>Kaworu Watashiya
>daki in pic related is supposed to be a reward for kickstarter backers
>make Rin's feet look like shit
>make Rin's ass look all flabby and fat
Where was the quality control on this one?
>Kaworu Watashiya
>daki in pic related is supposed to be a reward for kickstarter backers
>make Rin's feet look like shit
>make Rin's ass look all flabby and fat
Where was the quality control on this one?
Other urls found in this thread:
It was just a typical pre-order-only dakimakura run. Are they re-purposing it for some kickstarter thing?
Backerfag here. No pics of the dakis yet. Only shit we've seen is the merch and shishkis.
>being a footfag
>being an Irish potato lover
That's 2 strikes, dude. Kill yourself.
KnJ had a kickstarter? What?
She's a Japanese child. I'm not sure what you're expecting on the bum front.
As a side not; those daki were not made for the kickstarter.
Maybe something like her left ass here?
You're right, but they're being reproduced as a reward for premium contributors to the kickstarter.
Last summer. The whole manga will be translated to English and released in the US
Right is better
Who cares
Most fans would disagree with that
Why are you such a pedo man? A little bit of fat is always better than a flat ass.
She wasn't really the loli she used to be after the timeskip, but fans could ignore that fact, since she was still petite.
This dakimakura shows perfectly how she turned out to be: not a child, but a stunted-growth teenager, of course her ass is flat and flabby.
Shit cop-out ending, shit reward, works for me.
Fuck off.
A loli ass can be small, but the point is that it should have a natural roundness and more than anything, firmness.
A little bit of fat, sure. Not the squishy mess of an ass she has on the right.
>This dakimakura shows perfectly how she turned out to be: not a child, but a stunted-growth teenager, of course her ass is flat and flabby.
Exactly. Basically a midget that's only a bit better off than those gnomes.
You can fuck off! Do you think it's not firm just because it's flat?
Of course it's firm. People saying it's flabby, you're trolling right?
>that feel when Loli w/diminished glute syndrome
literally why? Some old pedo manga that has been fully scanlated already.
If you don't see the flab squish going on in OP then you're literally blind.
It doesn't stick out in a round way at all, and her right leg being just a bit more backwards than the left already makes her ass flab, so no, not even a real child has such an unattractive butt.
>It doesn't stick out in a round way at all
Because she has a flat butt, because she's a child
>and her right leg being just a bit more backwards than the left already makes her ass flab
Can someone translate this into something understandable?
It's not my fault you're both blind and retarded.
Maybe not, but it's your fault you can't explain properly. We both agree she has a flat ass, but where do you see this alleged "flab"?
Where everyone but you see it, blind-kun.
OK call me a blind fuck or whatever you want, but please point out WHERE the "flab" is
Ass, right cheek.
>being THIS upset over the depiction of a child's ass
Never change Sup Forums
Yeah, looking at her right buttock. Where the FUCK do you see this flab? Do you think butts are flabby if they don't have visible muscle tone on them?
>where the FUCK do you see this flab
We told you already. Once again, not my fault that you are either blind.
But you agree her left butt cheek looks firm?
Both her butt cheeks look flabby. Left one as well
No, it doesn't look firm at all. At that angle even the flabbiest, fattest butt would look the same. If anything, the fact that it doesn't stick out upwards, but still has that thin line under it is proof that it is also flabby.
I think there are just two different IDs in this thread who think her ass looks flabby.
You know that thin line you speak of, ALL butts have that line! If that line didn't exist, there would be no difference between the buttocks and thighs.
I think there's just a single ID in this thread who is blind enough to not see it, or doesn't know simple anatomy enough to make the conclusion of that being a flat yet still flabby butt.
So your opinion doesn't matter.
OK, I'll spell it out to you:
1) The right side of her panties dig into her booty flab
2) Her whole ass is literally SAGGING like hell. Look at the creasing lines where her ass meets her thighs. Both butt cheeks are sagging, but her right ass cheek is not only sagging, but also squished.
3) Imagine a firm, left butt cheek looking like the letter "C" (but mirrored). Most of the volume is in the middle of the ass - just like in the letter "C". However, Rin's left ass cheek has most volume in the bottom right corner. Why? Because it's saggy and flabby.
I'm going to ejaculate onto that butt.
Flabby ass is better, more plump and munchable. And I followed KnJ along with the monthly Sup Forums threads back when it was being published.
This pic would be a lot better if there were businessmen sitting around that long table.
Plump is good, flabby is not. And Rin's butt is not plump, it's flabby.
Wait, what? I read that ~5 years ago, pretty sure it's already translated. Am I missing something?
It's been fan translated, but now it gets an official, professional translation, plus new printing of physical manga for the English market.
During the summer of 2016, the kickstarter was successfull enough.
I can see you're new in this thread. Do you think Rin's butt is flabby in the OP pic?
It looks fine, I'd fuck both. Don't be such an autist.
Fine or not - does it look flabby to you?
It looks reasonably firm. I'd have to touch it to know for sure.
Hahaha there you go! Only two fags think it's flabby
>official, professional translation
Heh. It's just the same shitty SaHa translation. Not even worth anyone's money.
Nice samefagging there.
This smells like a LRD thread