If a society chooses capitalism, will it always become degenerate eventually?
>pic related
If a society chooses capitalism, will it always become degenerate eventually?
>pic related
>Muh Capitalism
Poorfags go home.
Women's rights and atheism does.
Yes. Capitalism is the root of all degeneracy
>Capitalism requires more workers, cheaper labor, more consumers, more debt, more usury
Come home white man.
Both caused by capitalism.
Human societal/ideological shifts are statistical... thus they will all occur "eventually".
Marxism eventually leads to capitalism and capitalism eventually leads to marxism.
This doesn't answer the question of what makes a good society
if it takes over your culture, yes.
Women's rights is caused by capitalism, is it not?
the combination of democracy and capitalism certainly does.
If it's any consolation, Korea is going to be reunified under DPRK in no time. SK is shitting its pants since Kim has a nuclear arsenal and Drumpf had backed off.
>ywn sniff her feet
Crony capitalism which is another form of communism
Are forced labor camps degenerate?
unified under an atomic fireball perhaps
giv qt nork mommy gf now
Just as degenerate and privatized full to the brim prison systems with mandatory minimums.
Actually, giving your money to non-cronies is the definition of communism.
not if enslaving niggers isn't
>Martin Shkreli gets a sex change
Left side looks way better than those grandmas on the right. The fuck is so degenerate about cheer leaders?
Not ideally, in a world where certain people had not existed it could work
In this world of satanists (and they are everywhere) the best system is the least vulnerable
North Korea's cheer girls were fucking creepy. Watch that shit on YouTube or whatever. Weird af.
It's definitely kosher
Revealing clothing and sexually-suggestive dance moves.
> Does capitalism always lead to degeneracy?
No, but Jewish influence does.
Personally I find the Nork trads way hotter than the SK sloots.
I'd let her dominate me desu
hasnt anyone learned a damn thing on here? its jews and debt slavery
Yes, capitalism and Marxism are enemies of the human race
She looks scary. Like chop yo big sausage scary
Interesting example, considering one country lives in relative prosperity, and the other is a literal hellhole where people starve in the streets and resort to kidnapping and eating children to survive.
You can draw similar parallels between conservative-leaning states and liberal ones in the US. For all your talk of "degeneracy", take a look at this list:
Notice the top 10 and bottom 10. Notice a pattern?
If it's a secret harem, how do we know how much money he's spending on their panties?
>"Muh money "
>"Muh capitalist dindu nuffin "
Feminism's entire basis and rhetorical platform stems from Marxist dialectic, you fucking kikes.
yes. but unrestrained capitalism still perpetuates the problem
>The bigger one has 50.000 people.
How many people are in an average US prision?
Yeah... would be better if it wasn't so contrived and unconcious.
Yes, because it commodifies women's sexuality. That's why they are sex objects, Capitalism. If he had strong moral values and a strict societal framework, it would never have to be like this. They could wear robes and be honorable and wise, if they were raised that way.
It is 100% capitalism's fault, I'm not even kidding. I fucking hate it a lot. Same with drugs, food, everything. Kikes use pleasure to corrupt, exploit, and destroy the Goyim, you.
If she gets control American soldiers will be disappearing from the DMZ to be used for her sexual pleasure
Capitalism is snowflake-ism. It also makes sex a product, always.
North Korea is in between fascist and old-school communist. No Frankfurt shit.
Of course they're not degenerate.
>need to choose between capitalist degeneracy or communism starvation
Libertarian route being Somalia is not a good thing either.
>It also makes sex a product, always.
What you commies fail to understand is that sex is always a product. Captialism doesn't make things into products, it just decides who the products belong to.
And capitalism made it commercial and hip.
Indeed left movements create degenerate ideals but capitalism mass produce it for profit, both are cancer
The whites will unify Korea.
> both are cancer
I can agree with that.
North Korea is not real communism
>stop attacking my sacred cow, it's really hurting my feelings.
you fucking retard, feminism is completely anti-free market, the only reason it still exists is because its defended by the state
North Korea is degenerate as hell. I don't think there's anything more degenerate than regular famine.
>godless commie complains about religion
what else is new?
See? Even North Koreans without any plastic surgery / tons of make up are really cute.
>anyone I don't like is a commie
It's like you were born retarded.
k-pop dancing is the most sexual you can be while still keeping your clothes on. It's meant to degrade South Korea the way our own culture has been degraded by sex.
>sincerely being this retarded
that business man is putting money into your pocket
under Natsoc, there is a gun to the head of every man, woman and child, just like gommunism.
No but Atlanticist burgerism does
>Can't follow thoughts in post
>Imagines his own version of reality
>Calls anonymous person retarded for making said imaginary argument.
giv North Korean cutie.
>under Natsoc, there is a gun to the head of every man, woman and child, just like gommunism.
Holy shit, lay off the jewaid will you?
Disobey the collective will, what happens, dipshit? You nazi faggots are just racial commies. You will be cast into the sea with them.
Capitalist society -> Degenerate
Bolchevisk society -> Degenerate
Nat soc Germany, Imperial Japan and Fascist Italy -> Non degenerate
Really makes you think.
Do the North Korean girls deserve freedom
Life Liberty the Pursuit of Sexual Happiness and Big White Cocks
>japan - pedo and rape and tentacle shit everywhere
>germany - poop porn and mass migration
>non degenerate
what the fuck? people in general have degen tendencies. deal with it, you giant fucking babby
Under national socialism that businessman still is allowed to run his business and pay his workers. He just can't profit off of selling dildos and degeneracy. And under national socialism you'd most likely make more money than under the current paradigm.
he is rapping them with a Vienna Sausage, the secret name the girls have for him is "Kim Dink Dong'
>North Korea
>Not Degenerate
You do realize that North Korea literally has the dolls program IRL right?
inb4 "not modern japan"
Your days are over.
The destruction of Israel is foretold even in your own prophecies.
Name one communist country that didn't have an authoritarian ruling elite. I'll wait.
yeah sure
if you're one of the few corporatist cronies the state allows to operate as a monopoly/oligopoly
learn some austrian economics, you insufferable pleb
Read something other than Ayn Rand you self centered nigger.
Fuck off, faggot. Go bleach your skin some more.
Yes. Just like democracy, unrestricted capitalism relies on popularity. What happens when you let plebs decide?
Communism would be a good idea if people had a hive-mind. Free capitalism would also be great if everyone was and ubermench free of degenerate desires.
Lmao no. NK backed off because we got rods from god on them. That's what the secret spacex satellite was.
>confusing capitalism with welfare state
In my opinions, any degeneration due to capitalism is a choice of the people. The merchant's only power is to sell you things. He is powerless if you choose to not buy from him. This requires restraint and intelligence. I would argue that in a capitalist model the merchant's primary goal would be to erode any ability of restraint and reduce general intelligence to be able to sell his products more easily. This is what you see now in capitalist societies. To fault or criticize the Jew for capitalizing on idiots is like criticizing a hungry cat for capturing a rat.
An ideal capitalist society is possible, but highly unlikely. Sex is the most potent form of marketing and removing any and all barriers that prevent it from being used as a form of marketing completely destroys integrity in the market. Especially when you import hordes of room temp IQ shitskins that can't see the forest for the trees.
Ludwig Von Mises
Frederic Bastiat
Murray Rothbard
Bob P. Murphy
Friedrich Hayek
Hans Hermann Hoppe
That enough, brainlet?
Yes, because nobody would buy albums of poor gooks singing oldies. Not that they could buy any albums.
this desu
Well, are there any examples of a nation with a capitalistic economy but is a dictatorship led by a strict traditionalist leader who is willing to strike down certain business ventures that degenerate the social aspect of society?
Yes, sex sells.
Read Sorel, Giovanni Gentile, Mosley and Codreanu.
>germany - poop porn
Tbh this is a german ancient tradition
I constanly have to say this, but the whole country is a farm, there is no famine in NK, just very fucked prisoner camps at most.
But are they setting up some (((colony))) in Patagonia? Apparently thousands of Israelis go there every year to some billionaires estate
Someone put her in a full body latex suit NOW
shut up kid
Capitalism is a product of the masonic enlightenment, and is thus incompatible with any concept of the Sacred
Word on the street is this is redpilling the fuck out of south korean men
They're all starting to want trad waifus like the north korean ladies. Chicks who will happily raise children and keep the family in order.
>impliying is less degenerate without the welfare
Looks more like someone fapped onto a plate.
>tfw you will never be an American soldier forced to lick her sweet yellow ass
Why even live?