Lmfao antifa faggots getting knocked out
>political violence allowed for me, but not for thee
Proud Boys are just as cucked and retarded as these Antifa fags.
watch the video ,antifa provoked the fight as always
Hahahahahah look at those idiots
>be antifa
>consist 3/4 of wymyn
>1/4 soyboys
>take on geezers and bulky +40ers
>get stampeded
>muh provocation
Ah yes, some very nice reasoning. If deflating a ball provokes a nigger that's his problem, same with some faggot burning a flag and a proud cuck getting triggered.
Let them burn it. They're burning their own property while supporting capitalism. They had to buy lighters and probably some lighter fluid as well. Thanks Bic!
fuck off leaf
i laughed so fucking hard when pinky sandnigger was stomped
go throw a basketball, niggerr
Thank you for the jerk off material kind Catalonian
>hitting some weak women is a victory for pol
the absolute state of this board
this hobbit getting slapped made my day
>Wasn't proud boys, it was a bunch of boomer street preachers protesting abortion
>Antifa got BTFO'd by fat boomers with gray pubes
The ABSOLUTE STATE of Anti-Fascists
if defending yourself against violent faggots means youre a proudboy or redditfag or normie or kike, these days on Sup Forums, sign me the fuck up.
Nice bait
stfu faggot
>defending yourself
>physically walking over to confront flag burners
That's really not how it works.
Annudah shoah
They want equality, they got it.
these are so satisfying to watch, summoning the battle of Berkeley
when was this?
nice, very nice
Equal rights equal fights.
This gif made my penis tingle.
If you think using force to gain political control is wrong you're a faggot.
Is there anyone in Antifa who weights over 150 pounds? Except for the women.
'Tiny' the big fat Mexican looking dude has been on every Antifa bashing vid I've seen this week. Keep up the good work!
see twitter date,at some boomer abortion protest
>Except for the women.
>Except for the women.
Did u assume their gender? All I saw was a masked enemy
He's pacific islander you intolerant fuck
>Am*ricans fighting each other yet again
The only way to kill Am*rican hydra is to make her attack her own heads
Pacific Islander = Water Mexican
>bazzically it iz not tru dat there iz zuch a zing as biological zzzex
Why do they put women on the front lines and then just run away and leave them hanging?
It's good to cull the weak from time to time.
Keeps the gene pool strong.
enjoy this one too,samoan knocks out numale soycucks left and right
That Asian guy is definitely a Proud Boy
High test
Typically cucked leaf
if they were hooligans it would be shirts v skins
Child rapist
It's funny Antifa had a bunch of tall guys trying to intimate them but did nothing after the pushes/punches got thrown.
Sorry leaf, but here in Burgerland in someone punches you then you punch them back.
I know Trudeau outlawed self defense in Leafland, but his rules don't apply south of the border.
how can you tell they were girls?
Fucking checked top kek
how about this one?
Beautiful. Bump.
>n-nazi's w-watch out
With Antifa it will probably be blouses instead of shirts.
>duh, we was just congregating in ski masks for no reason, it's our right
hope your mommy's office is a comfortable place to post from
suicide is the answer
Checked and are the Proud Boys feds? Or at least infiltrated?
>Lyke omg what the fuckkkkkkkk why are you hitting us?????
Not matter how much LARPing goes on here the left is so much worse. It's all theatrics with them.
small waist ,fat tighs
>participating in wanna be "Weimar"-tier street brawls
>not getting drunk, riding ATVs and shooting shit in the woods, ending the day smoking a joint near a campfire, tripping out on the howls in the cold of night
McGinnes is totally owned by the kikes so probably.
cringe thread
Kek Samoa Joe is going ham
Even if they aren't feds of course they are infiltrated. Any organizing from the right wing instantly goes on the feds radar. I don't think you can start a right wing collective and not end up with feds in it, even republicans get targeted. There is probably quite a few feds in antifa too though.
Proud boys are controlled opposition just playing their usefulness until Israel needs a scape goat to start the white genocide.
Thats called soybod
It was at that moment they realized they fucked up
How do you know Sup Forums isn't controlled opposition?
>if your enemies punch you and you punch back, they win
what you say:
>deflating a ball
not assault
>burning a flag
not assault
what antifa did:
>punched and pushed people while also blocking the sidewalk
yes, that's assault, and can be met back with violence justifiably
Virgin and Chad from the soy universe
>>not getting drunk, riding ATVs and shooting shit in the woods, ending the day smoking a joint near a campfire, tripping out on the howls in the cold of night
not gonna lie that sounds comfy as fuck
is America truly this free?
What would you call forcefully taking someone's piece of property away from them (stealing the flag)? Seems like it meant to incite violence
Yeah remember when Feds infiltrated the St Louis and Baltimore riots? They agitated and also pounced on certain people. If this Samoan has his face all over and hasn’t been arrested yet they are definitely being given Federal protections at the time being. That could be good, could be terrible
how to cure this body type?
Cuz we can't really be controlled. Hasn't stopped them from trying, but it always backfires one way or another.
Too edgy mate. You don’t win political battles by kiLLing opposition. That might come at a later stage
Those numbers: what if?
Sup Forums is controlled oppsition. You could be controlled opp and not even know it. The hive mind is manipulated and controlled by sophisticated psyopps campaigns. The only way out is to satirize everything. Question everything. Go with chaos. Never go with the hivemind.
Oats and squats
It's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt :^)
Haha that little mace-happy lesbian in the ski goggles and balaclava. It's all fun and games until you get banged out by a 300lb Samoan. She's back up at the end, running her mouth in that weird, deep Jodie Foster voice.
I live in Rural Northwest. I can shoot my guns and burn my trash anytime since I live on a mountain with my closest neighbors being 2 miles on another mountain
tiny is cool, got to meet him. He is like 6 foot 5 and 350 pounds. He says very little and always seems cheerful.
>Antifa trying to do things in small groups outside of the protected chaos and anonymity of riots
>Get btfo
There only hope ever is to grossly outnumber their opponent, they are getting way too brazen for their capabilities.
>you're not allowed to wear ski masks
Land of the free.
They went over and tried take their flags. You try to steal anything from me I'm punching you in the face. I defend the principle, not Antifa faggots.
t. coward
Be competent and effective in life. Testosterone will follow.
Nothing makes me happier than seeing Antifa get their faces smashed in
So the guys who stand up to violence are no better than the initial fags who start it? Yeah that's why yer gay...Constant victim you should be happy these antifa wanted a fight and got it...lol.
Haha you faggots are the best. I hope your country dies in a forest fire.
Comfy mode activated my fire pits going up tonight.