They just built a hostel for asylum seekers right next to my house. Now I have dozens of immigrants lingering near my home 24/7. Is my only option to abandon this place and look for something else?
They just built a hostel for asylum seekers right next to my house...
Burn the fucking place down.
Look deep inside Hans, you know what must be done.
This. Come on, you can find a way you pathetic bitch.
Nujak will reign supreme
This is why your nation is falling apart. Despite everybody knowing things are getting worse, you dont care until you're affected.
start pig farming
Now the chickens have come home to roost.
fuck off nuwojak poster
wtf is this normified pink wojak?
Why is the first post so often the best post?
Buy gun user, only eay to protect your asshole from foreign invaders
Your country voted merkels party for materialistic reasons for how many terms. No its the consequences, cant have your cake and eat it too.
>Fuck off nuwojak poster
You COULD just kill them and burn down the building.
Just saying.
It's an option.
Get a big ass fucking dog. I hear camelfuckers hate dogs. Also get a grill and cook tons of pork.
This. Get a HUGE dog, make sure your windows are locked, and if you have children then NEVER LEAVE THEM ALONE WITH A MIGRANT!
This, burn it the fuck down. Do they not sell gasoline in Germany? If it's right next door all the better.
You can do it Hans. Be the change you want to see.
Start making complaints about it, talk to the other neighbours as well and work with the unhappy ones to get it closed.
>people hating nujack
Bond with them over hating jews
>Nujak will reign supreme
He really fucking won't.
It's appreciated that someone wants to build on culture but nujack will not survive, as it is in the direction of bland mainstream comics, among many other reasons.
Plausible deniability
That sounds insane, why would I want to live like this? Burning down the camp seems easier to me.
and rightfully fucking so, he's a facsimile of Wojack
This. Just walk in and say "Fucking Israel, amirite?"
post proof or it didnt happen
Glad to see nujak found his new home.
Other boards simply didnt want him.
You gotta burn it down.
I've been living next to a hostel for asylum seekers my entire life. They build another one couple of hundreds meters further when the Syrian refugee crisis started. I'm always traveling on a bus filled with asylum seekers on my way to work but other then that, you'll get used to it.
I hope you're renting OP because your property value just went to shit.
Burning it down, while all the migrants are still inside, is your best option.
>Burn down house
>live like a cautious cat lady
It's pretty much the only option. It's not like you have to worry about your house catching fire seeing as the mud containment house rendered it worthless. You gotta take it out in one go though user. If you just singe it Merkel 'll have the entire police force standing guard outside it.
You could buy a bulldozer, weld armor to it and demolish the hostel without the police being able to stop you until you're done.
Hope youre renting. The value of your house just got cut by 50%
Unless you have a way to get your community to petition the local government, then your options are to (A.) flee like a pussy. (B) Fight for what is yours like your manly ancestors died to provide for you. Nothing worth having in life comes easy. Nor did it come easy for the people who fought to give it to you. So choose to respect them, or choose to give your land away to islam for the globalists to fuck you. Choice is yours.
What a fucking disgrace that we have to live like this in our own countries. I was having lunch on a park bench today and I had the sudden realization that I had felt unsafe, on edge the whole time. This has now become the norm for me. I never leave the house without a weapon. And then they dare to ridicule us and label us evil when we protest.
jesus fucking christ, what was that!!
>Be anonymous
>Must protect home from hostile people
>Buy a dog
We have come full circle, everyone.
we burn it down in sweden, if you dont they will burn you down instead. you are a worthless cuck impotent posting on the internet instead of taking action, i hope they rape you and eat you
Walk your dog and let it shit on the door steps
remember to vote for merkel
An evil German nazi gassing poor refugee women and children you fucking plebbitor flaggot
I would agree with this but I don't want to get arrested for agreeing with it so i'll just say i would agree with it if i were allowed to agree with it.
coordinated poosts
Hey guys I found this funny joke on the internet and I am posting it as satire!
Get it! HAHAHA!
Yes, a low IQ asylumlooney moved in next to me and made the whole palce unliveable.
A literal subhuman monkey. I talked to him and tried to get him to behave, which he eventually did but these people drive quality of life into the ground.
Literally this, your police is obviously too busy to investigate crimes, I’m sure you could get away with it if you painted yourself brown.
>acting anglo against niggers
how haven't you learned yet?
>next to my house
You mean your Kebab House?
Kek, Under the hypothetical scenario that you would be inclined to support such a cause in a similar but unrelated case given of course the legality of such an opinion. I would not be unable to imagine a potential possibility of me being sympathetic to your alleged state of mind in such a scenario
you have the best jokes bro! i love that we can all have fun with satire here
Is this what we have come to now? Pathetic
That should be fucking illegal.
damn Hans your property value just got cut by 90%
I know what it is stoopid turdeau kisser, just how the hell can someone can bring up this kind of idea?! The eternal Ziklon B Nazi German! It can only be from Cuckland Canada, right? Go fix yer meme country.
>Is my only option to abandon this place and look for something else?
Yes, you'll have to find lebensraum in the east.
Reminder traitors let the enemies in.
Always kill a traitor before an enemy.
Either a migrant will burn it down, or you should.
This right here, is why we voted Trump to the presidency. We saw the writing on the wall.
America is/was slowly turning into Brazil and will get worse every year unless it is reversed. This can only be done by tougher immigration laws to stop the invasion of third world monkeys and a better economy to encourage actual citizens to have children. Now illegal immigration is down and job prospects have improved. Slowly but surely, we are turning our ship away from the path of destruction.
Germany needs to start caring now and get the cucks out of office or your ship behind us will smash right into that iceburg after we narrowly avoid it. Ignore the faggots who scream that it's "racist". It's your homeland and your childrens future, not the future of worthless shitskins who ruined their own country and now come to leech gibs off yours. You owe them nothing. Cull the cucks. Show no remorse.
Do it. Grill those kebabs. You will be hailed as a hero.
hey fbi. i know you were hoping for something incriminating. sorry to disappoint
Pull some long con shit...
Antagonise the fuck out of them until they retaliate.
Buy security cameras.
Be a man.
My girlfriend (German resident) was by the river in Dresden with a friend of hers and a migrant kept approaching them asking for a drink, so she called me. He forcefully took her drink and put something under the cover secretly, and it was obviously some kind of drug so luckily didn't drink from the bottle again. And this is in Dresden which has a much lower rate of migrants than the rest of Germany. I've seen many carry around weapons casually as well. These migrants are like rats. That's why I make sure to carry a knife with me.
Quit thinking negatively, find a way to use it.
First post, best post.
I am in concurrence with the opinion you've expressed regarding my initial commentary on the hypothetical scenario proposed in response to the problem raised by members of this body of commentators.
so good
This is so awful and wrong.
And now you understand why Americans demand the right to bear arms.
>Welcome to the feel
Dresden is a bit of a special case. Many of the immigrants there are kept by a local German crime family.
yeah matey you're fucked bigtime
Vandalise things and places (actual criminal damage) and blame them, injure yourself and say you were mugged. Take shits in bags and leave them places and report to police and tell people that you see them doing it all the time. Leave knives and stuff outside the house. Don’t even have to injure yourself, just keep making reports that were mugged by one of them. Doesn’t matter if you can’t prove, the constant police presence will kick up a stink. Spread nasty rumours about child abuse or something to everyone in the area. It’ll kick up a stink and there’ll be community pressure to shut it down and they’ll begin to be ostracised. It’s at least a start.
Burning it down will have the opposite effect you retarded fucking niggers. The media loves the "right wing attack" narrative.
Document their shitty behaviour or false flag it if you can't get anything juicy enough.
How do you know this
It's called SPD
Only 1 in 5 arson cases are ever solved.
RAMPAGE is the only way, user.
>The media cares about violent migrants.
Since when?
Don't do this it makes chlorine gas
Jesus Christ dad r we jewish? that's was some subversive ass shit
How bad is Munich with this shit?
I may be attending LMU Munich starting next year.
Offer them your boypussy
Time for you to act.
More info
Lmao the power of metaphor
c'mon Fritz
for old times sake
Burn it down Hans.
I don't know, I see many of them just sleeping at the train station at night. I'm not sure they are kept by anybody.
This sounds familiar..
Burn it down.