Service for you oniichan
Tenshi no 3P
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do girls do this?
Its habbeding
Picked the fuck up.
Make way for real woman
Oh I forgot about this one, when does the one about the maid cafe comes out?
Waifu of the season
They know 2D feet is cute and sexy.
That's it.
I'm gonna commit a crime.
Loli basket with spats was better.
Best girl. No contest.
Second best.
I feel guilty for loving her so much because the lolis are great.
Don't tax evade user.
The 3P is finally happening
Hamu hamu.
Anyone have that "completely erect" image.
RIP my penis. I couldn't save you however I didn't want to save you.
this is too far
Picked up
Didn't know google have that image.
I thought it's obscure Sup Forums meme. Thanks.
Nothing on Sup Forums is obscure anymore.
>There are people ignoring loliii handing out flyers
What a horrible world.
>dozo onii-chan
I want to massage it with my tongue.
I'll watch it.
What do you use for stitching?
Being "bullied" aside, the MC really is lucky.
>doesn't even have visible hips developing
too young for lewd please stop
I'm so glad I picked this up
Oh, you stitch them manually? I thought you were using an automated software.
Holy shit picked up.
I see hips though.
Not much, but I see 'em.
There's automated function on photoshop too. Though I do them manually for show I really like.
What is wrong with that poem? Does it sound funny or silly?
Wait, why is Jimi Hendrix there?
Tiny lolihips are one of the best things about lolis, user.
Those some very smooth lickable legs.
Huh, I guess I'll look into that, wanted to do some stitches a few weeks ago and couldn't and was too lazy to do it manually.
I want to have sex with the imouto while she looks furiously at me with disgust
It's obvious that the author likes Hendrix. Even the orphanage name is Little Wing
>The slut wasn't a slut
What a twist. Any request for webms, stitches or transparents?
It's in File -> Automated -> Photomerge -> Reposition, it's not perfect though.
Aye, I too wish for lolidom.
Maybe something that hasn't been posted already
Can you explain what's going on in this thread?
me on the left
My dick is being pleased.
>You aren't even resisting! You could stop this any time you want, since you're much stronger than me! You really are gross, onii-chan.
We're talking about our favorite show about little girls making music and nothing else I swear.
Then I don't think there's anything else I could stitch.
Which tenshi would you 3P?
Saku-chan and Sora
This scene was lewd as FUCK holy shit.
I had to pause and replay it 10 time from the dose of over-lewd.
>full blown lolidom
>Lolidom into tender love because she loses all her loli strength when you tell her how much you love her
Is it humanly possible to choose one ?
>came for loli
>get Japanese bullying
Loli imoutos are truly the best.
Fucking pillow!
lolis and bulliying is match made in heaven
I want a loli to bully me.
It's not even that much of a bullying, worst thing they did was gave him a nickname and people does that all the time. MC is too paranoid.
Aye, espically loli bullying grown oniichan.
Nozomi's budding body! Widening hips! Strands of new hair!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
>implying loli bullying is nothing short of impotent and thus not extremely kawaii
Nigga bullying only works if the threat behind it is actually real. Lolidom works well if they go "I'll report you to the police if you don't...", but it's just cute if they call you names and make fun of your NEETness or some shit.
I'd wish.
I love this show so much.
Stay strong Tenshi no 3P.
The Age of Girl Band, as foretold by Bushiroad, has begun but we must not let down the guard against the Idol Counter-revolutionaries.
Fuck, my lolicon self can't help enjoying this anime.
Sorry buddy, but you misclicked
she was trying. It was cute
I know this is a desperate bait, but Global rule 7
Is she getting enough sleep?
Oh user. Here you go.
Don't spend it all on one place, okay? We're not a charity.
Sleepy loli can never have enough sleep.
oh bby
Honestly this only serves as promo for the upcoming doujins.
Show is akward , plot makes no sense and the music is generic shit.
Will fap to the doujins regardless.
No, she works at night to make money for the orphanage
(you) me all you want, faggot, I will have the last laugh when the cops come knocking on your door and drag your mommy basement dwelling ass to that station for a 'talk'.
>M-Muh sekrit pedo club
Never been on reddit. Don't plan on going there. Fuck off to shitchan with your pedo crap.
She should sleep on my lap.
>slight skindentation
Didn't someone make a (You) of this?
how much would you pay for those stockings?
You just described every anime ever.
Though sometimes the music is good.
>When you're an older brother raising two little sisters by yourself