To Trump Supporters

How did the people you know of react when they found out that you were a Trump supporter?

I was kinda hoping she'd divorce me.
Nah... she needs the gibs.


They were relieved to realize that I'm not a pussy liberal.

high fives

They don't care at this point. Just because the media makes it seem like there's this whole opposition to Trump it would fade away if the news didn't perpetuate the illusion. Just like if JIDF shills stopped posting on Sup Forums I wouldn't have 160 fucking threads filtered.

I just say I vote for the Bennie Sander man. I get off scot free

There is an immediate bond you experience with someone when they are ok with you being a Trump supporter. Liberals are quick to reject anyone who disagree with them

Got lots of offers for sex after people found out.
Men would offer their wives and daughters, women would straight out want me to bed them.

Laughter and a high five from a girl.

They did? Shit, why didn't anyone warn me?

Find out? I think they all just assumed. I only hang out with smart people though.


Trump is good for Mexico but no one understands my sisters are very angry with me because I not vote for clinton.

I think you should get her number.

You'd be surprised at how many people still follow the mainstream media's agenda.

They fucking laughed.
Then, on Election Day I wore a Hillary for prison shirt and they still laughed. The morning after all were in shock:
>'WTF user, how did you know!!!???'

Youd be surprised at how much Jews drink their own kool aid, just like you.

How does this have to do with the thread?

those that left are not my friends

I'm not here to insult anyone, so please be less vulgar on this thread.

kys faggot

I guess I see no point in further conversing with someone as vile and immature as yourself. Have a good day, and may God bless you.