad
"white" like you maybe
i was calling you a jew for being such an insecure coward you can't recognize decent entertainment without getting your feelings hurt. faggot
Haven't watched it but reading this doesn't exactly inspire enthusiasm.
>watch my jew propaganda our ill call you a jew.
k/ommando here, I check in here every so often to see if we gonna right wing death squads yet. Every time I look at the catalog there's a WMAF thread so I figured that was the standard here
The only SJW thing about it is the cast. And the protagonist is a white male that aligns with the traditional views of heroism & masculinity. Where it truly matters, the casting was done right.
It would've been better if they followed the book more. The writing is pretty bad at points but overall it was fun.
Cunts complained about violence against cunts. Meanwhile mens brains are splattering everywhere.
Meh the black guy is a total fag just like the nip police chief, main character and all the rich people are white, and the Latina cop is constantly getting btfoed. Even the black chick got killed centuries ago.
>SJW's upset over based Laurens and an Asian waking up a ripped white Chad
this. was geht ab? i miss the days when politics were secondary to entertainment and Arnold would gun down an army of badies for our amusement.
from the description it seems like it will fall under the transgender/racemixing approval category.
>i switched bodies and i feel more at home as a woman
>i switched bodies and now im a black guy fucking my wife
Ah the usual pattern. Cunts can't see the whole picture. In their minds one episode lasts for 20 minutes.
Am I the only one or are netflix production kinda badly done? I started blacklist yesterday and it looked kinda cheep...
You people are such faggots sometimes holy shit. Get a grip.
Your autism is showing. You have plenty of people here, telling you how the show plays out... Yet you still feel the need to speculate on "what could happen" at the SJW level.
Protagonist is a hapa stuck in a white chad's body and very uncomfortable with that fact. I'm not sure if they're gonna play that as much as it was in the books though.
I watched the whole thing. That Martha Higareda chick is just awful, as an actress, as a woman, as a fucking plastic surgery victim. She ruins the entire thing. Same goes for that alien looking
mongrel Dichen Lachman, holy shit she is jut deformed.
Martha Higadera starts speaking mexicant spanish and it makes you want to destroy the tv.....fucking idiots..
nothing on netflix aka goyvision is "redpilled", oven yourself goblin
>Dichen Lachman
The beauty of hapa women
>Forgets that Sam Hyde had his own show for a little bit
It could've gone like that but they didn't bring up any of those things. The having money for upgraded body, clones and data backup was the major plotline and I guess they didn't have time for 'progressive' shit since everything about the body switch was supposed to be negative. Also everything degenerate came out as it is, degenerate.
If they tried to give a progressive point then it vanished in the making. I call it Starship Troopers complex.
that has to be the dumbest shit i've seen this week
It wasn't particular SJW to me but i'm not set off easily. It was however completely fucking boring past episode 3.
You mean that NBC series?
This -- is the premise interests you at all, it's worth the watch.
i understand what you mean with st complex. im sure you can understand why i assume the worst at this point with netflix.
He's factually correct.
This. I've taken to boycotting all media that doesn't explicitly name the Jew.
Blacklist is a netflix production isnt it? So which netflix series should I watch? Is there anything that comes close in quality to game of thrones or walking dead?=
>the main heroine is a sassy latina
I pirated this show last week and it's very badly written. It's all over the place, as if it was rushed.
Yes, spoilers for anyone watching
They make a character that was apparently really pretty minor in the book the constant "strong black woman" behind the man
Also at the end some black daughter who got mind raped becomes a super cyber ninja that kills a bunch of ebil white men
Id say watch until ep 6 then stop.
Yes Yes empowered women and brilliant negros in futureville fight wyt man
I was being ironic you know.
Of course. Netflix is kike shit by default and guilty until proven innocent.
Only good thing about Netflix is they don't follow american cucked pg-13 tv bullshit. I fucking hate that can't say no-no words. That's fucking insulting.
How the fuck can you make a violent series like walking dead etc. and not have the word fuck carpet bombed all over.
Then there's the fucking reality-tv as retarded it is, let's make it even more retarded by bleebing words. Some day I will make a law that bans bleebs and if the studio don't have original audio then they can't sell their product to us.
If blacklist is that just-another-fbi-show then yes it's NBC
It's pretty bad, the tits on all the main female characters are particularly disappointing. You'd think the sister could invest some of her infinite wealth in a boob job so they didn't look like disgusting saggy raisins. That "latina" whore wasn't very impressive either, she had a weird man butt going on and why the fuck did she have that obnoxious mexican accent even in the future?
>like visiting an insane asylum
Takeshi from the books would've laughed at Quell when she dropped her big plan on them. Niggerninja actually makes a bit of sense since they can mess with time for people in virtual. She got a huge amount of training in virtual while only a little passed in reality.
The Blacklist was red pilled for a while during season 2/3. The main character was going to war with an intentional elite group called (((the cabal))) that was controlling tech and governments to create a global superstate. But the storyline got dropped in season three and the new enemy was Russian mobsters.
You can show a girl getting violently gang raped as long as you don't see penis vagina or nipple. But you can't say fuck or smoke a cigarette.
its crazy, try watching vikings on tv with all the gore and nudity removed, its like its a different show. the bad words argument has been an embarrassment since the 90's. its good to try and be wholesome, but you cant have degenerate programming and also try to censor it at the same time. with music, it started with rap and parental advisory stickers. they would reverse swear words in songs on the radio, yet would leave "nigger" in if said by a nigger, and faggot was fair game for a long time: "faggot ain't tough, nigga kcuf that tihs!" became even worse, they blurred wet bikinis, dropped words, bleeped, but the worst was when they tried to replace swear words with similar sounding exclamations:
What the fuck. I didn't know you had fucking movie edits for tv. I thought the airplane movie edits was just a meme but the fucking tv too. Holy shit.
yippie-ki-yay, mr.falcon! to us it was crazy to hear about how free you were with nudity in ads and on tv in europe. how do they allow that, what about the children? of course we all wished we could see it.
it was actually the democrats who were trying to ride the no-censorship platform back then. censorship and parental advisory was mostly known as a republican reaction to what they saw as filthy modern content. before all these things went wrong, in our parents days, tv here was very innocent.
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