How come Shirou gets an arm transplant from an incredibly compatible servant but is at constant risk of dying, yet this fragile faggot with a 3 year lifespan gets a heart from a completely unrelated servant and survives?
Bad writing.
Type-Moon isn't SUPPOSED to be consistent.
Tsukihime, F/SN, F/Z, HA, and even Extra didn't conflict this much with each other.
I'm more salty about Sieg having an ability to transform into Siegfried. The author fucking killed Siegfried so Sieg can take his place.
Derivative fiction, son
cause hes a homunc with crazy circuits
Why is Apocrypha so bad? Why was this being hyped up?
>How come Shirou gets an arm transplant from an incredibly compatible servant but is at constant risk of dying
Well one of the reasons why archer arm was killing him is because he wasnt sticking to his original ideals anymore so he was getting invaded by archers.
Sieg is a blank slate right now so it would make sense
shirou is a human with barely developed magic circuits
dragon dick is an homunculus with integrated magic circuits.
also he is the MC.
Was Shirou not the MC?
This means Illya can receive body parts from Servants. Berserker's massive arms transplanted onto Illya when?
>Why was this being hyped up?
Except it's not, Apoc's hype died years ago.
Illya isn't a regular homunculus.
It might be possible for Sella or Leysritt.
>Berserker's massive arms transplanted onto Illya when?
>Berserker's massive arms
>not his massive heart
I don't get it, does siegfried stops being a hero now does he lost his dragon heart and keep being a hero, and his the dragon heart he gave is only temporary since it's just mana?
Because yada yada homunculi are pure and blank so they can accept any external body and make it their own.
In the novel was funnier, Siegfried literally makes Sieg to eat his heart raw.
>fragile faggot with a 3 year lifespan gets a heart from a completely unrelated servant and survives
Silly user, heart surgery is super effective on homunculi.
Jeanne appears in Grand Order despite breaking out of the Throne which is outside of time and space, so who knows at this point.
different writers
it's hilarious how much oc donut steel shit everyone who wrote for fate stuff is guilty of
mage who has direct access to the root (which was extremely rare and the point of Ryougi hax) and so know every magic ever, anyone?
Sieg however is a specialized homonculi and the part not mentioned due to anime shit is that the heart of siegfried is supposed to count as a psuedo noble phantasm or be the equivalent of a dragon's heart. By giving him a dragon's heart it gave a nerfed version of sieg's own benefits. A few other things but yeah being an empty vessel, the heart painted it in sieg's colors.
What was the best point to end the Fate franchise at if Nasu wanted to keep his universe consistent instead of milking it dry?
Siegfried has immortality trait
So does Spartacus get his leg back?
>Why was this being hyped up?
Only dumbass casuals who bandwagon Fate hyped this up. Apocrypha is well known amongst TMfans as being garbage for its eyeroll twists, MC that gets too much handed to him and the ruination of Jeanne D'arcs character.
Fate/Zero probably
everything else stinks of really bad fanfiction
Sumanai was a pretty cool guy after all. For someone who lived all his life like a bitch, his final moments made him a hero.
In the LN, the effect of Astolfo's lance is only temporary. Don't know what will happen in the anime.
>homunculus that was conveniently made to be perfectly fit to receive a transplant
>servant that conveniently has a boner for giving his life to save people
>he conveniently has a magic heart that's perfect for saving homunculus guy
>it also has the ability to gave the recipient MC powers
>homunculus guy conveniently gets hurt by servant's own master
>servant is at the right place at the right time to save him
>they also meet a conveniently masterless servant who also has a boner for helping people
>boy meets girl and girl meets boy
His body glows
Yeah, pretty much. At least his dead man counters are a limited number deal. Apoc's more to sell you on the characters, story isn't the best. But it's still enjoyable. It's not isekai cancer.
No Mordred in this episode. Why is this allowed?
She's not the Saber of this story, user.
Remember ignore or report this hate thread created by /m/ autist-kun.
More importantly, why hadn't Shiro aged from Archar's arm?
So, what, the fight scene in episode one didn't really happen?
You're pretty fucking dumb, user.
Recall what Mordred said to not-Siegfried during the fight.
To be honest that part was pretty forgettable.
>real thread
Is it safe to assume that the manga will be the superior finished product? Somehow, simple things have been ruined already.
Unfortunately, Apocrypha's par the course in regards to this sort of shit. If you can't stand plot convenience, you're in the wrong franchise.
Only gripe I had was the way they handled the initial 'death' of Sieg. In the novel Gordes literally beats him to death while Astolfo is held down by Siegfried (who was ordered to do so with a 3rd command seal) and has to watch. He then under tears convinces Siegfried to intervene.
In the end it's still the same story, there's only so much the manga can improve.
>Designated shitposting thread
i love it!
Is it okay if I start?
Man, it just felt so weak. Maybe if Seigfried got a little more development I could give a shit but I don't even care.
UTW, I am tired of your half-assed scriptwriting. F/A is set decades before "cavalry" aquired the meaning you used. Ultimate translation, my ass.
Why is Astolfo so shit?
Like Chiron said an homunculus is technically born pure and perfect because their soul is a blank state compared to shirou who had his soul changed and "evolved" by living normally so it was harder for his soul to accept something new, and Sieg can accept siegfried heart because is soul is literally new he is like a void glass where you can pour either water or coke
Fuck shitter, go back to >>reddit
Carnival phantasm
>the ruination of Jeanne D'arcs character.
She has a character?
It's a legitimate question that people have already given legitimate answers to. What's your problem?
Siegfags are cancer.
Heavy cavalry was the very core of Frankish military power you retard.
Apocrypha takes place around the year 2000, not the year 1900 you dumb asshole.
why didnt she tell astolfo to bring him back?
I figured out the kingly quality that Mordred was missing.
>Quickie in the alley, mate?
There's just too many characters and not enough focus.
Because he's mainly just a waifubait.
Darnic doesn't like it when they waste command spells.
she could have at least asked hey wtf you doing
Will Astolfo fight Achilles? Rider vs. Rider needs to happen.
>ywn be Celenike's shota boytoy
>Mommy, Mommy, Mommy! I think someone try to ruined my favorite 2D waifushit
Are you a 5 year old child?
Oh bro, fate threads are pure cancer
Who am I to refuse such a generous offer from a gracious king?
lol I'm gonna need at least an hour baby
I want to be chased through the woods by Fran-chan.
I want evil cat to bridal carry me while making our way through the woods.
Celenike: What do you think you're doing?
Astolfo: Ano ... we're just taking a stroll! Yeah that's it! Tell Darnic we'll be back in a few hours. Ja ne!
That's why she didn't ask him. Or maybe she did but it was done off-screen.
Why did Siegfried took his heart out of where stomach should be and whiy did Sieg's clothes change size with him?
Achilles will be injured by Chiron and die in a fight against [SPOILER]Atalanta[/SPOILER].
He's blank slate and turns into Siegfried lily.
Also it has the unfortunate side-effect of turning him into a fucking Dragon
Did Shirou die from it before the story ended?
Isn't his heel the only vulnerable part of body? How did Nasu find a way around that?
Chiron shoots Achilles heel which doesn't kill him, but basically weakens him to a great extend. Meanwhile Atalanta has gone full corrupted and needs to be stopped by Achilles. They kill each other in battle. Achilles could've saved himself with his shield (one of his 4 NPs), but gave it to Astolfo beforehand.
>Siegfried's heart turns people into dragons
What's next, Perseus's kidneys turning people into medusas?
hey. It was either Sigurd or Siegfried that ate Fafnir's heart.
So there's atleast some basic for this.
And yes I know Sigurd and Siegfried are different people in Nasuverse but mixing them up is way too easy
Wait, this is all supposed to be canon? Why's it called Apocrypha then?
They are also different persons in real legend. Germanic mythology is split into a Norse and a German version. Siegfried is German, Sigurd is Norse.
Did Siegfried leave Balmung behind when he faded away? There was a sword laying on the ground but I think it was Astolfo's.
Illya and Kuro's heads will be transplanted onto a servant body. Much hilarity will ensue.
The legend is obviously based on the same "person" or story and even set in the same region
Yes, but they are different versions of the same story much like UBW is an alternative to HF.
I just found out this was a guy. Why is Japan trying to make me gay with this and Knight's and Magic.
That's a shitty analogy. UBW and HF aren't evolved legends based on the same story. They're 2 different scenarios written by the same author
Shirou is a human, Sieg is a homunculus.
Really makes you think.
Exept he is not in blank state at that moment - he has emotions and desires already. He was in blank state before he escaped from water tank.
He has a days worth of emotions and desires, the only he's actually managed to acquire was "I want to live", not 16 years worth.
Biologically speaking, he's a vessel.
That's the whole point of homunculi.
The fact he developed an ego is unrelated.
really now?
There is no original story - Norse and German versions are the original story. Siegfried is no historical figure.
How is this convenient?
Siegfried only remembered he wanted to help someone because astolpho was swearing to help someone against her masters wishes. Astolpho only had someone to help because the castle was making homunculi and one wanted to escape. Sieg was the one to escape only because he had the powerful magic circuits to break his tube. Jeanne was only there because she sensed two servants of the same faction fighting, otherwise she wouldnt have found them.
Literally every part of that chain of events is dependant on each other and not convenient or lucky in any way. The only part you can call lucky is that astolpho wasn't on a mission when sieg broke out, but that scenario is less likely than her being there since the war hadn't started yet.
If the master hadnt killed sieg, then siegfried would have, and the same chain of events would have happened. Sieg wasn't coming back alive. And Siegfried wasn't leaving without helping so long as Astolpho was there to commit to and announce her goal (which she had to be, or they wouldnt have escaped in the first place).
I suppose you could claim that if saber had been someone other than siegfriend, or rider had been someone other than astolpho, or ruler had been someone other than jeanne, it could have turned out differently. But thats just an entirely different fucking war isnt it?
Stop trying to find holes where there aren't any, you shill.