What made One Piece so successful? What is it that OP has, the other three don't?
What made One Piece so successful? What is it that OP has, the other three don't?
Other urls found in this thread:
>more successful
naruto is the most successful
In the west
consistent storyline
It isn't trying to be edgy
Let's trim down the list.
>Fairy Tail
Lacked variety. Say what you will about the other three but at least they had variety in terms of setting, characters, powers, and plot twists. Sort of. FT was the same old shit and MUH FRIENDSHIP got old.
Lacked proper handling of a large cast. Naruto and One Piece for all their faults managed to work the lesser characters into the grander narrative with somewhat satisfying results. Bleach did the opposite by climbing higher and higher up the power scale and all but forgetting those who couldn't keep up. Even fan favorites like Kira and Rukia and Hisagi got left behind.
Lacked the nostalgia. One Piece is basically the oasis for DBfags that had nowhere else to go. The art and story progression were somewhat familiar toward the beginning. Plus, it had more pure, spirited adventures and less angsty prophecies/family-related genocides prior to the timeskip. That's why people keep returning to One Piece, because overall it's more lighthearted and not about saving (or failing to save) the world from a menace.
>One Piece
bad animation, bad plot, terrible retarded character design, basically made for people with low iq that can't comprehend adult things
>Fairy Tail
absolute trash
same thing as one piece, made for idiots
step up from the rest makes sense Japanese didn't understand it & it sold better in the west...
Suppose that's the way things go though in a world filled with idiots
I started reading Naruto because of the personal struggle of the main cast to make it in ninja society. When the shift to world politics came I lost interest, mainly because I think the world of Naruto is pretty uninteresting. One Piece made a similar shift, but firstly the focus on personal development is still there, and secondly the world of One Piece is much more intricate and interesting. It's not the established government fighting evil rebels, it's a government consisting of a mix of people with differentiering values, fighting a mix of rebels with differentiering agendas.
>step up
If you just bashed all of them equally I wouldn't know that you just had the attention span of a five year old.
Japan's shit taste is the only thing that has kept it
One Piece afloat. OP is easily the worst out of any shounen.
>Lacked proper handling of a large cast. Naruto and One Piece for all their faults managed to work the lesser characters into the grander narrative with somewhat satisfying results. Bleach did the opposite by climbing higher and higher up the power scale and all but forgetting those who couldn't keep up. Even fan favorites like Kira and Rukia and Hisagi got left behind.
Dude, Naruto did exactly that too. Everyone from the beginning was basically forgotten by the second half or even earlier. We just got other super cool™ ninja to replace them instead of giving them proper treatment.
Care to elaborate? Even only out of these 4, it's the only one with good world building, consistent power levels and an at least decent ability system.
>bad animation
I think One Piece pushed the edge on a few things considering it comes from a relatively suppressed culture. Look at it, its very flamboyant at times and almost makes fun of gay people and gay culture. The Japanese dont quite understand it but, like those outside of japan as well who understand it, find it extremely funny. Also Oda stole a buttload of the best pop culture references from movies and slid them in there with nearly all its fanbases totally oblivious of those contexts.
I actually dont like one piece and think it existing now is an anchor on the industry promoting same think and reusing old ideas and formulas instead of exploring or promoting new thinking.
What the fuck is Fairy Fail doing on that list?
Oda knows how to write. It's that simple.
He didn't start with a vague idea of what he was going to do. He has a clear endgame for Luffy, a clear starting point, all he's doing is filling out the blanks competently.
The same can't be said about the other two. I still don't understand how licking Sasuke's ass wounds helped Naruto become Hokage, why I should care about a directionless character, or a pornfest with a paperthin plot.
The only reason OP is less popular in the west is because squishy blunt rubber is not edgy enough for them.
You can't name one thing in one piece or any of the others that Bleach didn't do better.
very bad...
Bleach was what it was and was the best at it. It really shouldn't even be mentioned along with these other trash animes because it was on a entirely different level.
It's like saying my little pony has higher ratings than man vs wild and that's only because there is more little girls watching TV.
One Piece is funnier, has marginally better writing and art, but most importantly, is about pirates, adventure, and camaraderie. All of the others are about boring twats and their boring-ass jobs. The ninjas in Naruto are doing their jobs. The soul reapers in Bleach are doing their jobs. The mages in Fairy Tail are doing their jobs. The pirates in One Piece are adventuring and having fun.
It's part of the adventure genre. Exploring a well designed fantasy world is fun. Sadly this part got shittier and shittier over time and they made up for it with more shounen battle porn.
Nah the reason is because OP is mostly based on a watered down aggregate of western culture. Naruto is more exotic by comparison, more japanese, and therefore more appealing to weebs.
Nobody's discussing the animation here dumbass. One Piece is a manga, nobody cares about the flash adaptation.
Good world building is all it has going for it. And even then people praise the shit out of it, but I've seen better. Maybe not in manga and anime, but world building better to the point where I was thoroughly unimpressed by OP's.
>Consistent power levels
Lel. Enies Lobby arc has the biggest asspulls ever. Sanji could barely hurt Blueno but easily beats Jabra. One example right there. Not to mention the inconsistencies with Haki.
>decent ability system
Maybe. Haki is retarded and Devil Fruits are okay. Better than magic or chakra and whatever the fuck bleach had? Sure. Nothing on nen, stands, and heck, even quirks rival it.
One Piece has some of the shittiest art of any major shounen series. How anyone can read up to 800 chapters with disgusting character designs is fucking shocking. Naruto Bleach and Fairy Tail all have better art and character designs. It also suffers from dragging on. Seriously over 800 chapters? Fuck that. OP's main characters are severely undeveloped as well, and it's villains aren't as interesting as Bleach's or Naruto's or especially Hxh's
I may have exaggerated saying OP is the worst shounen. It beats Fairytail, but that's to be expected. A ripoff will be worse than the original in most cases.
Bleach manga sales are still better then all of these & the picture is of the animes
OP is the most coherent and consistent.
FT is a disaster, Bleach started out promising but only got worse from there. Naruto is just a hack job without any clear direction or end goal where the author just kept slapping on random shit just to extend the life of his golden goose.
Holy shit Bleachfags exist?
You realize that shit was just a fashion show vaguely arranged into characters + a story right?
A Hugo Boss catalogue has more narrative consistency than Bleach.
>Bleach manga sales are still better then all of these & the picture is of the animes
Thats because it doubles as porn. People fap to the character designs and clothing.
>Bleach manga sales are still better then all of these
Thanks for the laugh, retard
Thank you for being the only person in the thread not to driveby shitpost about FT.
Ichigos character is pictured as a kind of not very emotionally driven person which would make sense if his power was not derive from what seems like emotional power, not in any part of the story does he perform well in the aspect of strategy. Sanji from one piece who is portrayed in a similar way as Ichigo as a at time detached logical person actually solves some of his fights using superior tactics.
>One Piece has some of the shittiest art of any major shounen series.
But that's wrong. It's not the best, but certainly not the shittiest.
One Piece gives its readers lots of things to speculate about. Nakama are the most prominent example. Which character will become the permanent addition to the main cast? This is pretty rare; most stories either stick with the original cast or thrust a new character in it out of the blue without any buildup.
One Piece is ok, but nothing special. It has some nice character development for side characters. It has a more interesting world, and lore than any of others.
But it comes with so many flaws. Every arc is almost virtually the same in it's structure (even characters are recycled with a different appearance). Asspull everywhere, so much asspull.
Oh wow that looks pretty nice actually. Which part of the story is that from? I dropped it during the ghost ship shit. Still, doesn't excuse the terrible character designs.
>fairy tail
>naruto coming out the closet and just admitting they mages+ panty shots
mages acting like they are ninjas
empty plot holes, with great designs
fills plotholes
>naruto 220 million
>one piece 416 million
eat shit fag one piece is still going on
better world building and character building which is not much +wacky deisngs
The problem OP has stylewise is the same as Naruto.
It's all over the place.
Bretty good post
So you were talking out of your ass, good to know. Or how else did you come to the conclusion that it's the worst when explicitly placed next to three who're even worse
>Lel. Enies Lobby arc has the biggest asspulls ever. Sanji could barely hurt Blueno but easily beats Jabra. One example right there. Not to mention the inconsistencies with Haki.
Water7 and Enies Lobby ar weird, I give you that. Somehow the strawhats manage to boost themselves quite a bit during the travel to Enies Lobby.
Haki isn't really inconsistent though. At least two forms are the manifestation of willpower and fit into the theme of the series.
>Maybe. Haki is retarded and Devil Fruits are okay. Better than magic or chakra and whatever the fuck bleach had? Sure. Nothing on nen, stands, and heck, even quirks rival it.
Please, devil fruits aren't that much different from quirks. Both give you a single power, which you can apply in different ways and even work in some cartoonish ways so that the user doesn't die immediately. The scale is just a bit different. They also have good interactions. Haki isn't even as bad as people make it out to be.
>Good world building is all it has going for it. And even then people praise the shit out of it, but I've seen better. Maybe not in manga and anime, but world building better to the point where I was thoroughly unimpressed by OP's.
All kinds of interesting islands, an oppressive world government, rebellious movements worldwide and many different characters with their own agenda are okay? Well okay, if you think so.
That should be the bare minimum of detail that goes into worlds when writing a story. The only reason people think it's great is because anime and manga have terrible world building generally
For starters, it's a story that can be enjoyed regardless of age. The other three can be very enjoyable when read in teenage years, while OP has something for every age group. Secondly, it has unique art style and good amount of western influences, which make it stand out more. Finally, Oda's story actually feels like it was planned beforehand and stuff was added over time without really changing its general structure. Compare it to Naruto, where the beginning and end feel like two completely different stories or Bleach that was heavily infulenced by reader polls and Kubo actually stalled it for years, not really knowing how to progress with his own work.
But these are just my opinions, I'm sure there were many other factors at play.
What's Luffy's motivation for becoming Pirate King again
Just cause
>people think characters need deep emotional backstory to have motivation or goals
He felt like it
Freedom from the oppressive government and the fact that striving for the single most desirable position in the world is sure to be an extremely exciting competitive endevour. It's similar to billionairs not just sitting back and enjoying the luxuries of their work but rather striving to make their company number one. actually striving for hard to reach goals is a motivation on it's own.
Bleach wasn't as successful because the Shonen Jump didn't want it to be successful. Why do you think that, now it's over, they never do ANY promotional art with Bleach characters? They also forced Kubo to cut several arcs short, as well as drag other shit out for ages. Hell, when he decided to take it in a new, fresh direction, do something different and breath new life into it, they mandated that he not do that and bring back all of the old cast.
I unironically like Naruto and Fairy Tail more than One Piece.
So none, I see. Very great "character" you have there, wan piss tards.
Not him but at least Naruto had that first half. Also Shikamaru, Choji and Inu got one of the best arcs of the second half.
>Muh DEEP, complex, 4D characterization.
Sometimes being simple is better than being pretentious.
I've long since given up thinking One Piece is for everyone, there is plenty of stories with 2-dimensional characters having easy to understand motivations that you can read. I just get annoyed when people call One Piece simple, and then they proceed with not getting it.
Less is more, friend.
Yes, if you enjoy literal cardboard cutouts as characters.
Where the fuck is HxH you fucking niggers?
>implying a guy who does what he feels like isn't way more badass than some whiny cunt who gets forced to become a hero by circumstances™ or because of family drama™
>the complex motivation meme
You know that doesn't even exist in real life?
it wasn't popular none of them were. they all had their little gay cults that spouted about how great they were when in reality they all sucked ass for many of the same reasons.
I get that you're pro One Piece, but I disagree anyway. Luffy has plenty of family drama and circumstances. It's just that that's not his primary motivator, even though I think it shaped his plenty into becoming the person he is today.
HxH is actually good. We don't need to compare them. With these four, we're figuring out why one shit is better than the other shits.
t. Virgin Ball fag
You just described a human being, you fucking ninny.
you really do misunderstand me, I'm a fervent OP fag, I just think you where selling Luffy sort in your post. Everything in life isn't a battle.
Consistency, plain and simple.
Able, to expand the story while still making use of a wide variety of characters and wide creativity of abilities.
Giving many characters different individual goals and aspirations.
Expanding the world while still able to link events to previous encounters, thus deepening the plot.
One of the main themes of naruto was that nothing was set in stone and that anyone could change its destiny regardless of their birth or talent ( see Naruto vs Neji battle in the chuunin exam and Lee's character) but then guess what? Turns out Naruto was the child of the most extraordinary parents with an incredible ancestry and is involved in a prophecy and acted accordingly to it.
That's what made naruto lose a lot of it's original fanbase.
Bleach turned into a clusterfuck and no one knew what was going on anymore so they didn't bother keep reading the serie.
Fairy tail is just.....bland. It used a lot of the tropes of Battle shounen but handled them like shit. It kept repeating itself to the point of infuriating its readers. Every arc looked like the precedent the same way every pokemon episode looks like the precedent.
One Piece is the only one of the 4 that stayed true to itself to this day (which is surprising considering its the oldest of the 4).
Same as the beginning. Luffy hanged out one year with Shanks and his crew, and appreciated the pirates' way of life.
Luffy just likes freedom and adventure.
All four of them are cancerous trash, nothing to discuss here.
Wasn't me, but even so that person is right. Luffy, just like anyone, have past traumas and such but that isn't why he does what he does. He isn't out to prove anything, he isn't out for revenge, hell he isn't even really searching for the One Piece treasure, he just wants to be free to have his friends and his adventures. But at the same time he's a good enough guy to know that he should help people if he can and he's smart enough to know that the freedom he seeks isn't unconditional, so he does what he has to to secure that freedom and protect his friends, even if it means his life. That's what makes him so likeable.
If One Piece had been more successful than Naruto in the West I'm pretty sure that's the series that would have been banned from Sup Forums.
>m-m-muh meddling Jump Executive
Stop that, Kubo isn't fouling anyone. He knew, we all knew Bleach was gonna end 6 months before it did, Kubo was probably informed before we were, and even if he didn't he should have had time to plan stuff so he could wrap things up convincingly in 6 month. But he didn't. What more proof do you need Kubo is a hack who stopped planning years ago and just writes as he goes? It admittedly could be fine if he had a knack for it like Toriyama, but he doesn't. Toriyama is an exception not a rule.
He admitted himself than when he doesn't know what to write, he just writes new characters and make them move the story along instead of exploiting the ones he already created. Not creating new ones is sound advice for someone like Kubo. If anything, if what you said is true and jump successfully prevented him from doing that again, then who knows how much more disastrous the 1000 year war arc could have been.
But Toriyama is also a hack
I wouldn't know I never read or watched DBZ.
His editors did everything for him, they kept turning down his bad ideas and Toriyama eventually wrote every single one of his editors into being the main villain. Every time Toriyama has had more control over his own work without editorial assistance it's always been an uninspired piece of shit, and his jokes aren't funny either, dragonball's success is owed to the editors not toriyama himself
One of the things one piece doesn't do is Asspull
>That's why people keep returning to One Piece, because overall it's more lighthearted and not about saving (or failing to save) the world from a menace.
I always thought One Piece was really relaxing as well.
When they'd have some filler early on in the show where the crew would just hop islands for a couple of episodes, it never bothered me because it just kind of fit in the adventure of traversing the grand line.
It's a shame the anime got worse after a certain point, at least the manga is good still.
Fun as well as not being an angsty convoluted clusterfuck.
Naruto is way more succesful than O e Piece, Oda admits this.
Do something that isn't Japanese.
>Bleach:Shinigamis and Samurais
>FT:Probably heavy influenced by DQ.
Fairy Tail: they over used "friendship triumphs all" mentality and the last arc was forced.
Naruto kept using "my hardships is why I'm an emo fuck" and the new boruto series made me hate naruto even more.
Bleach should have ended with Aizen. They kept pumping the series with unnecessary power ups and it turned into a cluster fuck.
In my opinion, the thing that made One Piece unique was the light hearted adventure. There's no good or bad guys. Every organization wants to be ruler of the world except one, Luffy.
>What is it that OP has, the other three don't?
Bad pacing
Haki is MADE because ODA realize "Luffy" CAN NOT DEFEAT FIRE ELEMENT DEVIL FRUIT (Ace and Akainu). To make him more powerful he create "Haki"
Mentioning HxH immediately disqualifies your opinion.
Naruto is much better than One Piece. Every country in the world other than Japan agrees. And Japan likes Sazae-san, Doraemon and Detective Conan more than One Piece anyway.
Why are people so butthurt about One Piece?
wait, so you stopped reading at the arc where they actually explain the different character designs, the overgrown humans and all that? And the arc with the most relatable backstory?
I do too user, but I can't say I remotely enjoy any of the three on a sufficient level to be able to understand what's the big deal about them. There must be something missing for me that makes everyone so excited about them.
That's only Japan, the rest of the world prefers Naruto. If you're going full weeb then you have to admit Sazae-San is superior.
Only idiots call other people idiots
I like Naruto and Dadruto was an amazing ending.
He's not the best dad but at least he actually acts his adult age
So DB still win average-wise. And it doesn't look like it'll be challenged soon... or even at all.
Nope. It's global sales.
Better everything at most everything and doesn't go to shit early on. Fairy Tail is a poor man's One Piece with tits anyway.
Bleach fans are so sad. The series wasn't even fun.
One Piece doesn't sell good anywhere but Japan normal people hate that shit art style.
It's painful to even look at the manga is like shit smeared all over paper.
When all of Japan finally dies out due to low birthrates, no one will know One Piece existed.
Only Japs buy manga, the rest of the world downloads it as soon as it's translated.
The most popular franchises are either Naruto (worldwide) or Sazae-san (Japan).
Spics. Spics are the worst thing to happen to anime/manga.