How can liberals be this fucking stupid and deluded?
Is race really a social construct?
society is a racial construct
I wish your faggotry was only a social construct
anyone can be any race they want 100%. yesterday I was a nigger, today I am chink, tomorrow I will be a white man. its just like changing clothes!
>posting anime whie accusing me of being a faggot
the nigger still looks like a monkey
stfu u racist nazi
They were not raised by common sense and nature, but by facebook post with many likes and pretty pics with catchy captions.
calling a jew a nazi you are not bright are you
what? I dont care where you're from, if you're a fucking racist than you're a dirty nazi scum
oh god is this a cheap bait ?
always bash the fash
>those are your children on racemixing
A Jew a chink and one sheeboon that isn't fat
Your country don't only exist because papa Benito?
Not all racists are Nazis. You have to actually subscribe to the ideology of national socialism to be an actual Nazi. Basically all Nazis are racist but not all racists are Nazis
Me for example I hate niggers no other race really except niggers do I hate but I think nazism is a retarded ideology with a failure of a socialist economic system
>living in a city
Lol faggor
>I hate ni**ers
who hurt you?
Black women are superior
You are gay if you don't find her attractive
What if you're a national socialist and an ethno-nationist, but not a racist?
Hey Polish bro, was wondering where youve been
Post 'em black angels
that one's mixed race though.
Look at how they behave in America dangerous fucking animals who turn everywhere they live into a warzone. I don't want a huge nigger population in my country
Nigger women have fucking man faces. Big fucking watermelon eating lips disgusting
I got bored of this shithole of a board and came back yesterday.
It's just globalist brainwash. They literally want us all to be brown. It's not a joke.
Prove it
>hey user, wanna see my bitcoin mining rig? :3
but they brought them there themselves,
and the reason why they (some) are behaving like that is hundreds of years of opression in a white mans system. I really dont believe you'd behave any different if you were born as a black person in some ghetto, without right education, parenting, friends and those surroundings
its a shitty circle
Sup polbro
Who is the (girl?) in the upper left? I see her photo all over the place.
Actually everyone in this picture kind of looks like a nigger. They're just not all colored the right way.
Welcome brother
Black angels is a way of life
Thanks user. You're alright.
It is. that's why black people need more representation in things. because race isn't real.
Just like gender isn't real. But I demand to be called a certain gender or I flip the fuck out.
>straight hair
>dyed bright red
>using a Mac
>dressed in white girl clothes
The only reason thes even remotely attractive is because she’s trying to be white.
kek dont deny it bro, let the black angels access your heart
I hope the Israeli uses his Jew magic to affect your credit score
... Said no one ever.
Take the Brain of a White Woman and put it under a Microscope, Now lets get competitive and do the same thing to the brain matter of any Nigger, What will You Find or lack thereof?
Wtf i love Wakanda now!
>big lips
pick one
made for bwc
Wtf is that thing top left
A random russian mongol
Not black not white
sad that you live in the same country with me,you nigger loving jew