Brit/pol/ - Vehicular Anime edition

>Britain 'may not challenge' Donald Trump if he decides to send jihadi 'Beatles' to Guantanamo, Justice Secretary says

>Labour embroiled in new discrimination row over equalities conference which bars white men from attending

>Why you should love your 'saggy boobs'

>How Brussels plans to plug its Brexit budget blackhole through cuts, plastic taxes and visa fees

>Suffragettes? A terrorist gang who DELAYED women's votes

Other urls found in this thread:

first for forced memes

Daily reminder we share a board with this

Pot Noodle for lunch
An energy drink for dinner
Then its off to the bookies
To bet on winner
I've got 30 quid in me pocket
And some bus fare to get ome'
Fire up the internet
Time to post on polllllllll

Turn on the telly
Luv pass us't remote
Beat me wife for chatting
To the postman on her own
Flicking through the channels
Oh fuck me, what a joke
Sky sports one
Abuu mugwababa just scod' a goal

If you're paki time to go.... homeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Down't at spoons if you wanna tokeeeeeee
Av got a tattoo ov st georges flag on me throoooooooooat
Send the wogs back to the con---gooooooooo

Gimme my fucking ivor novello you cunts

I want to get a tattoo with flags in it. What do you lads think of something like this?

The spirit of British imperialism lives on.
Makes me proud.

If your under the illusion that this general is less cringy that the rest of Sup Forums, I have bad news.

I can imagine worse tattoos.


guy at work just gets tattoos for fun. Got tom hardy as bronson on his arm for the sake of it

What we watching on telly, lads?

repeats of pointless

Would you give up your life to fend off the Sharia from these isles?

>Got tom hardy as bronson on his arm for the sake of it
At least it wasn't lewd.

Documentary about Caesar.

What are your thoughts on exposing your todger to people on public transport? Is this redpilled?

>Watching TV
People still do this?

>Is this redpilled?
Pretty sure it's illegal.
She doesn't look impressed.

steerpike where are the new vids
death penalty

Throw them in jail.

Bit harsh, lads. We were all born nude

>no comfy ww2 games

>Labour embroiled in new discrimination row over equalities conference which bars white men from attending


looks great

and you'll die nude

Bring on the shariah inshallah, better than current liberal crap, mabye white birthrates will go up if women know there place

The sauronoids gather around my deep space surveyor craft
My stasis tank bleeps and my heatproof skin shimmers
I charge up my omni blasters and plant a mine in the airlock
I quickly ejaculate on the desk to perhaps confuse a passing invader or something
Shove a couple of Jaffa cakezions in my mouth quickly and get crumbs in my cumtron
Shit myself out of sheer laziness as I rationalise it as a sauronoid deterrent
The aliens penetrate the sphincter of my mining vessel with their boarding shaft
Shoot lasers at them, hands all pooey now where I couldn't help but investigate the damage earlier
Years alone in space makes you go mad, I alerted the sauronoids to my presence with a com signal for no reason
Sauronoids take me prisoner, as they cuff me with energy bracelets they cant help but be distracted by the expertly crafted anime sculptures that take up most of the living space
They have sensed something is very wrong with everthing in this scenario, even in their emotionless lizard minds with zero reference as to what normal human behaviour should look like
Giggle to myself as the lizard men try to salvage the machinery of my ship, having to wipe unidentified fluids off everything with their silly lizard man kitchen towels
Carameldansen blasting through the alarm speakers constantly, they can't turn it off and begin to shoot the speakers
The lizard men are all trying to avoid looking at me and fighting amongst themselves as to who has the burden of escorting me to their brig

Which side are you on?
Would you ban this hateful discrimination?

not in the current climate

just fucked the diet and ate 4 maryland cookies and about 10 quality street


love you lulu

Not if the meeting was held in a concentration camp.

That would be so sweet if I believed it.

You'd think encouraging it would help built a racial divide but you can't underestimate cuckoloids. They'd still vote for Labour.

any other wagies in here depressed about work tomorrow? how do you cope with this.

im going to work tomorrow for the first time in about 4 weeks and im fucking pissed off i did nothing with all that free time

Anyone else think that we need to organise? We need fraternity & brotherhood. Online & IRL.
discord: WGhf6yV

whatever you say GCHQ

Don't keep sugary snacks at home.
When you're binge-buying food just buy meat or cheese or something instead, not as bad to binge on.

99% of these discords ive been on are as off topic and blackpilled as this shithole

Is this a song about being arrested by alien police officers for watching dodgy porno?

It's hard hiding you power level.

>inb4 phone poster

Tell a new gf im getting a phone because i need more storage, too many trolling jpegs.
>"I hope they're jokey pics user and not nasty ones"
>"j-jokey yeah.."

Was i fuck her on valentines i'll show her fookin jokey lads!

Really? That bothers you? Grow up you sado.

Also I see no pizzagate threads linking Oxfam with the Clinton Foundation in Haiti, raping the locals?


Suit yourself, but you know it needs to happen. Just don't do anything illegal if you're not taking risks.


I'm making an effort to make this on topic and not as defeatist as other online Brit circles. Lets see how it goes.

Like you wanted to go anyway. They’ll let you in anyway as your gay

Do things on there time. Shit, shower, shave, open university, sell drugs. All on their time.

Getting /fit/ lads, down to 14 1/2 stone, starting in a trade next month, just got promised a few grand from dad, got a five year plan to build my money up and get a mortgage, and a ten year plan to be married to a Flip girl with a few kids by the time I'm forty.

Why didn't anyone tell me how much fun doing honest labor is? I'm nearly thirty, and only recently stumbled on how varied the trades are. No one in school told me my options, or even after. I fucked up high school because I was a stupid little shit, and then became a depressed NEET because I thought my life was irreparably fucked.

dumb frogposter

Their* ffs too much goalposting

d e a n o

What is brit/pol/ doing for valentines day?

There's only one nounce here m8 and i'm staring at it.

Decent plan apart from the miscegenation, what trade?

Sit around the house wanking
Stand around the house wanking
Walk while wanking
Shower while wanking
Shave while wanking
Shit while wanking

What is she, /brit/? My gf makes Eddies jealous I'm sure!

Thicc Wendy is cooking me bangers n mash with red wine in someone's big detached house she's looking after

Pretending my relationship isn't a hollow shell only held together by the life we mistakenly brought into this world in the pursuit of hedonism

They're not police, they're a warlike baddie species.

I am Noel Edmonds.



>Deividas Subacius sent a video to the grandparents of himself hitting the 18-month-old girl demanding £130 or he would continue to hurt the child.
>An examination of the girl showed eight healed fractures, including to her femur, wrist, collarbone and ribs.

What kind of name is that? Baltic or Romanian or something?

>Flip gir

She'll strangle you in your sleep for your pension

>West Hampstead house collapses 'from roof to basement'

>The majority of sales in West Hampstead during the last year were flats, selling for an average price of £717,494. Terraced properties sold for an average of £1,617,699, with semi-detached properties fetching £1,695,000.

tfw your 1.6 million pound middle terrace cuckbox collapses spontaneously from roof to basement
not even once

Does she know you do knowing but post pictures of her on a nasty vietnam basketweaving forum for autistic man childs?

Lol you'll never have a relationship like mine.

On the plus side atleast they won't get reamed by inheritance tax anymore

>if it ends in -us he's probably Lithuanian

>Not playing Day of Infamy and larping as Brits.

>Does she know you do knowing but post pictures of her on a nasty vietnam basketweaving forum for autistic man childs?

What did you mean by this?

Well, you very well might be yeah. This place attracts those types.
I'm sure you've met enough producers in your time and all... you know it's not all conspiracy

Avoiding the missus. I forgot her birthday 2 years in a row, at least valentines will be deliberate...


>collapses 'from roof to basement'
DIY shows were a mistake.

No. I don't know? What was the question?

i usually just post on here while im on their time, kind of like i do on my own time


Sad reality is it has better odds of working out than if I picked up the lass who serves the local Co-op counter. At least I get three or so productive years out of it where I can have kids and get them on my passport, and a chance of keeping them if it goes tits up after, as I'll be a reasonably well off home-owner and she'll be a high-school educated foreigner on gibs, living in a b&b.

Locksmithing mate.

Maybe, but I'll die more successful than I am now, having had as much sex as I can wring out of a wife who has motivation to keep the relationship fresh, have passed on my genes, with a clause in my will that if my death is in any way odd she gets nothing.

Going out for food and drinks with my gf

at least light a candle or something

Don't have one
Such is modern life in Britain today

Gardens? Thing of the past!

Uganda is getiing CONGOD
is COPE here?
how does he feel about this

Probably harassing you cunts like usual.

Good lad, it's better without a waifu sperging out over you forgotting her b/day, the day you met, your anniversary, mothers day, valentines day, new year, Christmas, easter, first summer holiday every. Single. Fickin. Year.

>Implying someone with high intensity autism couldn't search the net for sellers on eBay of Björk by Jean-Baptiste Mondino for Debut album cover, 1993 printed on A4 Kodak poster and find out exactly who she is by combing through eBay listings and feedback left for buyers and sellers

Don't make me ruin and evening, kid

South African lions eat 'poacher', leaving just his head

I'd be your wife user if i were a girl.

Jesus christ get your shit together and adopt if you want a kid. Don't go for a fucking 1/10 fillo because it's easiest, try and have a nice white family.

Starting April will I seriously be unable to browse porn and Sup Forums unless providing my fucking credit card details?

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

>try and have a nice white family
Yeah, leave her for Ahmed so she can pop out a dozen little Mohameds.

I doubt it.

You could alway give gookmook £20 and use a vpn but I won't get through the HoL

dont get a tattoo anything except a small symbol are awful

ask a girl out

>implying ahmeds racemix

how about this

>Politics board
>No discussion of politics
>Only 30 year old virgins discussing how to get a girlfriend
>These retards who can't even find a love conquest genuinellllllllly believe they're gonna come out on top in a race war and/or any war with anyone

Say that again, kid?