Thoughts on such an idea?
The United States of Europe
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Good if they Institute Catholic Laws in the EU. Without it it's just a jewish plot
if its Europe united under national socialism, it would a fucking paradise
The Pope Should be the ruler of the EU
>putting us with Bavarians
Wont happen in my lifetime Merkel destroyed any chance of that.
I like the idea of it desu.
Can't we just help each other without being in a union?
no, thanks.
Yes, Benedict.
Any Pope is good enough
>The Pope Should be the ruler of the EU
Not the current satanic / communist pope.
Hahahaha oh my god
Too many languages. Communicating would be hell.
>Thoughts on such an idea?
USSR was a bad idea. So is the EU. You cant force 30+ languages and cultures into one. Also gives power to nasty central banks. The entire world should become like switzerland - where the canton size of switzerland is the unit of state/control. All politics would then be local.
terrible, could only be established as totalitarian state
Pope Francis isn't communist neither satanic. you should stop watching infowars
Count me out.
Hopefully soon.
Latin, the answer is Latin
>Includes UK
Get that filthy flag off my island
That's just the EU, it's been tried and it's failing
>implying you are going to leave
Ok little britain.
Already visible asshurt at the thought that the UK wont be part of the EU for a generation.
Literally the reason we left!
Future superpower.
keep dreaming... it was discovered the predictions that would be catastrophic to britain to leave
Like the USSR, only less effective!
OP here. Personally, I think it could have worked if, in the aftermath of the Second World War, the various European leaders got together and established a Classical Liberal Constitution, similar to how the United States of America was formed.
But now? No. The people running the EU are authoritarians, EU nations' debt is too high, there's too much intra-ethnic conflict between Europeans and shitskins, and there's no closed borders.
And yet no fucks were given!
Enjoy irrelevancy. All the other euros realized they're irrelevant without the EU but you fags refuse to accept it.
The euro as a currency is also a bad idea. While it is stronger than the dollar (barely), it's still bad because it means that each separate nation shares the same interest rates, inflation rates, etc.
Each European nation should have its own currency
Superpower? Do you mean doormat?
Well, we need to figure out germline modification so we can get everyone vaccinated so they'll have German children. At that point, then this would be feasible, just under the name "United States of Germania"
It's only fit that Hitlers dream be realized. Seriously though, I remember seeing some user a while ago that was talking about Germline modification of race and attempting to spread it by virus or something. Has anyone ever heard anything else about it?
Explain. A federated Europe would undoubtedly be a superpower.
Coming from a country thats been around shorter than a fart lingers, thats a tad rich
>Enjoy irrelevancy.
>All the other euros realized they're irrelevant
>but you fags refuse to accept it
So we're irrelevant but dont have our identity
We're irrelevant but have our identity
Good luck with the migrants
why not make tyrol its own region?
Only way to fulfill the EU's final goal of enslaving its citizens.
You too!
Absolutely necessary for securing Europe's future.
That's called a false dichotomy.
The past is all you have left. Some of the world's most irrelevant nations have been around for millenia.
It's called European Union. stop trying to parrot the americans you fucking obsessed faggot
It was called the EU. Russian shills managed to convince a bunch of angry virgins on here that it was a bad idea.
Please tell me you have cancer
I'm not sure about that. Most EU countries are already heavily in debt, and have small populations compared to the United States.
The US is much heavier debt than most European countries. So is Japan. Together Europe has a larger population than the US.
>The United States of Europe
I think it will make sovereign governments largely irrelevant and lead to further centralization of political power.
It wasn't a bad idea originally, when it was the ECB. Originally, it was just a free trade bloc between European nations. But the goal was always a United States of Europe
The EU? I agree!
are you proposing another nazi gemany type situation
Yes, I am in favour of this.
In fact, the ECB is to thank (partially) for my country's (Ireland) climb out of poverty into prosperity. Also, when we cut our corporate tax rate from 40% to 12.5% in the late 1980s we saw a massive boom in productivity. We also reigned in government spending
I'd rather die.
Europe can never emulate the US. We're a colony of Europe, made up of mostly German/English/Scandinavian Europeans. It only worked because everyone assimilated into the greater American culture while retaining some traits like language or certain cultural traditions from their homeland.
Europe has too many different cultures and languages to function properly. There's too much resentment over past disputes that will tear it apart.
Not to mention, they will (and already are) importing non-whites to replace the native populations just like they are in the US. Anyone who wants a United States of Europe wants Europe's destruction.
I support it so long as its ruled as an autonomous collection of constituent nations which each retain their own identities, economies and systems, but based on European Socialism of the Mosleyite kind. I would only support the type of pan-Europeanism of Mosley, Yockey, Murros and Evola though. A Europe for Europeans and only Europeans, not the third world, not international finance, not America of Russia.
Imagine the immense strength of a united Europe. Imagine the clout and the ferocity, the leaps and bounds we could take finally united as one!
Sounds good to me. I think that EU should have multiple steps of integration and federalization like Junker proposed.
>When the Russian propaganda kicks in
>throws in half of sligo for the laugh
its the first thing i noticed and the last thing i need to see of it its shit
Sure thing kid, its past your bedtime and you got school tomorrow. And dont you go bullying that new catalonian kid just because he's a year younger than you
Brexiting your pants already?
Explain how a totalitarian regime isn't bad
Then you don`t just understand how federal unions function. UK has worked for centuries despite its inherit differences between members of the union.
Over my dead body
>everything I don't like is russian propaganda
yeah here's my thought. Anyone who tries it should get a bullet for being a traitor to their country.
>totalitarian regime
You get that buzz-phrase off Le Donald, faggot?
Everyone in europe already speaks english.
EU can hardly be described as totalitarian, since its loose confederation at this point as case of Brexit has proven. States are free to leave EU.
I'm all for this, but you forgot Ukraine.
Absolutely fuckim not you fuckin krautcuck hiding behind this disgusting memeflag
that's an idea
an impossible and retarded idea, but still an idea.
I didn't vote to leave.
I disagree with it. It's too late now. I want Ireland, and every other European nation, to have its own government and Constitution and currency, and border policy.
Kys christcuck beaner
Overall EU has been net positive for Europe. Increased trade between countries in the union, unification of institutions, standardization of trade- and law practices etc.
I agree, it's hyperbolic to call it Totalitarian. Authoritarian is more apt.
Europe is not the UK.
Ireland has never been truly independent. Its meme pounds were just an extension of our pounds stirling, while now they just use EU bucks.
>keep dreaming...
>Unironically rp as a country
Russia funds Anti EU parties, this is a known fact.
Shut the fuck up you Mongolian fuck living in middle of fucking nowhere EU is the ONLY reason this entire continent has gone to shit and now I can't go outside without seeing ninjas and mokros EVERYWHERE
It's not authoritarian at all. It was a contract that countries signed for perks. Getting butthurt when you're told to uphold your end of the contract isn't authoritarian.
Point is, that it could be. Federal unions can work even in the context of Europe.
And all western countries can count down years before their native nations are gone extinct.
>bitter virgin lost his girl to an arab and now lashes out in rage
More news at 11:00
Immigration policies are decided on the national level. EU does not have the mandate to dictate those.
Speak English like a civilised human.
Good ole Oswald suggested this
>t.52% and dropping
Without the EU, Europe would be a war-torn place with Eastern Europe either unified with Russia or independent and poorer than Moldova.