Look at this man. Notice anything? He is carrying ARMFULS of cash. This isnt the richest man in the country, or even a celebrity. Everyone in Zimbabwe gets to live like this.
Whats their secret?
Look at this man. Notice anything? He is carrying ARMFULS of cash. This isnt the richest man in the country, or even a celebrity. Everyone in Zimbabwe gets to live like this.
Whats their secret?
Other urls found in this thread:
He stole it from the whites
pro-tip: that's enough for a loaf of bread
that's about $30 US. And is half a years salary over there.
He's sells white people meat.. Not that he's stelling meat to white people, he's selling white people as meat.
here's their dirty secret for getting rich
For people for whom literal cash is their largest asset, they are the poorest. Next up on the socioeconomic ladder are people who say their vehicle is their biggest asset. Then home owners, the middle class. The upper class measures wealth by their investments in private and public equities and stocks.
so, actually, OP, what you are showing us is a person in the poorest category
t. Graduate Degree Recipient
>Whats their secret?
>Whats their secret?
The money is worthless.
lmao get a load of this faggot
He trading it all for a mustard sandwich and a slice of water mellon
>Whats their secret?
Shit hole countries
>As hyperinflation took hold last year, Fidelity printed $1 million notes, then $5 million, $10 million, $25 million, $50 million. This year, it has been forced to print $100 million, $250 million and $500 million notes in rapid succession, all now practically worthless. The highest denomination is now $50 billion (worth $US1 on the street).
>Before the crunch, a beer at a pub in Harare cost $15 billion. At 5pm on July 4, it cost $100 billion ($US4 at the time) in the same bar. An hour later, the price had gone up to $150 billion ($US6).
Won the Nigerian lottery of course.
t. impoverished salesman for lawn care services
now the kang meme makes sense, dey billionaires, all of em
That ones broke too faggot.
the fuck are the bitches doing at my car?
Drugs and children sex slaves trafficking
you're so fucking ignorant if you think wealthy people don't have significant wealth invested in property.
Christ, will you wannabe college students just, for fucking once, think before you post?
stop using it as tp you ingrates.
Try this jose
A half loaf you mean? Kicking Mugabe out has surely depreciated their currency further?
Not so fast sparky the
Inflation. All of that money is worth like 20 bucks in USD.
There's gold in them thar heads.
runaway inflation
all money that is valueable is backed by blood and oil petrodoller. whats bit coin backed by
That pile of Zimbabwean loot is worth about 8 cents.
inflation by ruining the economy by kicking out all the white farmers
PROTIP: What he has there will probably buy him a loaf of bread....
Hyperinflation, to the point where if you recycled the bills into paper, it might actually be worth more as something to feed your office copier.
>and reported