>being raised by a single mother makes you effeminate
>most blacks are raised by single mothers
>being raised by a single mother makes you effeminate
>most blacks are raised by single mothers
Blacks make up a large percentage of the gay population
I love this artist
Then post the source!
You already explained it... what is this?
i can confirm that being raised by a single mother makes white boys effeminate. my proof, me.
Overcompensation. They act manly so as to deflect criticism.
Thats not raising, they just let the niglets do what they want so absolutely no indoctrination there.
>>being raised by a single mother makes you effeminate
Said no one, ever.
living in same house isn't the same as being raised by
>being raised by a single mother makes you effeminate
who lied to you?
>overly emotional
>follow their most basic instincts without a second though
>inferiority complex
sound extremely effeminate to me OP
Thanks. I need that for research.
Just recently I was thinking about the way many black guys speak. Not the thugs, but the "funny black guy" voice: "Daaaaum, sistah", lots of humming and high pitches
Maybe it's from being raised by black moms?
Plenty of black trannies out there m80
Blacks are incredibly effeminate
They spend most of their lives playing the victim and whining about authority
They're not even "raised" by them though they basically run wild all day and their mother just feeds them
They get influenced by the really masculine blacks because they expect better from you when you're more effeminate you actually care about other people unlike most people in this blasted f****** thread
It’s simple: that rule only applies to whites because they’re more susceptible to turning into sissy faggots.
Thank you
Also let's not forget wildly irresponsible sex out of wedlock without forethought to consequences, and a lack of understanding of the value of money. Funnily enough it's always the "wealthier" blacks that grew up with fathers that are frugal, practical, etc whereas brokeass welfare queens will spend hundreds on jordans, henny and loud without a second thought
The streets raise you or some bad ass shit like that
That's why they won't get jobs.
Blacks are crybabies.
Bitching just like a female.
Also there's a lot of street fights in the hood there's no time to be a bitch, even if you wanted to sit at home and be a nerd your mother barely has any cash to keep you alive.
Lack of emotional control is a hallmark of femininity
Blacks overwhelmingly lash out when offend
Blacks are surrounded by men in their gangs
most of them live on the streets and do whatever they want
because of this the mother has less influence on his personality than his friends, who listen to rap and other music that promotes violence
>the other person is also a guy
what's up with this gay shit
>chimp out over words
>run their fucking mouths without thinking
>can't control their emotions
>suck on the teat
>obsessed with shoes
What makes you think the aren't effeminate?
Being raised by a single mother makes you really tired of womens bullshit
>not liking gay shit
Look at this pleb and laugh
Wow, OP was right
>raised by
lol as if black women raise their kids
fuck these comics are making me a sissy again. i should of never come back to Sup Forums.
being raised by single mothers make people effeminate because they only have feminine role models
black mothers are incapable of being feminine role models
Fugin gay :- )
Nothing that applies to whites applies to blacks any more than it applies to the other mammals
I was raised by two parents and I am an effeminate faggot.
check and m8
(New chapter when?)
no being raised by single mother makes you delinquent and criminal.
A boy grows up worshipping his father, then fering him, then hating him- and then forgiving him.
Its in the process of forgiving his father, he exceeds him and becomes a man.
Boys need dads.
Look it up yourself, they are literally the biggest demographic in the lgbt community despite being only 10% of the pop. Also a fuck ton of blacks go tranny, just look at craigslist or backpage. It's gross as fuck.
I was raised by my grandparents. I ended up being a Chad because gramps hates lazy niggers and he knows about the jews.
post feet
These look like girls to me. I'm convinced these artist draw female characters then just add a dick to them solely to fuck with my sexuality.
Shit tier fetish kys.
Thats kinda the point fagoo, its a cartoon they can draw the characters as feminine as they want. Make a chick but call it a dude. Have no idea why its the new craze in anime now like "tsundere" was
Oh god source
That's pretty much what i used to do when i drew this shit.
Your Anima is possessing your physiology.
read the thread faggot
Hey goyum, what's that source
no shit, this website is a massive petri dish of social engineering the anime has the japs fucked protect you're mind user
>1 post by this ID
Blacks aren't human.
And no traps look that convincing irl, only in anime
>That's pretty much what i used to do when i drew this shit.
Why were you drawing chicks with dicks in the first place, user?
Anime has fucked my mind, I don't doubt this.
Well, no masculine role models, raised by mom and granny, overcompensate for all the estrogen and female domination by being fake-macho and touchy, wind up shooting Tyrone in the face for stepping on their Jordans...then go to prison where they get ass-rammed. It's like they get what they wanted, in the end.
In the end, hehheh...
Because boys being boys is only deemed as wrong by progressive society if you're white.
If you're black, being a boy and liking masculine things is acceptable. It's also acceptable to abuse your children if you're black, and many black mums do.
Source nigger, i know that's not locon.
because i'm a deviant.
I drew furry porn too.
>being so nonwhite you can't even google
The Romans loved twinks as well.
We're getting closer to a golden age, everything in the universe is cyclical
>black mother
pick one
It only applies to people. Niggers are animals so it doesn't matter who "raises" them. By the way, nigger mothers don't do much "raising" at all. They just let them run around
Silly user blacks are raised by male blacks. I believe they call them"homies" or "niggas".
OK I'll take the bait.
Rates of homosexuality among niggers is much higher.
Niggers also cannot control their emotions. They are like women. They cry and freak out over small shit. It's also why they commit so much crime.
if you think blacks act manly you are raised by a single mother, they act like insecure teenagers.
Most blacks are effeminate.
Black's are most likely to be gay in the US....
>niggers cant hold a job
>niggers cant stop acting like animals
and dont get me wrong i know theres a genetic component, but feminism destroyed them
How did this turn into an hentai thread?
Sup Forums is full of degeneracy
>niggers have to rely on the state to for welfare
>"so masculine dude i love rap its so manly i wish i was black"
>most blacks are insecure, obsess over shoes, have no moral compass, ingratiate themselves to their mothers to the point that it becomes weird
Sounds avout right
because they are bitches. All the behaviour you complain about among women can be found among many blacks (and also arabs).
It just appears more masculine because they are men and can beat you up.
If she would be able to beat you up would that mean she's "masculine" or "manly"?
She has the same irrational agression and anger and no self control. It's just funny and harless because she's just a fat girl and not a 6,5 black muscle thug
This. OGs and other high ranking gang members act as father figures.
Since that other faggot was too lazy here.
Basically there's more white gay people by volume simply because there's more white people. However, In a given population (in this case race) black people are more likely to identify as gay/bi.
Keep in mind that mean that only 1.4% more black people identify ad gay vs whites but because there's ~8x more white in America there's still more gay white people in the entire country.
Niggers and arabs are a lot more likely to be queer but they'll kill you for saying it. Even the ones that aren't really gay all fuck each other because they have no access to women. Even black prostitutes won't fuck niggers and you can look that up wherever you want.
>always draws basically the same guy regardless of the series
Does he have a thing for bob-cuts or is that his self-insert?
Blacks are disproportionately represented in the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ population
>being raised by a single mother makes you effeminate
Really? I think it only works in faggish Western countries. In the rest of the world, being rised by a single mother would mean that you're more likely to be violent and prone to anti-social behavior since to father figure to kick your ass.
They have the behavioral traits and emotional control more of a female than a typical two-parent male, what's so hard to understand?
Yeah, if he's a guy with a hormone disorder.
Or Asian.
Asian men are skinny, especially next to white guys, but they're still men. You'd have to purposefully target specific muscle groups and not others at the gym and maybe take hormones to look like most trap drawings.
Is intercrural sex with a boy gay?
Lol are you actually trying to imply that they are manly?
Ever been to NYC, fagbait? Walk around Stonewall or even Gramercy, and you get a disproportionate number of gay black dudes traveling around in packs looking for their next round of sugary shots.
Hahahah, there is a market for that shit this big, that an artist dedicates so much time to it?
Wew lad.
You don't actually use porn, do you?
Off the roof it goes!
>that pic
>That's pretty much what i used to do when i drew this shit.
Get rekt nigger
>intercrural sex
mfw I had to google that.
Well, it really depends on how much porn you watched.
Also, fantasies of wanting to do physical things don't necessarily relfect sexuality.
But to answer your question, yes, it's gay imo.
Thats because there isn't anything feminine about black mothers
more like bizarrely insecure about there sexuality I remember a black dude told me about a gay dude hit on him once at a gas station and he flashed a fucking gun on him
I was raised by a single mother and I'm chad tier alpha. Maybe your mother is a liberal cuck that raised you that way on purpose?
faggot leaf, kys
>most blacks are raised by single mothers
Right... Theyre tossed onto the street.