>this kills the nigger
This kills the nigger
Usually it's another nigger who does that
No this does...
>tfw just got my drivers licence today
>7 gears
Sweet Jesus just drive a truck already.
Probably a top reason my car has never been stolen desu
Ah, the fabled number stick.
Would it not be simpler if R was placed in the lower right?
Anyone has a picture of responsibility?
those are still around?
>stick shift is a white thing
my nigga
Do you usually throw your car into reverse at top speed?
In order to shift in reverse you usually have to push the knob down so it doesn't really matter
I think this one's off a 911R
As a black man, I must say it’s rather sad how people think we can’t read or drive manual transmission vehicles...
To be fair, most don't. There is also a correlation between car theft statistics by demographic, and then between those stats and the rate at which manual vehicles are stolen.
Or up. I'm used to 6 gears, but for 5 gears, reverse is not up nor down. I figured that a 7 gear would follow a similar patter to the 5 gear.
I own one of these 911S and to go reverse you move left then push harder left and up to go into reverse. so if you are not careful you can easily go into 1st gear instead of reverse.
most other German cars reverse is to push down and then first which makes sense. or jap cars its 6th gear or past 6th gear which also makes sense since you won't be able to move the car in 6th gear anyway.
t.porsche owner
nice, which one do you own? 996 owner here, no bully for egg lights
>As a black man
Talking about niggers
*The average American
well you aren't wrong, but the average american doesn't try to steal cars
I like your tummy
Wtf ia this a meme? Cant be so hard to drive gears
What's going on here
>>this kills the nigger
Are you saying it's sad that people think that, or sad that niggers project that though
Shifter for Combat Mecha Xabungle