The whole interview is interesting but he really starts going in at 50:45.
The whole interview is interesting but he really starts going in at 50:45.
Other urls found in this thread:
That's because Kanye is unironically /ourguy/
What interview? There's no link my dude.
Also at 58:15
>it’s like everyone who stays next to you last name is Jones, and that’s what it’s like to be a celebrity *nervous laughter from zane*
where do these filenames come from?
iphone does UUID naming now.
I've been waking the spirits of millions more to come
A million illegally downloaded my truth over the drums
I believe in the children, listen to the kids, bro
If the phone ringing, go and get your kids ho
Brother Don Muhammad told the minister about the presentation
He sat back and smiled
Black on black lies is worse than black on black crime
The Jews share they truth on how to make a dime
Most black men couldn't balance a cheque-book
But buy a new car, talking 'bout how my neck look?
Well it all looks great
Four hundred years later, we buying our own chains
The light is before us brothers, so the devil working hard
Real family stick together and see through the mirage
The smokescreens, perceptions of false reality
Who the real owner if your boss gets a salary?
I am one with the people
I am one with the people, real
I've awoken from an enlightened man's dream
Checking Instagram comments to crowd-source my self-esteem
Let me not say too much or do too much
Cause if I'm up way too much, I'm out of touch
I'm praying a out-of-body experience will happen
So the people can see my light, now it's not just rapping
God, I have humbled myself before the court
Drop my ego and confidence was my last resort
I know, I know he got a plan, I know I'm on your beams
One set of footsteps, you was carrying me
When I turned on the news and they was burying me
One set of footsteps, you was carrying me
When I was negotiating with Apple, it was Larry and me
Told Tim Cook to call me, I was scary to see
I would've took a hundred million and gave twenty to Hov
I heard it's the way they did it when we only had the stove
But it's better that I stayed at home with my folks
Cause if Jay a billionaire then I'mma never go broke
Only thing I ask is next time I'm on stage we all go
We all go
Not just by myself, looking for niggas like where's Waldo
She got the same shoes as my wife but she copped 'em at Aldo
Modern day MJ with an off-the-wall flow
android does it too but its baked into image details
that information could be used to ban phoneposters
find me a FULL copy of his airborne rant from October '16 where he dropped bombs from high above and riled up the crowd. I want the full thing and haven't found it since the day after... somebody's got it. I loved it and so did so many others.
>this gon get taken off the internet real quick
Are there any clips? Is it the one in Sacramento?
There's 2 rants. Everyone's seen the Sacramento rant, but have you guys seen the one from 2 days earlier in San Jose?
He is the only rapper I liked before I was redpilled. I still have a soft spot for him. He is a savvy cultural critique, but he has a little of the negro schizophrenia going on. Notice how he went nuts a year or two back and then vanished from the scene. This was shortly after publicly supporting Trump. Put it together. He certainly met the Jew then if he hadn't already.
Nigger they threatened him you retard.
This is like 4 years old.
No more image.jpg anymore? Not an applefag so I don't keep up
Kanye dropped the "WE WUZ" line @ 1:00:40
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of
God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.
—Marianne Williamson
You are a fag. The dude is trying to talk about something real and you wanna meme anything you see to death.