How did you ended up being on Sup Forums

How did you ended up being on Sup Forums

Realized Brietbart was Jewish.
Realized Infowars was Jewish.
Realized most of the conservative leaders were Jewish.
It was all "Mom, Apple Pie, and die for Israel!"

people kept trying to get me to watch this blank panther movie, next thing you know i was here

lonly drunk

Bored stoner

Nice try CIA

Sup Forums went to shit

I OD on holocaust porn and wound up in the Sup Forums ER.

became a neet, got depressed, joined Sup Forums/pol to not feel like an absolute looser, since i am not alone ...

I know, it's pathetic

Was on Sup Forums back in the day, left when Sup Forums became all pedos and commies, came back when I heard about Sup Forums and how Sup Forums had a big right wing streak

long term Sup Forumstardation. before Sup Forums even existed Sup Forums (and /new/, obvs, but I didn't post there) had redpills, although they were more satirical than a lot of the serious content Sup Forums has which I somewhat prefer as I've gotten older.

Search for sincerity

All I ever wanted was the truth

The Jews left us nowhere else to speak freely. If they take down Sup Forums we murder them in their homes. No LARP.

Watched tread simulators on jewtube and got redpilled on everything but the Jew and such.

First of all sauce
Was on Sup Forums for years then one day all the threads were trap threads, tranny threads, cock rate threads and shemale threads. All of them no other threads so just used the others boards instead. Happened around gg

>zero results for this image


My wife passed away while pregnant with my only child.

that lump of makeup is making my eyes water

/fit/ got dull and i got /fit/ enough

This. I used to post on bodybuilding/misc, but the moderators shoah'd free speech there, as well. Sup Forums is one of the few remaining places that still respect freedom of speech.

I go on some other boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums and when I get board of those I go on Sup Forums lmoa

Came from Sup Forums to /new/.

/leftypol/ shill

Same way she got that ass.


I don't even remember. It was a long time before Goobergate. It was before this place was a haven for National Socialists even. I think it was when it was called /new/.
Mostly the Holocaust Denial threads were the most fun.

Honestly, Sup Forums got saved as a suggested site on my browser, so whenever I want to go to Sup Forums, I go there through Sup Forums.

This got me to actually check out what's going on in here.
This is why I sometimes lurk, post, etc.

Still, I was woke as fuck before coming here.
I just come here for autism.

Not realizing that Sup Forums is jewish

I was an edgy teenager that was on Sup Forums ten years ago and hopped on /new/ when it was still a thing. I stayed because shitposting is fun and no other site really has a darwinian sperggy community like this held together by a combination of hate and weebdom.

I started at 14 when I was an edgy kid and got introduced here by black metal, mainly.

I heard about "Daily stormer". Checked the site. It mentioned about Sup Forums. And this is how it began...


zimmerman trial

Sorry to hear that bro

Shadow banned from everything else.

This. Sup Forums now is closest to Sup Forums when Sup Forums was almost good

this was the first and only thing I ever read from reddit

Cousin died when we were both seventeen. There was a reception at his house just after the funeral. I went into his room and stole all the money… [and] some other valuables that his parents wouldn’t realize were gone…

…Also my cum box.

which led me down into the darkness.. its comfy down here

Welcome home buddy

Everyone kept telling me to "go back to Sup Forums where you belong". I finally took the advice.

We all got our start on b, but b is dead now.
i remember coupon threads, raids, and when op its just full of faggots and porn

As I'd imagine is the case with many of you, used to be a Sup Forumstard when I was young, stopped going there, got a taste of the real world, realized it fucking sucked, ended back up where I started. Except here instead of on Sup Forums

Got tired of getting jewed

I was watching this really interesting show called "Homeland" and they mentioned this strange website.

Sup Forums turned into complete shit after the mlp meltdown and then it got flooded with trannies so i immigrated to Sup Forums.



Sup Forums was boring

I was traveling in papa New Guinea and all the locals were talking about the cool anime image board their country started after trump passed his tax plan.

What I found very interesting is that, apparently, the Laotians tried to steal credit for the boards founding and that this scandal had caused tension among the satellite launch city countries had agreed to work together on.

some mod showed up on /k/ a while back and cracked down on any funposting so i moved here and got then, the place was mostly trip circlejerks and larping sillies showing off their SHTF costumes anyway

>tfw he doesn't know we are the new jews

After the right wing / nationalist subreddits were shut down.

yea, we're home of the free!
well, we can call the president a jerk and get cheap fast food lolz!


Based Leaf.
Same here. But really l am here for the beer.

>was un non racist boards like mu and people always bitch about racists at Sup Forums
>be curious and check it out
didn't become racist because of pol. but it helped. and it wasn't until 3-4 years later (since being on pol).

>Joined twitter to follow transfer updates for football (soccer) during Brexit
>come across tweets for Milo and Paul Watson
>become involved in Brexit on Twitter, spreading tweets etc.
>start watching Milo's uni talks and Ben Shapio's on YouTube
>US election comes around and find Wikileaks, T_D, Cernovic and other E'celebs
>keep seeing screenshots and memes from a website called Sup Forums for FBIAnon
>check it out, and never leave
>can't watch the news, most TV Shows and movies now without getting wound up and see SJW faggotary in nearly everything, realise Hitler was right and niggers are literally a different species

Football fucking transfers.

>would I do it over again? Fuck Yes.

All roads lead to Sup Forums.

came from Sup Forums

refugee from the cancer that is Sup Forums. Sup Forums is rapidly approaching cesspit status to rival Sup Forums, however.

>two replies


browsed /b after reading about Sup Forums in TIme mag.
Boston Bombing happens.
OH SHIT!! /pol knows who did it.
Better luck next time.
Still here.

HWNDU chicanery
I honestly had no idea how racist it was...
I really liked the pinned picture about logical fallacies
I am just really angry now and hate everyone

I came here to post this

I have no idea. I just stumbled onto this place and now I'm here forever.

This one chad kid at my school introduced me

10 years of being a conspiracy nut + migrant invasion.

>two replies
>even with the trips of revelation
It was criminally underappreciated

got cucked by a grill

I am tired of niggers and spics invading my country


moot is jewish. moot still controls Sup Forums.


I actually only come here to be angry about the people posting here: Their misconceptions about almost everything, their lack of understanding of statistics and science overall and their shitty, childish opinions about every aspect of culture.

Jessie slaughter. Heard about her and wound up on Sup Forums
Then found /x/ but I was a big fish in a small pond there
On Sup Forums I'm a small fish in a big pond. I really like it here.

george zimmerman trial. it was all downhill from there

Fake news man
everyone know this is a famous micronesian basket weaving telegraph board


I don't know

Welcome ambassador.

I came here because a friend told me that there was interesting topics and ideas. I stayed for the nigger hate threads.

You'll be throwing up the roman salute in 6 months newfag

Took a wrong turn

who is the girl in the pic, op?


who the hell can remember

Why did you have to post this?

it's a bhutanese cat wrangling and exportation depot

in other words everyone was saying things you disagreed with so you ran to hide in what you thought was an echo chamber but actually turned out to be nothing more than an autistic friend simulator but it all worked out in the end because you're not smart enough to realize it's all just satire.
kys normie

Masturbating is for betas.

Came here from Sup Forums

I do the same for lefty forums and The Guardian article comments.

Yeah ikr, he's probably not even gonna post pics.
Pics or it didn't happen.

I heard about kekistan and just knew I'd fit in with all of you cool kids

The glow from cianiggers attracted me. In fact they attracted me to this datamining thread

shareblue pays me to come here

I came here during the 2012 campaign, I was very liberal.
After getting BTFO many times, I just decided to lurk a while, and the shit I learned, holy fuck. Sup Forums became an addiction, I'd lurk all night and day, I just had to know what was going on, and learn more about shit that's censored and hidden away from us.
Things are pretty shit around here these days since the board became crazy popular, but there's still some decent and genuine threads worth coming here for, and plenty of lulz to be head.

because Sup Forums fucking sucks

sound cringe but in the lowest spot in my life with nothing in my hands and now my life is seem a good future

I originally came here as a liberal to troll conservatives. Then, little by little, I started to realize that some of the arguments here made sense. Time skip ahead to now, where I'm a white nationalist and have abandoned all my old boards for Sup Forums.

I'd been on various boards since the beginning and always avoided even opening this section since my assumption was that it'd be left wing trash.

One day I finally came here and was completely shocked to find that it wasn't a left wing hell hole, and I've been here ever since.