Any oldfags here? How was America doing under his presidency?
Any oldfags here? How was America doing under his presidency?
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It wasn't as bad as I expected.
Lots of good porn in the congressional record because of that asshole.
it all went to shit, nafta is shit and he should fuicking die in a heap of tire fire
Money was rolling in. Jobs everywhere. A bill bubble that he popped himself .
He claimed he wanted to deport people. I wish Trump would just get the military involved and deport the endless millions of people here illegally, its probably around 30 million
Lol can't be worse than Bush
He is the reason partisan politics are so divided today, he was so full of shit yet one half off the country didn't care. With the thousands of bodies already buried in his backyard he should have never been allowed to be president. He more than any politician fucked this country up.
New businesses were actually doing well
He matched the more comfy tone of the times.
90's was comfy as fuck. Clinton was a comfy guy (regardless if you liked him or not)
America was not as divided either. Diversity was actually doing very good rather then being forced like it is today. (except for LA riots) The presidential debates were more respectable and I think people respected other peoples views regardless if you disagreed or didn't.
Comfy. I miss when I could turn on the news and not hear about how terrible things are.
Were they terrible? More than likely. It just wasn't on the news as much.
I was a child during his presidency. I don't know what the national and international politics were when he was leading the nation. I just remember the race baiting being non-existant.
I think it seemed that way because we did not have the internets like it is now
t. fag born in 1980
20-25 is oldfag? That worthless arkansas nigger was my 5th president.
i was young when bill was in office, but i thought he was a pretty cool guy. eh plays sax and bangs interns and didnt afraid of anything
You seem to have him confused with Newt, he was actually fairly moderate and compromised and reduced welfare, didn't give a shit about gay rights, actually had policies against illegal immigration.
Still a rapist though, and can thank him and the Dems for the sub-prime crisis that reared it's head later on.
That was when the kike influence and subversion were kicked into overdrive.
Pic related is one of the people who were really running the country.
dont forget bombing the aspirin factory and starting the pro muslim war in yugoslavia
He destroyed our country.
Where you think the cartels came from?
Once the republicans took over congress? Fine.
NAFTA and The house bubble. Those two things he did fucked us. But to be honest during his tenure, life was so comfy.
>Lots of good porn in the congressional record because of that asshole.
Bill Clinton was much more of a hip-hop president thant Obama desu, the end 90's were blackalicious in many regards.
He turned prospering factory Cities all across the US into 3rd world ghost towns.
He literally ripped out Americas spine and called it progress.
I'll piss on that faggots grave before I die.
which was good.
I was 18 in 92. I didn't pay any attention to politics until after 9/11 I was vaguely aware of the Monica Lewinski thing but I really didn't care. Of course he got some action on the side, he's the president.
Besides being robbed and assaulted twice by some African Americans, the 90's were fun. lots of drugs.The cold war had just ended. I traveled all over the world. No cares no worries.
The world turned noticeably darker in the Bush era
U.S. manufacturing actually boomed under Clinton, 1994-1999 the manufacturing economy was very solid. We were wiping our asses with money, actually.
OK City bombing, Olympic bombing, TWA Flight 800 shot down by a missile were a couple of the low points before Monicagate started. But overall, not a terrible era considering what lying, disgusting people the Clintons are.
Nice try, peso
No he wasn’t you stupid nigger.
If you are 25 now you’d be 7 when he got out of office. He was your 2nd president.
Pulled a bunch of shit that would fuck us over after he was out. All the boom was the internet blossoming. Fuck him
Pretty baller in comparison.
But he inherited an America that just left the Cold War. It had no existential enemies and all the money freed up from the arms race to deal with. If anything, it was a squandered Golden Age. It was impossible not to fuck up (or so we thought until Bush Jr. took the helm).
We left his two term with more regulations and higher employment than we started. He was fucking spineless and his moron of Sec of State Albright. They basically gave the fucking keys to the Taliban and did nothing about it. Look up the first world trade bombing, USS Cole then ultimately the Saudi/9-11 issue.
Fuck that spineless fuck. And his cunt wife and cunt kid.
Fucking useless.
He allowed American missile guidance technology to be sold to the Chicoms in exchange for campaign donations and other cash bribes. He was a grifter of the first order.
Know why China has nuclear weapons and missiles to hit the US?
This Clinton faggot.
Ya'all don't know history. "Live was good" muh ass.
$300,000 Red Chinese Army donation to the DNC. Al Gore was the literal bag man.
Clinton signs off on the export of Loral Missile guidance technology to the Red Chinese Army over the objections of the Pentagon.
Pres. Clinton holds back on the FBI while a Chinese spy (literally born in Red China) steals our MIRV nuclear warhead design.
Al Gore gets caught with the bribe. What does Clinton do? He gave the Red Army back their $300,000. That's right, you faggots. He sold your fucking life for a goddamned dime (literally) and when he got caught, gave them your ass as a freebee!
Still like Clinton?
My first President
He actually auctioned off nights in the Lincoln Bedroom to the Chinese in exchange for campaign donations to the DNC. The DEMS has no problem with it at the time.
It was okay, definitely more comfy than the last few presidencies.
No LBJ... that's a psychopath.
it was the 1990s and everything was doing great.
Ya, the guy who followed him was much better.
Because of watergate and history being written by the liberals, it's impossible to appreciate how much this man was LOVED by the people
Bill was more interested in being liked by both sides than leading the country in a positive direction. Big fucking surprise, if you are liberal, you should pursue liberal ideals, and if you are conservative, obviously conservative ideals. These middle of the road presidents just end up undercutting any potentially positive impact either sides policies can do by going both directions. He didn't mind destabilizing sand nigger countries, but then he would move left and not follow through, leaving things worse than before. Same shit happened with reducing the deficit, health care, etc.
True, how things change
One of the men who helped kill Kennedy
The latest fiscally conservative president.
Yea,i can tell you weren't even alive then.I was in my twenties then and it was a lot better than now. You fucking millennial shit bags were just babies and the world was much much better.
I started my 1st business then. I started my 2nd business under Obama's administration and im doing well. I am a republican and i went into a business that's republican proof this time around.
If i could get away with murder,i would so murder every fucking millennial i came across. it would be easy to do to.
Nixons big crime was sending American jobs and American companies to Red China - to be done by Chinese slaves of the People's Liberation Army of the People's Republic of China.
That is unforgivable.
Watergate was a frame up job. Nixon had done nothing wrong, they got him on the investigation itself- like what the DNC is trying to do to Trump right now.
After the way he was treated by Kennedy, he was asking for it.
Kennedy has been repainted as the young prince cut down early, but people forget how much of a total fuck up his presidency was.
If it weren't for Johnson, Kennedy wouldn't have a legacy. He fucked up his legislative agenda so much, he got nothing done.
It was only after Johnson became president and pushed everything through congress that any of kennedy's policies made it.
Johnson and his unconstitutional "Great Society" and his stacking the Supreme court with Globalist idiots was NOT a good thing, user. It was evil and wicked. LBJ wasn't doing anyone any favors with his racebaiting... not blacks, and certainly not white.
He rode the coat tails of the internet an created free trade. That's about it.
But Nixon didn't do that. That happened much later. What nixon did was open communications with China. Different animal.
Prior to Nixon, the Soviet Union and China were communist allies, even though they didn't trust each other.
Nixon practiced what he called Triangular diplomacy. It was actually a very clever plan and worked perfectly.
Nixon opens up communications with China, and then goes for a visit in February 1972.
The soviet union gets paranoid that he's cutting a deal with china to stick it to them, so they suddenly rush to invite him to moscow for talks, which he did in May 1972.
By playing each of their suspicions against each other, he was able to get better deals with both than anyone else could possibly hope for.
It was seen, at the time, (rightfully) as an act of genius.
1990's was a non-stop party. 2000's got married, party over.
You're not using the term oldfag correctly faggot
I'm talking about something else.
The Kennedy brothers hated Johnson, so they iced him out of their legislative team, even though he was the absolute master of the senate and knew how to get things done.
As a result, the Kennedy's made a really stupid amateur mistake.....
the Kennedys WANTED civil rights legislation, but they were REQUIRED to pass a budge.
So they way this would normally be done is... pass the budget first, then go with civil rights where you have time to argue over it.
But they kennedy's did it backwards... they put civil rights up BEFORE the budget. As a result, those opposed to civil rights could filibuster the budget, holding out for concessions on civil rights.
And because Kennedy was REQUIRED to pass a budget, he was caught in a corner. He HAD to give the concessions because he had no choice.
This is where things stood in november when he went to dallas.
Once Johnson took over, he used his talents to pass both the budget AND the civil rights in about 2 weeks, doing a total end-around on the trouble makes isolating them and pulling away all their support.
People saying it was good are retarded as fuhk. The MSM was making the years appear good. Funny how the same dumbasses that don't trust the MSM today are saying it was comfy back then.
I'm not buying the separation of Trade with China from "diplomacy" with China. Our jobs, or trade balance our economy - all trashed for cheap chinese slave made crap... that's on Nixon. If he had never gone to China, the US wouldn't be as bad off as it is now.
Not too sure about that, but L.B.J and Kennedy would bash heads with each other and Kennedy wanted to dump J.B.L as his V.P in the next election. Kennedy also pissed off Allen dulles head of the C.I.A , when he fired him, because dulles wanted Kennedy to use nuclear weapons, and J.F.K thought it was an insane remark. Also the mob was not happy with the Kennedy's who John and Robert was locking them away and not allowing them to continue the illegal market they controlled.
Kennedy was a servant bloodline of the Globalist. That ol' Rum runner Joe Kennedy KNEW one (or more) of his boys would be president.
John fucked up when the stabbed the Globalist bankers in the back with E.O. 11110. He could have all their underage girls he wanted, all he had to do was work the Globalist agenda.
Bam! And who did it? The other Globalist - LBJ.
Trade didn't really open until the creation of the special economic zones in 1980
Learn to read
He wasn't as bad as the republicans would lead you to believe, but nowhere near as good as the democrats say. He benefited a lot from the early years of the internet artificially propping up the economy until that bubble burst.
Is that Q-user?
Tell us what's going on!!
How is giving the Chinese missile and nuke technology to murder us "not as bad as the Republicans would lead you to believe"?
Bill Clinton was WORSE.
Don't you get it? Those women are how the Globalist both reward their operatives and keep them quiet. All those trips to Pedophile Island? Because Bill is a Globalist Banker OPERATIVE. He GAVE them the technology to kill us because the Globalist want the US dead.
>Yea,i can tell you weren't even alive then.
are you retarded troll? it was good for usa, not so much for the mexican worker, fuck your nafta loving asshole, i saw everyfucking mom and pop business die off in favor of fucking factories, but muh nafta is good, yeah good for fucking americans and canadians, not so much for mexicans
Don’t forget militarization of the FBI; see Ruby Ridge. Don’t forget borrowing from social security funds and riding high on the dot com bubble which the boomers always use to justify his crimes and rampaging over states rights at any chance he could.
>>MUH CLINTON ECONOMY is the exact type of blue-pill I hate the boomers for never being able to vomit out. They’ll defend this criminal to the death. the brainwashing was MUCH stronger back then.
he taught me what a blowjob was when i was 4 years old.
lol and people think elsagate is bad
>turned darker under Bush
The Clintons and Bushes are two sides of the same coin. Things were super dark under Clinton the media just never told you about it, and like you said, you didn’t care because you were out being a fucking degenerate. You’re half the reason the present and future are such shit
>not so much for mexicans
so. Who gives a shit about Mexicans. Are you retarded?? Thats a given that you are. You fucking shit stain.
>How was America doing under his presidency?
On the upside the economy was doing well; but that ultimately turned out to be due to the tech bubble. Furthermore his trade agreements provided a short term boost to the economy; but laid the groundwork for the death of American industry. Likewise his loan legislation laid the groundwork for the housing bubble in 2008. At the time it seemed like we were doing well; but in retrospect it was the beginning of many of our current problems.
Balancing the budget was nice even if it didn't last; but that was more Newt Gingrich and the Republicans than it was Clinton. Basically neither side could decide how to spend the money, the Republicans controlled the house and senate; but Clinton had veto power so they agreed to just not spend the money and cut into the deficit. It was a rare moment of bipartisanship actually accomplishing something even if it was temporary.
Finally there's the fact that he disgraced the Presidency because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants. Trump says a lot of stupid shit; but I was way more embarrassed by Clinton.
Pretty good. He was fortunate to serve during the dotcom boom. He was also more conservative than any RINO that followed him.
It's funny how anyone who speaks out against the tribe in one way or another is suddenly cast down and villainized in history.
>tfw this retard doesn’t even realize NAFTA didn’t really go into overdrive until the end of Clinton’s last term
>doesn’t understand Clinton’s role in militarization of police forces
>has no idea Clinton paved the way for the levels of FBI corruption we see today
>Don’t forget militarization of the FBI; see Ruby Ridge. Don’t forget borrowing from social security funds and riding high on the dot com bubble which the boomers always use to justify his crimes and rampaging over states rights at any chance he could.
Cry more you millennial tide-pod eating piece of shit. You are a loser and should kys now.
I can;t wait for civil unrest when it will be open season on you fucking soyboy losers.
Inb4 Boomer, i'm 44 generation X,the generation that will slap your ear back punk.
Fuck the boomer too
The boomers don’t fucking care. They’ll defend this traitor to the death
Are you really that dumb? The world's a little more complex than just hur dur jews behind everything
Newt Gingrich had congress by the balls with his Contract With America, that had 10 points, almost all of which were achieved.
A budget deficit was wiped out, and we rode the dying embers of the Reagan economic wave into the 90's. That's per Milton Friedman, for the faggots and commies who will post that Reagan did nothing good.
His personal scandals were never front and center; he raped many women, killed many men, and lied to everyone.
But he had some bullshit charisma aw shucks southern boy thing going on that fooled a lot of people.
Everything he took credit for he got dragged to kicking and screaming. Welfare reform, balanced budget, etc. Like all Demorats, he was a thoroughly useless person.
>clinton years
You have to be 18 to post on Sup Forums.
But to answer your question, he was shit but lucky. He made disastrous policy decisions, but the effects on the economy only got worse after he left, and he had the tech boom happen (which he obviously had nothing to do with) which helps dumb normies remember him as being good at managing the economy. He also bombed tons of civilians in the name of pisslam, but for some reason, the media keeps on touting him as a pacifist hero.
Let's not forget Clinton taking 350 of his closest friends on an Emperor level month long vacation in China.
And ye, China got MERV technology from Clinton.
The Clintons are grifters, and have absolutely no loyalty or pride.
Bill was whatever TPTB wanted him to be, because Mena.
Good times.... decent music on the radio.
Millennials have it better though, because you have information which we didn't have back then. Literally, 99.9 percent of the people believed in the Holocaust and Moon Landing back then. It was truly blissful ignorance. but it was pretty easy to get laid if you were at least decent looking.
You could also go to a club, and have three hundred white people and no fucking negros in the joint.
Fuck you asshole, you sold out this country for your precious Bill Clinton. You can’t even refute my points because you fucking boomers have been fed a lie for your whole life, and this is your defensive mechanism; words and empty threats. Fuck your mystical sense of MUH 90s you signed the future away; a decade of decadence for a lifetime of servitude.
Whassup ya fuckin boomer, the only generation of americans that left things worse for their children. Fucking die off already you crusty old scabs, you bloodsucking ticks.
Boomers were born in the '40s-'50s. Dude is 44, like me, Gen-X, and barely voting age in '92.
You are retarded.
Lol, cope more you useless millennial waste.
Go eat some tide pods.
Dude... I'm a boomer.
Do I look like I'm defending Bill Clinton?
1) I said he sold out Americans to the Commies for 10 cents/life.
2) I said he was a pedophile.
3) I said he got good porn into the Congressional record.
If you're doing the "Boomer hate" meme, you've been fooled by the (((Globalist))).
In all fairness the internet didn't happen until the mid 90s. Before then, it was hard to get anything other than the official story. You'd have to be investigative journalist tier to know anything about the real truth.
Now we have the opposite. Too much information but at least we have access to there view points.
How many people would know what an evil cunt HRC is, or how crooked BO was without the internet. Very few. People like them were protected by the media and if you were doing alright (like was in the 90s, why would you even bother to question anything?
>boomers are anyone over 30, with stuff I don't want to work for.
You sound like a literal fucking boomer.
Yea I did vote for Clintion twice. I thought he was a good candidate and was doing a good g\on in 1996.
Millennial faggots are just butthurt. They really can't do anything more than cry about it on a Japanese basket weaving forum. They have no power or clout
(((Jack Weinberg)))
This. I remember watching Clinton murders stuff on public access TV. You could maybe mail order VHS tapes or newsletters for a conspiracy fix.
Boomers made it a worse place?
There's our parents - the "Greatest" generation, who fought the war to make the world safe for Satanic Globalist and their Globalist communism shtick. Killing all the National Socialist, banning any discussion of the what and why is pretty big.
Then there's their parents - Allowed the creation of the Federal Reserve, allowed the Zionist to take over the nation's newspapers, and literally fought and died for no reason other than to empower the bankers and create Israel - (Balfour Declaration and all that) is pretty epic bad.
Boomers grew up thinking they were going to die in WW 3 (cold war) or drafted to kill commies who wanted to make our shoes and not fight the commies who were taking over our universities who were the real problem.
Boomer hate is a Jewish meme. Boomer haters are either Jews, or fools.
Yup. They are truly pussies full of excuses. Easy to bait though. Just ask them why they don't have a job. Prepare for multiple variations of 'they took our jobs,' proving that they are so worthless they can't compete with illiterate immigrants.
The 90s were pretty fucking nice. You actually remembered each year instead of being in this time fog post 00s where you can't remember a single year from the next as nothing but shit happens and nothing but a downward slope in living standards, economy, oppurtunity, and general zeitgeist.
Bill was a faggot though
The entire economy boom was due to Newt Gingrich
Reagans economy was dead by the start of his 2nd term, it was a shit recession from '85 on all the way through Bush 1 and 2 years into Clinton before the economy started picking up again.
I know.
They wonder why people ignore and dismiss them. Nobody takes them seriously. They are a joke around the office. If you want a lazy,self-absorbed person in the office who will never get the assignment done,hire a millennial.