>President Trump: Year One youtu.be/gFXcLi85cQY

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>The Memo

>Pres Trump Weekly Address #46 2/11/18
>WH Video: VP Pence in SoKo 2/11/18
>WH Video: VP Pence @Olympics 2/11/18
>StateDep US Engagement in West Hemisphere (Heather, DepSec Palmieri) 2/10/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Trump Intl hotel 2/10/18
>Pres Trump tells a /comfy/ story 2/9/18
>VP Pence interview on NBC on noko 2/9/18
>SoS T-Rex meets Serb PM Dacic 2/9/18
>This Week @State 2/9/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 2/8/18
>Pres Trump @Natl Prayer Breakfast 2/8/18
>SoS T-Rex meets GUA Pres Morales 2/8/18
>SoS T-Rex meets CHN Rep Jiechi 2/8/18
>CJCS Gen Dunford talks to some ladyboys 2/8/18
>WH Press Brief (Dep PressSec Shah) 2/8/18
>DefDep Press Brief (Dana White) 2/8/18
>WH Video: Pres Trump @2018 Natl Prayer Breakfast 2/8/18
>IntDep Video: Promises Kept 2/8/18
>NoKo full military parade 2/8/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:

judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2018-02-08 CEG LG to Rice (Russia Investigation Email).pdf?platform=hootsuite



Minnesota people!

About Jeremy Munson
>Running for House District 23B
>experience farming crops and working in hog barns
>Small business owner
>23 years in real estate
>two daughters

>MNSure (implementation of Obamacare) is a disaster. New approaches are needed desperately.
>Every healthcare provider should be able to set its own price based on its own business model
>We should be allowed to buy and sell insurance across state lines and determine our own coverage level

>Cut taxes to reduce size of government
>Overspending is a sign of over regulation
>Reduce property tax and death tax
>Create automatic taxpayer refund

Small Businesses in Rural Minnesota
>Fix business environment and increase competition by lowering taxes and decreasing unnecessary regulation.

>Pro Second Amendment

>"We need roads and bridges, not rails and trails"

Government Reform
>Government should be a servant of the people, not the other way around
>Push for term limits as Representative

>Parents, local school, and teachers NOT THE STATE are the best decision-makers when it comes to education
>Push for equal funding for rural schools

>Not a liberal/leftist/
>On one accord with the other worthwhile candidate Denny McNamara

Polls are open until 8 PM EST. Go to this website to find out where you MN anons can vote in the MN election today


Is getting paid to shitpost at work the ultimate redpill?

When is the press availability with Mulvaney supposed to happen? Sarah made it sound like it was immediately following today's press briefing.

Minnesota faggots! DO NOT FUCK THIS UP BY STAYING HOME! Get out there and vote to protect your state!

This is one of your candidates

About Denny McNamara
>Running for Senate District 24
>Small Business owner
>lifelong resident
>7 time state representative

>Lower health care costs and make health insurance more affordable

>Improve roads and bridges across Minnesota

>Fair and equal education funding for Minnesota schools

Small Business
>Eliminate overspending and other wasteful spending
>Create healthy, business friendly environment for job creation

Government and taxes
>Against big government control
>Against high taxes and will work to prevent unnecessary tax increases

Miscellaneous Pluses
>Not a liberal
>Not a sex offender
>Married with wife and kids
>On one accord with Jeremy Munson, the other MN candidate worth a damn

Polls are open until 8 PM EST. Go to this website to find out where you MN anons can vote in the MN election today




Can you... feel it?

You now remember the (((grassroots))) online efforts supporting Martin Schulz where they copied every Trump meme and placed Martin Schulz head on it.

If only that was a real job


Surely attacking the family of that guy who responds very badly to attacks on his family will cause him to reconsider his political positions.

Of course, if you are from the great state of Minnesota and choose to stay home instead of vote, that means more room for people like the lovely EastCoast to vote in your stead!

People doing that here are preaching the choir, if you grab a megaphone and scream to your neighbors you'd be doing best.


Little Nick Biddle looked disgusting in Washington today. Wig all disheveled and smelling of cheap pipe tobacco and women of ill repute. Very Disrespectful. SAD!


judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2018-02-08 CEG LG to Rice (Russia Investigation Email).pdf?platform=hootsuite

If you go back and look at reporting from Jan 12, 2017 and compare dates from Grassley letter above you’ll see Comey briefed Donald Trump on the dossier at Trump Tower the day after meeting between Obama, Yates, Comey, Biden, and Rice occurred.


The ultimate redpill is understanding the necessities of life, provide the vast majority of it yourself and work as little as possible to provide what you can't provide yourself

Where's newswire when you need him

What anime is that character from?

That at that moose knuckle.

Literally at this point how do you not know?

Darling in the Franxx

he proposed doing that ages ago
good riddance

>one of these things is not like the other

Right wing seems to be rising WW (where able)
(Except Finland of course, but whatever who even cares)

Very good.. Italian elections could be fantastic, or horrible if Berlusconi is a traitor or not. (50-50)

And they got their worst performance ever. :DD And only trending worse every day

one of these things is not like the others



>he probably doesn't know.jpg

pls be real

It's for reminder purposes here. I'm on Twitter and all that shit too.

Ambassador Rice appears to have used this email to document a January 5, 2017 Oval Office meeting between President Obama, former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates regarding Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election. In particular, Ambassador Rice wrote:

>On January 5, following a briefing by IC leadership on Russian hacking during the 2016 Presidential election, President Obama had a brief follow-on conversation with FBI Director Jim Comey and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates in the Oval Office. Vice President Biden and I were also present.

>“President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities ‘by the book’. The President stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book.”

That meeting reportedly included a discussion of the Steele dossier and the FBI’s investigation of its claims. It strikes us as odd that, among your activities in the final moments on the final day of the Obama administration, you would feel the need to send yourself such an unusual email purporting to document a conversation involving President Obama and his interactions with the FBI regarding the Trump/Russia investigation. In addition, despite your claim that President Obama repeatedly told Mr. Comey to proceed ‘by the book,’ substantial questions have arisen about whether officials at the FBI, as well as at the Justice Department and the State Department, actually did proceed ‘by the book.’


Even posting on T_D will reach more potential voters

you fucking nigger
checked though


Serious question who would you rather marry Sarah or Haley? I pick Sarah.
Children would have wit and be smart like her father
More interesting hobbies with guns and such
Southern hospitality and manners
knows how to cook and bake tasty food
Doesn't bitch and complain as much as Haley would

Sarah is best girl

Yeah, Kennedy looks sad

What does Miller think about when not thinking about politics?


Say something nice about Michelle Obama's portrait, /ptg/

>incredibly cool under fire
Sherman often talked about how there were other generals who knew more but he kicked their ass at being able to think in a crisis
>knew how to win
Every other Union general refused to press their advantage (numbers and equipment), during the Wilderness Campaign they lost more than they won but he kept pressing on to Petersburg/Richmond, instead of crawling back like his predecessors
>one of the first truly modern generals
Sherman was probably ahead of him in this respect but they both saw that you won by attacking not only the other army, but by destroying infrastructure and denying your enemy the means to continue war efforts
>got drunk easily and would go on benders
Only when he had nothing to do, either a boredom or sexual thing because it was during his time in CA before the war and during the nothing happening part of Vicksburg, when it was time to fight he was always ready
>presidency didn't quite make it
Lincoln once bemoaned there's too many pigs for the tits, in regards to office seekers, Johnson made it worse. Grant really tried to get rid of them, but was outnumbered

I would marry Sarah, but have Halley as the side bitch.

Both are T H I C C

Where is the wall?

Chuck Schumer has spoken!

Hehe. He's based, though.

checked indeed

You stand against the 3 Anglo Witches. One will bomb your Dresden, one will demand Aryan blood, and the other will merely observe you. How do you proceed?

Lol for every one reb 3 yanks died. Pretty based actually

>Dems now oppose infrastructure
Imagyne my shoock



It's nice to see they are giving DeviantArt users work!

If 4 trillion dollars can't fix it then fuck all of these people they suck at their job an should be fired Trump should round'em all up and gas them faggots.

Up your ass, pedo.

I care. We'd lose our meme mines if your country goes under.

I wouldn't be surprised if Trump ends up doing something ridiculous just to point out how he beat Obama.

oh no

Communism is evil. First they shadow ban me for not thinking the same way. Now they try to kill Vanessa Trump. Sick people. I don't know if it is right to blame the people or the media and celebrities and educators (indocytinators) that brainwashed them.

Almost passable



And it was every fucking battle, but he kept pushing Lee back, because he knew he had the numbers. Foote put it best in his Civil War interviews for Burns
>Lee said "one of these days they're going to find a general I don't understand" well they never did find one but they found Grant who knew how to beat him. And did.


Shaman isn't all bad.

We wuz genius 'n shit


>Letting parents and children decide their gender on a whim
I thought doctors wrote down male or female on the birth certificate? Did I get it all wrong? Don't doctors put girls and boys in separate sections, with separate tools to care for them?

Nuclear jaguars tonight for your farm. Checked.


What the fuck bro no
For (YOU) gtfo of here

Speaking at the McConnell Center in Louisville, Schumer presents McConnell with a bottle of bourbon from Brooklyn.

McConnell: “There’s no such thing as Brooklyn Bourbon"


it should be pic related



Symbolic of his green screen recording studio.

My future wife please keep your perverted eyes away from her.


Dont mean to derail the thread but

Does anyone have a few good FashWave pics i can have? Can be trump related or not.


I'll hack you back, Anton. Initiating counter hacking.

I don't watch try hard shit?


>Priority is on aliens with criminal records
>Just kidding, arrest 'em all




This shit is so fucked on so many levels..

Why does chinaman Xi always look like he wants to be nowhere?


Crossing the border illegally IS the crime dingus

Brennan has told like 2-3 different versions about the events.

don't bother it's trash

Communists are like a splinter in the skin of reality.

Imagine the smell. You'd have the look too


ICE ICE baby, Awooever!

It shouldn't be a painting, it should be a 150 inch flat screen with this video playing.


Has the stock market recovered yet?