Please don't hate this man. Hate the centuries of Jewish psychological slavery that his people have been subjected to...

Please don't hate this man. Hate the centuries of Jewish psychological slavery that his people have been subjected to. His rages and involuntary chuckle spasms only illustrate that he is not in control of his own mind. There is a path to salvation, even for the Anglo.

Other urls found in this thread:


He's almost 40. No apologies for adults.

Isn't he literally a mulatto or something?

people need to take a step back and stop getting heated over this internet bullshit
Sargon is alright he doesn't deserve half of the hate he gets

There is no salvation for someone who attempts to pit whites against each other using their past differences, while his country is being overrun by muslims and niggers.
A literal hypothetical spearchucker.

Whatever you say, Tim.

He lied about having black heritage
I think the jury is still out on what he is

I wonder if his arse is getting sore by riding the horseshoe carousel.
Anyway is the soyfather black now?

>I think the jury is still out on what he is

Are you implying that he's a crypto kike?

Sargon is literally a walking Eternal Anglo meme
>Race and IQ? *spastic laughter* Are you jelly of their dicks?
>The JQ? They're just smarter than you get over it!
>Based Churchill

It would explain why he doesn't want to do a 23andme even after he's admitted his grandfather isn't black. But remember that the Anglo often speaks for the Jew as a puppet does for the puppet master.

this desu

remove warski now

I'm sure a lot of the criticism is fair game, but I get the feeling there's division tactics used with this guy to sever the path at the introduction to the 'Red pill' or whatever you want to call it.

Even for a Brit he is an insufferable cunt. He doesn't represent a typical British person at all.

He is the internet bullshit that needs to be ignored. Having 6 hour long broadcasted conversations with retards who swoon over you makes you into a total twat who can never be wrong. All he does is try to pull silly gotchas out of his ass on subjects that nobody really gives a fuck about.

I don't think he'll keep up his e-celeb internet persona for long because his ego cannot handle the bantz for much longer.
He is nearing his breaking point.
He'll go into politics mark my words faggots.


>Are you implying that he's a crypto kike?
It would explain a lot of his opinions, I do wonder about it

Do you think he will spam gay interracial porn after getting triggered as member of parliament, too?

>He doesn't represent a typical British person at all.
>I'm so so sorry for this person being British, please don't think that we're all like this.

Cuck. Don't apologize on behalf of others.

I think Andy has proven himself not to associated with these guys.

This is the pattern.
>Person becomes "redpilled" to a certain degree.
>Makes a video/book/speech about
>Gets internet famous
>Starts a patreon """career"""
>Someone tries to redpill him further
>E-Celeb refuses to go further down the rabbit hole than the jew will allow
>sabotages his own career out of ego defense anyway
I'm sure something will come along that bloodsports will refuse to talk about as well.


I think his autistic hate for Germans while essentially being a civnat is very wide spread among British nationalists. I see it in the comment sections and by people like You Kipper all the time.

Although Tommy Robinson never does that. On the contrary. He supported us during our march in Cottbus.

>Please don't hate this man.
The sound of a faggot begging Sup Forums to hate someone.

From his facial structure I think he might be part Turkish.
Or maybe I’m nuts.

Apologising for him? I hate cunts like this I don't care if you hate Britain because of people like him. Go fuck yourself god gas forsaken your country.

I don't know about that but he won't have to practice in front of a mirror to be convincing and brainwashing normies
His whole fencesitting rhetoric screams of politics.

Regardless of his political affiliations, he sucks balls when it comes to biscuit joints.

Why is suddenly everyone reading Mein Kampf?

that's what I mean about legitimate criticism - I'm definitely not saying it's all shills or some shit, dude is no doubt a bit of a cunt.

What I'm starting to notice, though is sargin posting spammed at suspiciously similar times every day with certain reoccurring themes

maybe I'm just sleepy

He'll never change anything and that's the point. He is dependent on SJWs being retard so he can harvest that low hanging fruit.

This is why he is backing away from the the Alt-Right because they were refusing to go along with his horseshoe narrative; meaning he'd have to put more work in and come up with a whole new routine (which he is too lazy to do).

Sargon's a prick, but you're German. Looks like you lose this one.

Pay denbts.

No child left behind program.




Sorry pal but e-celebs have a huge public platform to spew their bs hence they should be held responsible for the message they're conveying.


It’s not just Jews, it’s the masses of Christcucks too. They’re basically Christian Trotskyites.

>"Everyone will get 15 minutes of fame. Are you done sucking that? Make room."
I'm not stopping until I get a (you).

boy, you sure are posting a lot. Are you ok?

>biscuit joints.
It's the new operation we've had planned for 2018 to mass-distribute redpills among the normie population

I comprehend your implication however I don't see your point.



he wanted to pick a fight with race realists. he got a fight and he's getting his arse kicked. his channel numbers are still going up so the normie path to freedom remains open. anyone who then looks further at the realities of this illusion will naturally do it anyway.

>he's admitted his grandfather isn't black
He did, but in the debate with Anglin we backtracked and claimed to be a quadroon again. We need a "what race is sargon today?" tracker. Hr can't keep his story straight.

>we backtracked
*he backtracked

someone tried to convince me sargon wrote link related under a psuedonymn
after watching that debate i don't believe it

The stepfather tried to make Anglin the comic book villain he wanted him to be, then paint him as the most accurate representation of the alt-right, so he could have his 100% NAZI boogieman. It was painfully obvious and tedious to watch.

>not reading the ford version

Remove Paul


>starting to lose argument
>*giggles what you don't understand is I don't ceeeh

Reminder that Jim is preparing to jump ship on the Metokur account because he's popular, again.

good lord he's an idiot

How do people take him seriously? He reminds me of every high school drop out I’ve ever known. He is a horrible debater, his arguments are riddle with fallacies and he stands for nothing. How brain dead is the internet to give him 800k subs?

Sargon is the man who literally has no position and just says whatever sounds good at the moment.
>Identity politics and nepotism are bad
>But don't dare point out jewish nepotism
>State should stay out of culture
>But we should enforce British individualism
>Groups don't have rights
>But I support public healthcare for British citizens and rejects mass immigration
>White people this, black people that
>But races don't exist, define white, it's all a spectrum
>I'm quarter black
>But now I'm not
>OK now I am again
He's a fucking snake in human skin. Debating him is like trying to squeeze slime, which slides between your fingers and reforms again on the floor.

Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Sargon of Wakanda the Liberalist? I thought not. It's not a story the Alt-Right would tell you. It's a Liberalist legend. Sargon of Wakanda was a liberalist so powerful and so wise, he could use the Logic to influence the Social justice warriors to create...subscribers on youtube. He had such a knowledge of the Liberalism, he could even keep the ones he cared about...from becoming Alt Right. The Liberalist Movement is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power...which, eventually of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew. Then Vee killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from Alt Right...but not himself. Is it possible to learn this power? Not from a Nazi.

Maybe, but Jim is very good at what he does. He never pretended to be in anything for more than the lulz. Probably the most consistent troll and many laughs were had with him.

I completely disagree desu
yeah he has retarded opoinions but don't detect any ill intent in what he says and does
and he's pretty consistent

He falls in the middle of the political spectrum. However idividualism is a leftist ideology. He sounds conflicted with himself hence he is not very good at debate.

Let me guess, we just need to abandon the cities and suburbs and go fuck off into the woods until we can "take it back"? Why don't you go back to IronMarch, your as relevant as any 1.0 WN, and what did they accomplish? The only one that mattered go killed by his own guy.

The Sargon is immunized against all criticism, one may call him a stepfather, a cuck, a snake oil salesman, an Eternal Anglo, it all runs off of him like water. But call him "a white male" and see how he recoils, how he shrinks back: I've been found out!

>don't detect any ill intent in what he says and does
I do.
He acknowledges the many problems of multi-racial societies, but doesn't propose any solutions, only attempting time and time again to deconstruct those who DO propose one.
His literally sole proposal is "just be individualist and things will be fine", which is not the case.

>idividualism is a leftist ideology
Individualism is neither leftist nor rightist

We need to kidknap him and take enough DNA to find his Jewish ancestry.

It is because it puts the rights of the individual before the rights of the nuclear family.

The family unit doesn't count as a collective in the context of individualism-collectivism dichtomy.
The collective is understood as a group of people too large for members to know eachother.

To liberals the smallest molecule of society is the individual while to conservatives the smallest building block of society is the family.
Individualism aka liberalism so far has only led us to degeneracy by driving a wedge between the sexes by convincing women through feminism that they need no man.

here you go guys, expIoitabIe
have fun

*chuckles insufferably*

Is he really raising another mans half black son, please tell me this is just a meme, I cant imagine the levels of cognitive dissonance of him calling Anglin a cuck if this is true.


I know I'm just another user, but I've defended Sargon plenty of times, irl and on Sup Forums, stating that he's set himself up as a permanent entry-level red pill. I can no longer do so after watching just 50 minutes of his Anglin interactions on Baked Alaska's channel.
Now I'm not saying I agree with Anglin on everything, or that I disagree with Sargon on everything, but the way he behaved and tried to argue on that stream was, well, SAD!, to put it mildly. I . . . I just don't know about him anymore. Maybe he's -trying- to make himself look dumb and, by contrast, make the alt-right seem smart, but it's a pretty far-fetched notion at this point. Not impossible, but I can't really argue for it anymore. Rip in piece.

anyone got links to him claiming black heritage?

Did the cuck really say that ?

I'd fuck center.

>Sargon is alright he doesn't deserve half of the hate he gets
>Shills for the hyper-individualism that's led to most of the West's problems.
>Shills against race realism.
>Shills against caring about the future of nations and races because "lol I'll be dead I don't care".
>Shills for civnat cuckoldry that's destroyed most of European high culture.
>Shills for Muslims, claiming Paki rape gangs had nothing to do with being Muslim or Paki.
>Thinks that because you can't pinpoint the exact shade at which blue becomes purple, colours as a whole don't exist.
>Thinks debating consists of screaming "what colour am I thinking of", telling people what beliefs they're meant to hold then criticising them for holding those beliefs that they don't actually hold, and that if you haven't already decided the colour of the drapes in your house in a white ethnostate then white nationalism as a whole is unworkeable.
>Was literally bullied by Sarkeesian and left whining about it like a little bitch to the point his own interviewer had to tell him to shut up and talk about something else.

Married a single mother slag.
Why is he your hero?

>Maybe he's -trying- to make himself look dumb and, by contrast, make the alt-right seem smart
*laughs in Sargon*

If that kid comes out dark I would laugh so fucking hard

It will...