Please stop acting like Jotaro invented the "hair fusing into hat" trend of banchos.
It's not a fucking Jojo reference.
Please stop acting like Jotaro invented the "hair fusing into hat" trend of banchos.
It's not a fucking Jojo reference.
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Whoever said this is the reason JoJo fans are a huge source of cancer. Even Araki said it was just a way to make it more smooth looking.
Oh wait it's bait ?
It's not bait. Jojo fans literally think it's a Jojo reference. Pic related, many retards thought she was a fem Jotaro because of her stereotypical bancho look.
Is this a JoJo reference?
the fuck? I thought tht was HongKong comics at first glance
How new are you?
Honestly I consider JoJo to be one of the best shonen ever written, but goddamnit I hate the fans with the same passion I like the manga.
you are just mad because jojo is popular. kys
I've been a Jojo fan probably longer than you've been an adult.
Kill yourself you fucking faggot.
Oh, so that's the secret behind Jotaro's hat hair. It's one of those hats accountants used to wear in old movies and cartoons. For some reason it never occured me that the strip was hidden beneath his hair.
is this the new jojo thread?
>I was only pretending to be retarded.jpg
Daidouji is design wise clearly a Jotaro refference. She's not just a banchou, she has the two belts, (or ropes?) the beginning of the chain, the hat hair and literally the same fucking hat, stupid badges and all. All the things that make Jotaro's design in part 3 at least somewhat distinct from a normal banchou.
Everything about her design is generic bancho staples. This is why I made this thread. For people like you.
Of course is the same stupid regurgitated banchou bullshit, you retard. I'm saying that the devil lays in the details. Look at her shitty hat and then at Jotaro's shitty hat.
Stop this shit please. You were right about the hari-hat thing, but arguing about fucking Seran Kagura makes you both look like pond scum.
I know exactly what you're saying, and it's wrong. The pins on bancho hats is 100% standard and hers don't match Jotaro's.
Well, I have a new fetish.
What would that be?
Look at those abs
That attitude
You attracted to her abitude?
This is a reference though.
It isn't.
nah, he has a point. Jotaro is obviously designed as a banchou but he still has a few distinct features as that user mentioned and it's very clear this character has them as well. She is a reference to jotaro who is inspired by the classic banchou look, get over it.
You know Jojo references actually exist right?
this guy gets it.
A busty broad with abs and other muscles that can handle her own is top taste and it's a real shame that more women aren't like that.
Find 5 other delinquents older than Jotaro that have a big ass chain in the neck of their uniform, have more than 1 pin in the hat and wear two belts.
She has heavily torn clothing, many banchous
have heavily torn clothing unlike Jotaro
She has chest wrasps, many banchous are topless under their coats with chest or stomach wraps, unlike Jotaro
She has ropes for a belt, many banchous have ropes or strings for belts, unlike Jotaro
She has big fucking geta sandals, many banchous have geta, unlike Jotaro
these are very noticeable design choices, much more than having a chain or more than 1 pin. Her design is much more inspired by the classic broke-ass banchou design than Jotaro's fairly modern one, although she has both old and new elements of course. You might as well say Mako from KlK was cosplaying as Jotaro.
>You might as well say Mako from KlK was cosplaying as Jotaro.
Many Jojo fans do say this, because they're delusional newfags.
It wasnt always like this. Damn anime adaption ruined everything
>Jojo reference in Kill La Kill, so cool
>Mako's 2 star uniform had Jotaro's hat and coat
But admit it, when Jojo was a relatively dead franchise (in the west) fans were dying for an anime adaptation. Which they got, a really faithful one no less.