Like fine wine and cheese, Idols only get better with age.
Like fine wine and cheese, Idols only get better with age
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What a sweet thread.
I wish more cops looked like that.
But aged cheese is really stinky.
>they are so old and desperate, they would have sex even with you
That's my fetish.
*have more reasonable standards
>iterally looks 17yo
>shes 25 im such hagfag xd
the rest are fine tho
Stinky Nana
>yfw you realize they're not looking at the camera
>She is very shy and nervous, and has trouble smiling or enjoying herself. Miyu had a Golden Retriever in her childhood, but its death is one of the causes she gained her sad and somewhat tragic nature
>tfw I'll never comfort her
damn who is that absolute slut i nthe bottom right
>She isn't very shy and nervous, and has little trouble smiling or enjoying herself. Shino had a Chianti an hour ago, but its emptying is one of the causes she gained her sad and somewhat tragic nature
>tfw I'll never comfort her
Looks like P-kun forgot the important social rule of never being either significantly more or less drunk than everyone else.
A pedo.
Kaede's not usually one for subtlety.
>tfw now older than cakes
>discover awesome woman idol
>she's only 20
We're still young at heart, user.
That's great, but being in the middle of a drunk woman fest isn't as exciting as it sounds...
now i'm tempted. Do they have their husbando/special someones?
Yes, but he's their collective property.
I don't get it
JK = high school girl
JD = college girl
JJ = YOUNG AT HEART (or more technically, mature woman)
JK=Joshi Kousei (high schoolers)
JD= Joshi Daisei (college girls)
JJ (not really a term)= Jukujo (milf/"ripe" woman)
That's the worst combination ever.
How does she do it?
It is a mystery.
>HEY! KawashimaP-Teitoku! Idol of the 346th Fleet, Nao Touyama DESS!
now i'm interested.
Do i have to start from the series when they were younger?
Sorry to let you down, but the anime is 95% silly preteen and teen girls. The women get very little screen time.
Make do with a few of the Gekijou (Theater) comics.
>The women get very little screen time
oh that sucks, too bad
old cheese smell bad
I wonder what Nana's belly smells like.
Azusa is beat cake idol.
Shot through the heart.
She's not even a cake by definition
Please stop.
How does she even hold the cup without it spilling? She's skilled as fuck.
>Rin:This will get better when I get older right?
And you're too BLAME!
You give /k/ a bad name
I know it doesn't rhyme.
must have taken lessons from that one 2hu.
We need to go sweeter
Azusa is lovely but she's only 21.
The best Idols stay in their prime forever. Except for V4.
>you'll never lick Nana's dirty pussy
why even live
No bully.
>you'll never stick your tongue inside Usamin's sweaty fartbox
Gotta catch them all.
>Gotta impregnate them all.
Good luck, user.
So, is this porn?
It's Megurine Luka-san.
When am I going to get a mother and daughter idol combo?
I believe in myself.
But wine turns into vinegar after a long time.
OP is fag isnt this time
I dont know how they did it but P-chan was my favorite thing from that show