LGBT hate

Why does Sup Forums hate the LGBT? I've never found a valid reason to. The only reason I can think of is because they won't reproduce.

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It's not the buttfucking. It's the garbage culture of shameless debasement that all you buttfuckers embrace.

You spread disease, violence, pedophilia and drug use. You won't stop supporting every other minority interest that has the same exact problems, and you celebrate that too.

You're not degenerates because you fuck men, you fuck men because you are a degenerate.

What about aids, child abuse, rape, murder, drugs etc that are common place for faggots?

> never found a reason to
mental weakness
psychological weakness
goes against natural order
drug use
increased suicide
increased depression

yet still you come on here and say there aren't any valid reasons!


Have you ever put your penius in a Vageen? That will always be superior to forcing it into shit packed between anus walls

Get learned OP

And of those who dont?

discord gg/qdUBZEN

add a .

Really, you can't figure out why?



Statistics on gays and marriage:

Science on gays as parents:

The benefits of gay marriage:

Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:

Does conversion therapy work:

HIV information:

Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?

Is being gay a mental illness?

Disgusting, selfish lifestyle is a major turn-off to decent people.

They almost all do. If they don't they are probably ok with others doing it, which is in and of itself a problem.

Also, almost all lesbians are nuts. Look at the stats on kids raised by lesbians. they fail in almost every category

>UC Davis
>Not putting science as subservient to the neo-marxist agenda

and here come the fucking lies. breed more slaves goyim. better catch up and stop being pedo infested aids box pox frog hooker grabbems sodomite adulterer piss head incest naked commie publicly degenerate freud cases. NOICE. you fucking 88.7% rate of pedos. original sinners

Why does Sup Forums hate women who let their dogs fuck them? I've never found a valid reason to. The only reason I can think of is because they won't reproduce.

Point is that we need not demonstrate any directly negative consequence, it being a disgusting and degenerate act is enough to oppose it in and of itself; for the spiritual health of our people and culture.

On a completely different note, even if we should accept it, there are statistically more people who are into BDSM sex than homo sex, do you see BDSM being a major element in our culture? Is it discussed or presented to varying extents in every TV show, movie, cartoon? No. Your rare sexual interest does not deserve promotion in pop culture, let alone parades.

like in the garden of eden with the serpent? seems you allowed that just fine

and also yes this is how trannies and dominatrices get stronger through the masons. all seeing vagina eyes and hating homos. being androphobes

What the hell are you talking about?

serpent seed. read about it. gimme an "argument" on this and ill shit all over it. you whine about bestiality and women. but this is what brought down the very first one. enjoy the devil's sloppy seconds. ill use a turkey baster or fake eggs made from men. or adopt. or use fake wombs

>I've never found a valid reason to.
I bet you don't find anything wrong with drug use either.

>men are drugs
truvada's a drug. vaginas kill it

because they trick children and their parents into genital mutilation, and they also harrass everyone


What does that even mean?

HAHAHAHAHAHA ok kike. done blowing them little kiddies? no gay man likes a butcher cock

waste of air,but they are not even close to being bad like niggers and jews

WORDS! fuck your slimy little games. what am i discussing theory of relativity? nice try. i dont give a fuck. nor do i need to repeat myself. i speak to everybody reading these. not just you a retarded lying idiot. gotta go now. jewgle it

I'm not a Christian and I have no idea why you assume I am. In any case I have no fucking clue what you're arguing here. Are you gay? You have the mental health of a fag.

>I just don't understand, why *shouldn't* we be okay with a tiny, sexually and reproductively dysfunctional minority of people who demand that society at large be okay with their TOTALLY NORMAL AND TOTALLY HEALTHY lifestyle and bend all of society at large's norms to promote and accept it, or else?

May your kids get raped by these degenerates.

>rainbows are bad
>freud is a god
nice kike faggot pic. of course youre not a Christian. nobody cares. i am. and youll read about your possessions and usurping the roles and rules of God while fashioning straw men against me

ok epstein

>Sup Forums gets mad when the worst examples of their group are seen as the majority
>constantly does the same thing to every other group


L and G need to take the liberitarian approach and not base their entire identity on what they do behind closed doors if they want their kind to be respected.

B is mostly a college aged meme that is mostly exploration that dies out quit.

T is a mental illness that doesn't need to be enabled. Just give them hormones to help with their endocrine imbalance if they are over 18 and actually showing signs of gender dysphoria from the a psychiatrist.

This doesn't need to be an intersectionality movement that will slowly lead to the slippery slope. Just argue for individual liberty to do what you want as an individual and stop bragging and basing your identity on your sex.

If you need an example of a Gay who isn't a faggot, look at Scooby. He is an individual who doesn't allow his identity to be defined by his sexuality.


What the hell does Freud have to do with anything now? If you're implying I somehow approve of his work, no, I hate that kike.

Because they are fucking assholes

Tell me, with a straight face, that this is a perfectly normal and acceptable way to dress in a public place.


cakes are pagan


How come I got banned for criticizing you lunatics? That’s not very tolerant and accepting.
Also fag hate thread? Fag hate thread.
Fags ARE pedophiles.

You know what you did.

>Allow fag propaganda to run rampant in the cultural mainstream
>A rising generation starts showing signs of being increasingly confused about their identities, subscribing to nebulous, naval-gazing labels like "queer" to describe themselves. introducing even more chaos and doubt into a time of their lives that's already characterized by a great deal of challenging confusion

Thank you for bolstering my point. Allowing gays to be anything other than pariahs on the fringe was a mistake.



It's easy to come up with an excuse to abuse the weaker, less numerous members of your society. Also, like everything else in this miserable world, it's all too easy to see the worst examples of people and assume everyone that looks like them or feels like them also acts like them. This entire argument is ridiculous because you could apply the same thing to straights. The vast majority of straight people are disgusting, race mixing, sinning, lowlifes who never contribute to humanity's progress or well-being in any meaningful way. Does that mean we should kill all straight people? No, that's fucking stupid. Bad people are bad. Doesn't help anyone to make blanket statements.

hear hear. it's so nice to hear Christ like men speaking with balls. who have the heart courage and brains to listen to logs and splinters type judgments regarding lies and spiritual deaths. who overcome the divide and conquer protocols brainwashing
you too :). God Bless you both

Because it's derangement. Trans/Queer/Non-binary people are simply, and without a doubt mentally deranged.

It is a fact of science, it IS and ALWAYS will be physically impossible to change the sex/gender you were born with. I'm ok with allowing retards to LARP as another gender because they feel strange, but they cannot, and have no basis to actually BELIEVE they are another sex/gender.

The PC marxist world we live in has now accepted the LGBT group as a mouth piece to shutdown free speech and other fundamental liberties that makes western civilisations so successful. The LGBT is a mouthpiece used to spiral society into an inevitable wasteland of degeneracy, debauchery, sickness, and lack of liberty and freedom.

It spreads pedophilia, drug use, and challenges the underlying biology of humanity. We are humans. We fight to survive, and we procreate to further our legacy.

The LGBT has nothing to do with love.

Males are sexually driven beings. All males have a drive and craving for sex in our underlying biology. It's in our genes, which ensures humanity is maintained healthily and that our lineage is continued. Women are crucial to this, they are the ones who dictate whether procreation occurs. They are the regulators of humanity and provide checks and balances upon men.

Within the gay communities, this interplay doesn't exist. Within gay male communities, sex is thus rampant. As two males both exhibit the primitive urge of sex, yet there are no females to regulate. This is one reason why aids spreads so quickly, because all gays intend is sex. There is no love, no urge to procreate, no regulation and no ethics. As we have seen in stated data, the average homosexual has between 20 and 106 partners per year, 50% of which only have sex once. This proves that gay partnerships are only formed to be "one-night stands". Not only is this morally incompetent, it's inherently selfish and lustful. It puts pleasure higher than value.

women can be whores. who's allowing them to be? men. focus more on genetics and hormonal levels. nothing is new under the sun. image and likeness there bud. slitrk5 gene. slitrk6 gene. xq28 gene. look at the physiological (not to do with brains) differences into adulthood. more masculinity comes from us allowing you to have cheaper pussy and from our being born of very fertile women

I appreciate your kind words but I don't want to be compared to Christ. I'm still trying to humble myself and connect with God. Actually you and I have spoken about this before, recently, and it reminds me that I should follow through with what I had said to you.

You're letting a homosexual lunatic lecture you on the nature of God? But why?

This is all true. However, the more society is influenced by the degeneracy and lust created by LGBT movements, straight couples will also be affected.

Race-mixing, sinning and straight lust will also increase.

The ideology of the LGBT is not specifically contained to LGBT people. The ideology can impact anyone. A society that normalises biological abnormalities, lust, and sin, will inevitably advocate for similar issues in other areas.


I'm also a "homosexual lunatic". I'm not being lectured by anyone. I'm having a discussion with another human being.

>The (catholic) church is a mouthpiece used to spiral society into an inevitable wasteland of degeneracy, debauchery, sickness, and lack of liberty and freedom.

>It spreads pedophilia, drug use, and challenges the underlying biology of humanity. We are humans. We fight to survive, and we procreate to further our legacy.

>The church has nothing to do with love.

Fixed! What's funny is that some guy in this board is posting about how much you and I need the church. My childhood was plenty of reports how the church was doing just what you accuse the LGBT of doing. Horseshoe politics at its best!

The important thing, I think, is to separate "the LGBT movement" from individual homosexuals. Right now the worst degenerates can use average gays as a shield for their insanity and culture agenda. Declaring all homosexuals evil and an enemy only pushes them and their families into the arms of the monsters we both know are responsible for the real problems.

I've seen no evidence that you're a lunatic yet, but now I'm curious. I'm not Christian, but I know enough to understand that the general perspective of most Christians is that homosexual attraction is just an unfortunate condition which will not keep you from God so long as you don't engage in sodomy. A desire vs action kind of thing. So, in case you are a sexually active homosexual, how do you rationalize it considering your faith?

I agree in terms of the catholic church. I don't need a pope who claims to be the representation of god on earth to be good.

Humans are always lesser to the gods. Because the catholic church spreads pedophilia, doesn't mean christian ideology is bad.

The fundamental christian ideology is inherently good. You don't need a church or pope to live for god.

I'll be honest with you, what most "Christians" think doesn't matter much to me. I just want to be like Christ and connected with His Father, the all-loving God of the universe. The Church, the teachings of your local pastor, all of that is just the word of man. Even the Bible is just an arbitrary collection of written materials. In the end, we're not worshiping those words or those people. How do Christians justify eating shrimp, or any of the other things that God's children were commanded in the old testament? Those things are totally forgotten as well. The Bible is a starting point, but God is bigger than what the Greek's decided to collect in a big book.

im at work. youre brave. im sorry if ive ever become impatient with anybody or dont understand to what is being referred. youre not committing sodomy. ill try and keep checking in here as i go. sodomy is if you have sex for money inside a religious house of any sort or if you rape. all the best. you make humanity. never forget this is a faceless may may board for bad shit

No, it's because of a beakdown of fundamental societal values caused by post modernism and other movements that has rid conservative values from society.

The majority of people believe in sex before marriage now. The majority of relationships now, gay or straight are lust based.

Even just 30 years ago, people had a more moral conscience in relation to relationships.

If we look at society on a timeline, and measure the

>whore:not whore ratio

we can obviously see that society is becoming more lustful and degenerate.

If we look at the Jacobean era, or the Elizabethan era, I'd assume that the ratio would be


most people would agree that sex before marriage was bad.

In the 1950s I'd assume it was around


and now, that ratio is probably around


where most people agree wit sex before marriage. These are not based on any data, but you know what I'm saying.

The increase in society's degeneracy is not because men are being too masculine, or because men allow them to. It's because post-modernist movements such as the LGBT or feminism are encouraging lust over value.

What is 'moral sense'? It is an elaboration of the instinct to survive. The instinct to survive is human nature itself, and every aspect of our personalities derives from it. Anything that conflicts with the survival instinct acts sooner or later to eliminate the individual and thereby fails to show up in future generations.
But the instinct to survive can be cultivated into motivations more subtle and much more complex than the blind, brute urge of the individual to stay alive.
Survival of your family, for example. Of your children, when you have them. Of your nation, if you struggle that high up the scale. And so on up.
Self-interest, love of family, duty to country, responsibility toward the human race.

>gays dont reproduce
I know plenty of gays who created offspring.