Damn, Obama really hates you, Sup Forums.
Damn, Obama really hates you, Sup Forums
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What does it matter? His term is up, he's irrelevant now, and his legacy is being a shitty president who created a bad economy, had shitty foreign policies, and caused a huge racial divide in the US. He is history and it won't remember him kindly.
History will remember him as the greatest President to have ever lived.
>wypepo hare
Is it hard to draw blacky's hair?
That looks so bad compared to the rest, just completely out of place
you misspelled gayest
not me, chileans aren't white
>black sharpie
>small crusty circles
>nope, easy.
Equality at last
Now the whites are braindead too
Exactly what niggers want. Attention.
Considering I hate him too, I suppose that is fair.
>why do people think blacks are violent?
>*paints someone being beheaded*
lmfaoooo oh GOD that's bad.
Obama will forever be remembered as the black guy hiding in the bushes
>reverse the skin colors then circulate it
>watch chaos unfold
one of you shoopers please do this ^^^
Dear god its real
U wot?
>disgusting sheboon baboon ass lips
They won't even came that close to behead someone, as they will be smashed into pieces from a drone strike.
Why is anyone suprised by this?
Obama literally
>tried to destroy the rule of law
>subvert the constitution
>pronounce dictims into law
>infiltrate the institutions
>incite rebelion
>and perform a black supremacist coup.
He also likely
>murdered Antonio Scalia and
>spied on president trump.
This dude for all his good qualities was a psychopath with dictitorial intentions who had to settle with trying to destroy the country.
How can other Presidents even compete?
Personally i think it was an excellent choice.
Look at this fine work by the same artist.
>and this gent...
For the low-ed Philistines on here, this is a shitty niggerfied ripoff of some famous paintings of Judith beheading Holofernes.
Why don't they find artists like this
damn thats fantastic
lmao awful
This hangs in the DIA in Detroit. It's 12 feet tall.
>Biggie Bonaparte
To be this simple.
I think youre missing the "high-brow" humor.
This is a huge fuck you from Obama. This guys art is satire. It is making fun of western culture and history.
And by extension this is Obamas last bit middle finger to white America.
Its a joke.
>Only black guy
>Only guy with green leaves in the background
No lie that's a cool piece that I've seen at the DIA.
seriously, that's not what a horse's knee looks like. that's what a chicken drumstick looks like.
>black man paints chicken drumstick
>detroit hangs it in a museum
like pottery
Was this like one last fuck you? This is pure jew stuff wrecking the sanctity of these portraits. The only other one that is fucked is Kennedy but that is because his stupid wife did it, He didn't get to pick it.
wow this artist really sucks
Obama is a niggerfied ripoff of a human being, a wretched degenerate of a man married to a tall, muscular faggot with Klinefelter's syndrome, his portrait perfectly fits him.
when you compare obama pic to the rest omg this is to funny ha.
because nigger artists are shit
and I'm sure he wanted to choose the niggiest of them to support the nigger artist community
Result? a beautiful summary of the progression of western civilization
>This dude for all his good qualities was a psychopath with dictitorial intentions who had to settle with trying to destroy the country.
what were his good qualities?
Those saturated, chintzy backgrounds are actually pretty cool. Why the fuck did he paint Obama in front of a pile of weed instead?
Coolest monkey in the jungle
what a disgrace and an embarrassment. feels bad man.
It's like he tried not to be one of us.
these paintings look like a photoshop filter on a photograph
its a weave which the reason for the negress anger not having human hair
>This guys art is satire
satire or mockery? there's a difference
i think that satire criticizes something in a funny way but does not necessarily mock it
elect a kenyan communist male prostitute moslem, get a kenyan communist male prostitue moslem style government. that happened twice in america, always remember how worthless americans are.
Obama was literally and unironically Americas first homosexual terrorist president
boy do I feel foolish right now
Good, in the future it'll serve as a testament that the insanity that occured post 1950's isn't exaggeration.
he just had to nigger the collection up didn't he
The artist and Obama had white American mother and black African fathers. Both of their mothers were abandoned by their black African fathers while their mothers were pregnant. Obama said he specifically chose this artist because they had similar backgrounds.
It would be hysterical if Trump used an executive order to have that horrific Obama portrait changed.
How embarrassing, in trying to give the USA his final middle finger, he just makes himself look like the arrogant buffoon he is.
he will be remember as "at least he is not JW Bush or Hillary. and he was kind of black or so"
Except the head is a woman. It’s just an excuse to have strong powerful black womyn holding the head of evil whitey and get to hide behind the “””art””” label. He doesn’t even paint them all himself. Modern art is a joke. I’ve seen memes here that are better than this junk. Can we get trump to use trump Pepe at the border wall for his portrait?
>We're equal
>We deserve a place at the same table
No, you're really not.
And no, you really, really don't.
That portrait is forever.
A dollop of shit on the beautiful white underwear that is the Republic.
Why do niggeras always do shit like this.
Nigger did you just go full retard? Did you forget you live in Swedenistan?
Holy fuck that's objectively amazing. The storm of the civil war fading to the past and his hands guiding legislation to heal a hurting nation.
Kehinde "I need to fill in the background with something, but I'm a lazy nigger so I'll just use tablecloth patterns" Wiley.
Ok if he had to have a portrait, but why did his monkey husband need to have one too ?
I don't know much about art, but this stuff actually seems pretty technically impressive to me. Shame the guy made a career out of pisstaking. [current year] is corroding our souls, and making us small.
>its real
no way this must be someone screwing with the wiki page, this cant seriously be what they hang in the halls along side all the others.
>hands touching Important Papers
yeah a real ballsy choice for a presidential portrait
This really is a work of art
now THAT is art
His legacy...
Oh wow. Just fucking wow.
For generation after generation, kids in elementary school will turn to the page in their Civics book with portraits of US presidents and laugh at that faggy fucking painting.
I'm smiling. It's just too good.
ooga booga
What's wrong with the horse
That horse was probably stolen.
Did the artist give him vulva camel toe on purpose?
I think the bigger joke is how all you eurofags are dying to suck him off.
The dude
>destabilized the entire world
>instigated the migrant crisis (on purpose as a fuck you to white Europe) making it non white in one generation.
>tried to destroy America
>millitarized Iran And North Korea with nuclear weapons
>gave Africa to the chinese
And you guys cant bend over fast enough to let him fuck you without lube and no reach around!
Best president ever you cry!!
Obama was an Islamic terrorist. He was 'chosen' by the NW to help bring down the West....he is nothing more than a gay pedo who they were blackmailing with child porn...
Wouldn’t you hate us too, if you were being white washed so easily. One year and your so called legacy is gone.
are his hands a nod to OJ Simpson?
>suggesting that anything's wrong with this absolute masterpiece
>The artist and Obama had white American mother and black African fathers.
>Both of their mothers were abandoned by their black African fathers while their mothers were pregnant.
Writing tip: avoid repetition.
>gave Africa to the chinese
Wait what.
Misspelled first and only black*
never heard of the new chinese colonisation in africa?
needs photoshops ASAP
If they aint mad, i aint doing something right.
It's the equivalent of an airbrushed be an jacket
You underestimate “progressives.”
The one good thing about this abortion of a portrait is it sets precedent for something like this to hang in the white house after the 2024 election
>look it up
Well, shit. How did Obongo set this up?
you're just bitter about the invictus games you sad twat.
Hopefully literal Trump fanart made by a NEET will hang on the WH on 2026.
we make him sit outside in garden, because funny.