What kind of mother says something like that so casually?

What kind of mother says something like that so casually?

A son-con kind of mother.

The kind who wants to create more children with her son

cute mom

The loving kind.

Isn't this like being called a momma's boy?

Mothercon = want to fuck your mom
Siscon = want to fuck your sister
Lolicon = want to fuck girls with perfect bodies

I hope that helped you understand

Help. After watching Wolf Children, I understood how much you should love your parents. I tell my mom I love her. I once dreamt I did it with her ass-pussy. Have I crossed a border into the immoral or is it normal to dream like this?

But con is for complex. It doesn't necessarily mean anything sexual.

You mus go deeper.

Horrible taste

is this what this guy is up to after mysterious girlfriend x?

His art somehow got worse.

the kind of mother that communicates feelings through saliva.


>Horrible taste
You are not supposed to go ass-to-mouth, you know?

It was a dream, I dont really like anal in my h-manga

this, i didn't know, i've been using these words with my niece a lot, how fuck am i now once she know the meaning?

Yes. Embrace for the incoming eternal teasing.

I'd suppose it has something to do with Japan just being less sensitive when it comes to sexual content. In the west the phrase would be a mama's boy, which indicates a disproportionate amount of affection towards the mother, but it's almost never meant to imply sexual attraction.

Assuming the translation is accurate I'd say she's highlighting his "mama's boy"-esque behavior, with the sexual part of it being a joke. Could also be fueled by her job as a mangaka, in which the use of this terminology is more common.

>I'd suppose it has something to do with Japan just being less sensitive when it comes to sexual content

>you always keep hugging me
>are you trying to get in my pants or something?
That's basically what she said

The term "con" is more like "fan". It isn't inherently sexual. Obviously a pedophile or a milf chaser are fans, just of an extreme nature.

>It isn't inherently sexual

>oedipus complex
>doesn't necessarily mean anything sexual

We're in the mommy era now

>The undisclosed private boys’ school surveyed their second-year junior high students, finding that nearly half of them still bathed with their mothers, and noting that those students tended to have better grades. This is thought to be the effect of “skinship”, a Japanese term used to describe close physical contact. The Japanese aversion to physical contact and public displays of affection is well-known, but an increasing number of people are realizing its benefits


those ink blobs are driving me crazy

The other week my mother had too much to drink at dinner and told me I needed to get laid


Did this take a break or something

It's been a whilse since I saw a chapter on Sup Forums




You're supposed to say Shit taste dude.

A slut

Anime when

Tell me more.

I wanna read this.
I wanna like this.

But something inside me tells me to not to to avoid disappointment.

American culture doesn't care about violence at all. But sex is the huge taboo.

I wonder how much is lost in translation since English really lacks specific words for people infatuated with a particular family member and the Japanese culture of incest.

>This thread

Oh yes anons, tell me more about how you want to fuck your mother.

>tfw just want to fuck older women
>tfw get put in the same pile as momcons by society

I think the whole "mommy" shit is weird but the idea of being a horny teenager getting frisky with mom on a nice day sounds hot

You want to fuck your mother

Complex, not Oedipus complex.