This show was pretty bad, why does Sup Forums like talking about it so much? About the only good thing about the show is the OP by Ami Wajima; such a shame Wajima went on hiatus, which is something I'm quite upset about considering the OP was really good.
Mayoiga: The Lost Village
Because it's fun to talk about retarded characters in a retarded show. Don't know why people were expecting a super edgy mystery adventure when they sing a song about a fucking hippo within the first ten minutes of the first episode.
It was fun to follow the threads when it aired.
The threads man.
>Ami Wajima
It was really fun to watch with Sup Forums.
This is probably the worst show I've ever seen and I'm not exaggerating.
This thread was the best.
People talk about it because it was some crazy wacky shit.
Why did this show sell so poorly? Didn't the Nips like it, even if ironically?
>why does Sup Forums like talking about it so much?
Sup Forums likes to shit on it
>This show was pretty bad
Except it wasn't. Only a true masterpiece could give us those threads.
Nobody would spend thousands of yen on such a mediocre show.
Still doesnt remember all cast name
I want to sit on Soy Latte's face.
I want Nanko to sit on my face.
Can of beans.
Am I the only fan of Ami Wajima here on Sup Forums? Few people seem to care much about her at all online, even in Japan.
captcha: Select all images with a bus
>All those theories who would die
>No one does
I laughed for good 10 minutes
Is there a manga of this? Cant seem to find it
There is.
I believe this was anime original.
It is, but there is a manga.
Every character was a walking catchphrase
It could have been good if it went bismuth edgy with the characters turning into cold steel the hedgeheg.
>his show was pretty bad, why does Sup Forums like talking about it so much?
We wouldn't be talking about it if you didn't start this thread.
Mayoiga was one of the worst pieces of shit I've ever watched and it should be forgotten.
Its terrible yeah
Mayoiga is best watched with somebody else. Then it's incredible fun.
How bad is it?
Anyone have the collage?
>why does Sup Forums like talking about it so much?
The only time Sup Forums talked about it was when it was airing because the ride and threads were fun
Any mention since is precisely because it's bad
Don't start generals about something stupid
The ED was miles better, idiot.
Sorry no