Look at these WHITE MALES
Where are the women and people of colour? This is an outrage.
Look at these WHITE MALES
Where are the women and people of colour? This is an outrage.
Other urls found in this thread:
>No soy boy monkey mercy smiles.
This guys a hero
probably the most bugfree game in decades
Soy boys and kikes
Disgusting. Those cis scum white males just lost one costumer.
Good day, sirs.
Obligatory bump
No soyboy smiles, just soyboys
but thats just a given if you work in the gaming industry
Not soy boys. See pic
Miss us yet?
Nice try memeflag. Hope you get gassed.
He's literally jewish
Where can I buy a shirt like this?
Women and nogs cannot write C++
This. My programming class in high-school (10+ years ago, so things might've changed since I've been in) was all white men.
what harm is your every day working class jew doing? theres no politics or agenda being pushed in this game.
>tfw you will never have a thick healthy beard like that
>what harm is your every day working class jew doing? theres no politics or agenda being pushed in this game.
GSL will common core that language swiftly
Maybe with that attitude. Do a bit of research, and you'll find the appropriate methods. Diet, exercise and not fapping play big roles.
Jesus Christ this meme sucks
game unironically looks bad t b q h
>last game I bought on steam was Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 like 4 years ago
I'm not much of a PC gamer, but is this game worth buying? I know the creator is a kike, but if it has good gameplay I don't really care
Are they hiring?
This is the only thing I want to know
>tfw I was supposed to get it today
Of course the delivery guy decided to show up while I was at the gym.
>no i am saying uncategorically that you're wrong
jesus fucking christ the soybies' brains are decaying way too fast
whats this some sort of circus
Man hands
I hate that front guy already.
>no vaginal jews
>no soy mouths
No Ma'am's Sky
They still look feminine as fuck
That there looks extremely efficient.
Buying when I get home
>it's another episode of "everyone being brown means diversity
my blood boiled a little bit there
Nah, i'm already 29 and have virtually no cheek hairs. Nothing will promote normal hair growth like that otherwise balding would have been cured by now
Hello World?
She's a koder alright
stop schilling your game here.
Thats Czechs for you.
Well, they are programmers after all, but at least they are trying to hide their nu-power level.
hes actually an alright geeza
Feels good to share the surname with this fucking god among men.
Fucking assholes making us wait while there are console niggers playing right now. Thanks for the game but this shit has me pissed off.
console masterrace
Support this guy before they crush him
they look grunge/metal, fuck off american swine this cancer only exists in your country
Czech power
I see soe code to the top
>not opening their mouths
this is... just... so.. beautiful
can't wait for Vrope
PS4 master race
At this point I'm considering buying games made primarily by white men and pirating everything else
Not even that. She's navigating Linux folders. That's not even programming
I stand corrected. He's alright as fuck.
I don't even pirate the other trash. Just lost all interest in games like wolfenstein and far cry 5 etc.
Infact I've lost interest in most games since this sjw shit has happened.
Just checked it out. Looks awesome.
Will definitely be supporting this based game development company and their products.
Sup Forums really should coordinate and implement it's massive purchasing power more effectively.
I'm just worried about combat.
They're all ugly tho
Fuck racist bigot. Everyone knows European colonizers to Africa mined and stole all the game crystals.
listened as they called my President a Muslim.
I listened as they called him and his family a pack of monkeys.
I listened as they said he wasn't born here.
I watched as they blocked every single path to progress that they could.
I saw the pictures of him as Hitler.
I watched them shut down the government and hurt the entire nation twice. I watched them turn their backs on every opportunity to open worthwhile dialog. I watched them say that they would not even listen to any choice for Supreme Court no matter who the nominee was. I listened as they openly said that they will oppose him at every turn.
I listened.
I watched.
I paid attention.
Now, I'm being called on to be tolerant.
To move forward.
To denounce protesters.
To "Get over it."
To accept this...
I will not.
I will do my part to make sure this great American mistake becomes the embarrassing footnote of our history that it deserves to be.
I will do this as quickly as possible every chance I get.
I will do my part to limit the damage that this man can do to my country.
I will watch his every move and point out every single mistake and misdeed
I will let you know in a loud voice every time this man backs away from a promise he made to them.
Them. The people who voted for him.
The ones who sold their souls and prayed for him to win.
I will do this so that they never forget.
And they will hear me.
They will see it in my eyes when I look at them.
They will hear it in my voice when I talk to them.
They will know that I know who they are.
They will know that I know what they are.
Do not call for my tolerance. I've tolerated all I can. Now it's their turn to tolerate ridicule. Be aware, make no mistake about it, every single thing that goes wrong in our country from this day forward is now Trump's fault just as much as they thought it was Obama's. I find it unreasonable for them to expect from me what they were entirely unwilling to give.
They actually check none of those.
>not everyone lives up to my 10/10 standard
No shit retard
It's macOS not linux, it's all BASH though.
No open mouths? Soy content woefully low
He's a jew, but I'll give him my shekels. Accurate historical representation in all forms of media should be encouraged.
A little bit about us Finns. We are generally a "confident" people. We easily feel at ease in many situations. This comes off as "arrogant" in other cultures. Most cultures are reserved, polite, stand-offish. The Brits for example will tend to judge you with their looks. We are the bull in the world's china shop of norms and "proper" behavior. Never mind that some cultures are more arrogant, boorish, or hostile to others.
There's some indie gems out there. I've been playing Slay the Spire and it has potential. It's easy to avoid the SJW faggotry because they make their intentions pretty known in the game content and marketing.
We have a lot of Arabs in my uni, they are usually christian and rich ,what we call the "cream kids" of the Arabs society, they still keep up with the SJW bullshit for "Pali cred" and have nakba protests and what not ,the police usually is present to set up a perimeter around them. They prey around campus (They even use a small unused story in one of the Libraries as a prayer area),
And there are lots of them, you hear lots of Arabic around campus, (some of them are really loud but they always get away with this behavior because they are a "minority".
Yet not a lot of them go and work for Israeli companies, the whole "women in STEM" bullshit is popular now, but Arabs, I wonder where they go with their Israeli degrees.
they are all masculine presenting transgendered lesbians anyway... >:D
>Where can I buy a shirt like this?
how far this board has fallen
You don't even know who he is you britcunt
Already pre-ordered. Might buy it twice just to support the devs.
Who gives a shit. I will buy it to support them and i don't even play games anymore.
Pointers are raciss an shit
No Trump! No KKK, no racist, sexist USA!
Post pics for comparisons faggots.
With timestamps of course.
Based as fuck
>smiles instead of cock holsters
ok you first.
The funny thing is these "soyboys" have had more pussy than all of Sup Forums combined.
>he got this mad a literal minute later
I'm not making any claims you fucking idiot. Now post.
Receding hairlines are caused by high testosterone levels, make up your mind.
i bought the game not 15 minutes ago
Sometimes no means yes.
yes you can't, unless you find somehow ice cold water. It speeds up growing of hair.
I basically play a handful of games now, which I pay for, and all the rest is just a waste of time.
DHT is not testosterone
>"hurrr is than an HTML?"
You're faggots for shilling your game, but god damn am I buying the shit out of it.
All shilling will be condoned if the game is good.
Is this true? kek if i had the money to waste id buy the game
Who is taking the photo?