Absolutely degenerate.
Pot smoking kekbeards are just as gay as nu-male soyboys
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck u nicotine is awesome
You guys love your personal freedom, yet if someone has a pastime different than yours their a libtard, cuck, progressive commie.
I smoke, don't drink and have a good job. I don't understand the cannabis hate.
Whatevs, hate me for being successful and I'll blow smoke in your face.
cringe: the post
did he ever recover from Harmful's verbal ravaging
But what does this mean?!
>I-I'll blow smoke in your face, maaaaan
And they'll break your arm with a hammer Ian MacKaye style.
Fuck off, smoking is manly.
>im a faggot bootlicker
The post
You're funny. Don't know who that is, but anyone invades any of my properties they will feel the swift justice of my firearms.
Oh, and I have a Doctorate, so I don't talk like Slater or have a stutter. Go invest, pleb.
>implying that there's any difference between the two
I could care less about the pot, desu, especially since more and more people simply grow it themselves.
As for for taco niggers driving around drunk, well, I'm ready for my fucking wall. I'll take a second wall along our northern border as well, please.
But the biggest problem? Kikes. They have to go. If some stupid kid wants to smoke a bowl after class I really don't give a shit.
*couldn't care less
t. retarded warehouse fag
What kind of Doctorate?
According to the person with sand in their vagina, you must have "vegan vibes" because you don't agree with him lol
The issue is even if pot is counter productive to society, prohibition never works. If people are going to buy and use it anyway might as well tax it.
I don't feel comfortable answering that on here.
Call me when you own some properties, then your money will make money, senpai.
your mom is gay. weed is in tit milk pretty much you "hetero" whore. and is also in bible as being anointing oil
Okay now I’m convinced this is a bot that just makes discord invites and posts in thread that have the word gay no matter how unrelated. Why is this shit allowed???
Fuck you, TJ is awesome. >You guys love your personal freedom, yet if someone has a pastime different than yours their a libtard, cuck, progressive commie.
This, these faggots sound like a cult.
Fuck all you weed hating fags I'm loading a bowl just for you
and now they know something about you user. be sure to not lurk anymoar and do kys
discord gg/qdUBZEN
add a .
Here comes the fun part.
At least your point was clear and concise (unlike previous post lol)
In b4 stoners r dum n not good at n e theng
You're cute. Try me.
back to b ya cunt
Of course the leaf is a fan of le banana man
>Not smoking a Cohiba
>Of course the leaf is a fan of le banana man
We all tried inserting things in our ass once or twice for pleasure, it's called curiosity.
tha's a very weak bait, you halfwit braindead cucktard.
Damn dude weeders get mad real quick. can't cope with life huh?
weed is for soyboys and porn whores, which one are you?
yyou JIDF fags could at least be origin
Sage and report
a true intellectual