well, pol?
Objectively, how do you deny privilege?
Other urls found in this thread:
i dont need to "deny" anything
you need to prove it
With a smile
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa WHOA!
SO, are you trying to tell me, that life isn't fair? HOLY FUCK, I NEVER REALIZED THAT!
Thank you for opening my eyes, OP.
You cannot. Privilege is factor of human society that we never can get rid off.
If the concept of privilege seems imaginary to you, clearly you are privileged. I'm not saying that white cis male has to be exterminated. I'm saying that giving the downdrodden a little push would make everything better.
>some people & their lineage does better
>you're guilty for having advantageous traits
>the state of leftists mental midgetry
Its not about issue of privilege itself, but how much of it can be justified in society. If there is too much of privileges social cohesion will brake down.
There is, no such thing, as white privilege.
Only non-white incompetence.
Yep, all a mentally retarded individual needs is a little push and he'll be the genius we all KNOW is possible. Better yet, why not take the geniuses and lobotomize them so they aren't so privileged anymore? That's a another step towards equality, right?
Hey look, another fucking retarded "proof" of privilege when they make up their own rule to prove it
truth is, nurture and nature both make a substantial impact and taking one out of the equation equals to outing yourself as a jew pushing its own agenda
I wouldn't even partake in this bullshit. In the time it took this (white...and therefore presumably privileged) asshole to finish guilt tripping the morons at the front and patronizing the morons at the back, I could have earned 30 bucks.
Equality of privilege does not equal equality of outcome. Hard work is nearly always rewarded, provided the hard work at the start was in planning how and what hard work to do.
Niggers (the white variety as well as the black) simply don't get this. Which is why they are poor, both in financial terms and in their social life.
You can’t. Privilege = power.
I don't. I like my privileges and I'm not going to give them up. I'll negotiate with women since we are interdependent and as such I care about women's well being and happiness but foreigners can get fucked.
nice strawman. But okay, why wouldn't you want to push a retard towards contributing to society, even on a minor level? And why would anyone lobotomize geniouses? You realize no rational person is advocating that? No one has to be pulled down to make a retard's life better.
>muh nurture and nature
stop quoting provocateur faggots and think for yourself. Find me a study that shows women are biologically destined to be wetnurses.
Look into Jim Crow laws, voter ID laws and school segregation. Can you honestly, really say black people in the US are doing worse because they're dumb from the getgo? Your reasoning must be very motivated
>No one has to be pulled down to make a retard's life better.
Taking the time to help retards achieve their full potential (whatever that means) prevents you from reaching your own full potential. It's swings and roundabouts whichever way you look at it. But I wouldn't expect a retard to notice such a blindingly obvious fact.
By all means, socialize the stuff we all use (roads, hospitals, schools, etc) so long as you give people the choice of going private if they wish. But keep your commie nose out of peoples private lives and decisions.
What you are pushing here isn't equality. It's jealousy.
So how does this work in a country like Japan, South Korea, and any non-white prosperous society?
"Privilege" as defined by fake liberals is a way to shame whites.
>But okay, why wouldn't you want to push a retard towards contributing to society, even on a minor level?
The point I was making was that there is more to privilege then socioeconomic factors and that it would take far more than "a little push" to overcome genetic disadvantages. This is a major point since most people's socioeconomic predicaments are the result of individual genetic differences. Either the retard has the ability to overcome his disadvantage or he doesn't, and no amount of pushing is going to change the latter. It's ok to offer a little push but the problem comes when people can't recognize the point where it becomes futile, as can be seen by the way niggers have been handled.
>And why would anyone lobotomize geniouses? You realize no rational person is advocating that?
I wouldn't refer to anyone talking seriously about the "problem of privilege" as rational. And a good number of those that do talk about such things feel that the best way, perhaps the only way, of ending white privilege is by getting rid of white people.
And yet it's amazing how niggers were far better off back then than they are today.
>so how does majority privilege work in a country where they aren’t a majority
>niggers got no dads
Thanks LBJ
No need to. Privlege exsists. Superior people are born with the privlege of ancestors that toiled just a little bit harder, were just a little bit smarter, fought just a little bit harder to preserve their life when succumbing would have been easier. Our privlege runs in our blood and is our birthright. Through our own toil and efforts we continue the fight and build upon what we have inherited. Privlege is right and justified.
>Either the retard has the ability to overcome his disadvantage or he doesn't, and no amount of pushing is going to change the latter.
Do you agree that changing the retard's environment, where instead of just being nurtured and fed, he's constantly being inspired and mentored by educators, makes a significant difference on the retard's life course?
>i wouldn't refer to anyone talking seriously about the "problem of privilege" as rational
Do you think seeing people you disagree with as idiots stops you from having a legitimate debate?
You do realize you're talking about completely different countries with very different norms? Japanese are racist as hell. Maybe they're doing well economaclly. They're also killing themselves in astronomical numbers.